Scholarly publications
Kaymakci, B.
, Philbert, D., Hazen, A. C. M., Heringa, M., Kwint, H. F., Zwart, D. L. M., van Dijk, L., Kälvemark Sporrong, S.
, & Kempen, T. G. H. (2024).
Pharmacists’ perspectives on potential pharmacist prescribing: a nationwide survey in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. Advance online publication., L. E. M., van den Ham, H. A., Schellekens, A. F. A.
, Philbert, D., & Bouvy, M. L. (2025).
Patient satisfaction with prescription opioid education in primary care.
Patient Education and Counseling,
131, Article 108572. Advance online publication. Coppes, T., Philbert, D., Van Riet, M., van Gelder, T.
, Bouvy, M., & Koster, E. (2024).
Medication management during risk of dehydration: A qualitative study among elderly patients with impaired renal function and informal caregivers.
European Journal of General Practice,
30(1), Article 2413097. Coppes, T., Philbert, D., van Gelder, T.
, Bouvy, M. L., & Koster, E. S. (2024).
Medication management during sick days: No differences between patients with and without impaired renal function.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation,
54(9), Article e14231. Professional publications
Meije, R., Selvanayagam, T., Philbert, D., Bouvy, M., van Tuyll van Serooskerken, A.-M., Haeck, I., & Gemmeke, M. (2024). Betere eczeemzorg dankzij e-learning en informatieboekje: Apothekersassistenten hebben meer zelfvertrouwen bij begeleiden van patiënten. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 159(39), 12-13.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Koster, E., Philbert, D., Prins, H., van Amerongen, K.
, & Bouvy, M. (2022).
Patiënten tevreden over contact apotheek tijdens coronacrisis.
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad,
157(1/2), 22-23. 2021
Scholarly publications
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., Zheng, X., Moradi, N., de Vries, T. W.
, & Bouvy, M. L. (2021).
Reducing corticosteroid phobia in pharmacy staff and parents of children with atopic dermatitis.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy,
43(5), 1237-1244. Professional publications
Koster, E., Philbert, D., & Gardarsdottir, H. (2021). Implementatie keuzetool zelfzorgapps blijkt lastig: Diabetes: Gebruik van apps bij ondersteuning van zelfmanagement. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 156(35), 14-15.
Koster, E., Philbert, D., & Bouvy, M. (2021). Achterhalen van nierfunctiewaarden kost nog veel tijd: Apothekers en patiënten enthousiast over project nier check & gesprek. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 156(8), 20-23.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., Wagelaar, K. R., Galle, S.
, & Bouvy, M. L. (2019).
Optimizing pharmaceutical care for pediatric patients with dermatitis: perspectives of parents and pharmacy staff.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy,
41(3), 711-718. Professional publications
Koster, E., Philbert, D., & Gardarsdottir, H. (2019). Diabetespatiënt heeft hulp nodig bij keuze geschikte app: Zelfmanagement bij diabetes wordt als positief ervaren . Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 17, 18-19.
Scholarly publications
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., van Dijk, L., Rademakers, J., de Smet, P. A. G. M.
, Bouvy, M. L., & Vervloet, M. (2018).
Recognizing pharmaceutical illiteracy in community pharmacy: Agreement between a practice-based interview guide and questionnaire based assessment.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy,
14(9), 812-816. Vervloet, M.
, van Dijk, L., Rademakers, J. J. D. J. M.
, Bouvy, M. L., De Smet, P. A. G. M.
, Philbert, D., & Koster, E. S. (2018).
Recognizing and Addressing Limited PHarmaceutical literacy: Development of the RALPH interview guide.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy,
14(9), 805-811. publications
Scholarly publications
Kosse, R. C., Bouvy, M. L., Philbert, D., De Vries, T. W.
, & Koster, E. S. (2017).
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Use in Adolescents: The Patient's Perspective.
Journal of Adolescent Health,
61(5), 619-625. Koster, E. S., Schmidt, A.
, Philbert, D., van de Garde, E. M. W., & Bouvy, M. L. (2017).
Health literacy of patients admitted for elective surgery.
Journal of Public Health ,
25(2), 181-186. Professional publications
Koster, E. S., Schmidt, A.
, Philbert, D., van de Garde, E. M. W., & Bouvy, M. L. (2017).
Beperkte gezondheidsvaardigheden vormen risico bij ziekenhuisopname: Ruim helft patiënten heeft moeite met complexe gezondheidsbeslissingen.
