Daphne coordinates the elective course Pharmacy practice research (Master course). In this course students perform all the steps of a small pharmacy practice study (preparation, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results). Students also report their findings, e.g. in the form of a professional publication, a factsheet or a poster. Every year at least one report is also published in the Pharmaceutisch Weekblad.
During the internships, Daphne coordinates the pharmacy practice research that students perform, as well as the 'maatjestraject' - a buddy project that involves several contact moments between the student and an elderly patient (invited by the pharmacist).
In addition, she coordinates the elective course Learning from the patient (Bachelor course), in which students develop information material for a specific patient group. In the past, students have developed animations, flyers and apps.
Daphne is also involved in the supervision of students during their research project.