Dr. Dennis Nguyen is assistant professor for Digital Literacy and Digital Methods at the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. His current research investigates the framing of data-driven technologies in public discourses, data ecologies, differences between digital cultures, and the role of critical data literacy in the digital society. To this end, Nguyen works with different digital- and computational methods as well as conventional methods along the qualitative-quantitative spectrum.
He received his PhD in Media, Culture & Society from the University of Hull, UK. In his thesis, Nguyen analysed online public spheres and political communication, with emphasis placed on transnational political discourses. Prior to his PhD studies, he completed a German Magister Artium in Communication Sciences (major), English (1. minor) and History (2nd minor) at the University of Münster and an MA in Applied Communication at Coventry University.
From 2015 to 2022, he worked as a senior lecturer, researcher, and graduation coordinator for the Creative Business program (BA, formerly International Communication and Media) and Data-Driven Design program (MA) at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht in the Netherlands.
Aside from his academic endeavours, he has practical experience in consultancy, journalism, and public relations.