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad,
152(4), 18-19. Koster, E. S., Pieters, E., & Philbert, D. (2017). Online apotheekinformatie kan een stuk begrijpelijker: Meeste apotheken scoren voldoende voor toegankelijkheid in het algemeen. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 152(46).
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., Wiltink, E., & Karapinar, F. (2017). Ziekenhuisapothekers zien clinical rules als stap vooruit: Score duidelijk beter dan voor klassieke medicatiebewaking; nog wel wensen. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 152(42).
Scholarly publications
Koster, E. S., Blom, L., Overbeeke, M. R.
, Philbert, D., Vervloet, M., Koopman, L.
, & van Dijk, L. (2016).
Quality of pharmaceutical care at the pharmacy counter: Patients’ experiences versus video observation.
Patient Preference and Adherence,
10, 363-369. Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., Noordam, M.
, Winters, N. A., Blom, L., & Bouvy, M. L. (2016).
Availability of information on renal function in Dutch community pharmacies.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy,
38(4), 797-801. Van Dijk, M.
, Blom, L., Koopman, L.
, Philbert, D., Koster, E., Bouvy, M., & van Dijk, L. (2016).
Patient-provider communication about medication use at the community pharmacy counter.
The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice,
24(1), 13-21. publications
Scholarly publications
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., de Vries, T. W.
, van Dijk, L., & Bouvy, M. L. (2015).
"I just forget to take it": asthma self-management needs and preferences in adolescents.
Journal of Asthma,
52(8), 831-837. Hromadkova, L., Heerdink, E. R., Philbert, D., & Bouvy, M. L. (2015).
Association between concomitant psychiatric drug use, and patients' beliefs about and persistence with chronic cardiovascular medication.
International Journal of Clinical Practice,
69(3), 328-335. Professional publications
Philbert, D., Koster, E., Zwikker, H., & Bouvy, M. (2015). Apothekers zien veel onvrede bij gebruikers inhalatiemedicatie: Onderzoek: Één op drie apothekers negeert preferentiebeleid inhalatiemedicatie. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 150(19), 12-13.
Scholarly publications
Philbert, D., Notenboom, K., Bouvy, M. L., & van Geffen, E. C. G. (2014). Problems experienced by older people when opening medicine packaging. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22, 200-204.
Philbert, D., Notenboom, K., Koster, E. S., Fietjé, E. H.
, van Geffen, E. C. G., & Bouvy, M. L. (2014).
Pharmacy technicians' attention to problems with opening medicine packaging.
Journal of Pharmacy Technology,
30(1), 3-7. Koster, E. S., Blom, A. T. G., Philbert, D., Rump, H. H., & Bouvy, M. L. (2014).
The Utrecht Pharmacy Practice network for education and research: A network of community and hospital pharmacies in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy,
36(4), 669. Professional publications
Koster, E., Philbert, D., Van Lieshoud, J., & Bouvy, M. (2014). Apotheker kan huisarts actiever adviseren over antidepressiva. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 149(40-41), 20-21.
Other output
Koster, E. S., Philbert, D., Van Dijk, L. L., De Vries, T. W.
, & Bouvy, M. L. (2014).
Adolescent asthmatics' needs and preferences regarding medication counseling: Results from online focus groups.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
23(S1), 156-157. Article 295. 2012
Scholarly publications
Fietjé, E. H., Philbert, D., van Geffen, E. C. G., Winters, N. A., & Bouvy, M. L. (2012). Adherence to Oseltamivir Guidelines during Influenza Pandemic, the Netherlands. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18(3), 534-535.
Scholarly publications
van Geffen, E. C. G., Philbert, D., van Boheemen, C., van Dijk, L., Bos, M. B., & Bouvy, M. L. (2011). Patients' satisfaction with information and experiences with counseling on cardiovascular medication received at the pharmacy. Patient Education and Counseling, 83(3), 303-9.
Scholarly publications
van Geffen, E. C. G., Meuwese, E., Philbert, D., & Bouvy, M. L. (2010). Problems with Medicine Packages: Experiences Reported to a Dutch Medicine Reporting System. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 44, 1104-1109.
Professional publications
van Geffen, E., Meuwese, E., Philbert, D., & Bouvy, M. (2009). Problemen met verpakkingen van geneesmiddelen: Ervaringen gemeld bij het meldpunt medicijnen. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 144(47), 199-203.