Dr. Deni Mazrekaj

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer C2.18
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. Deni Mazrekaj

Assistant Professor

Highlighted publications

Jaspers, E., Mazrekaj, D., & Machado, W. (2024). Doing Genders: Partner’s Gender and Labor Market Behavior. American Sociological Review, 89(3), 518-541. https://doi.org/10.1177/00031224241252079
Mazrekaj, D., & Witte, K. D. (2024). The Impact of School Closures on Learning and Mental Health of Children: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(4), 686-693. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916231181108
Mazrekaj, D. (2022). Inclusion of LGBT+ researchers is key. Nature, 605(7908), 30-30. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-01187-z
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Cabus, S. (2020). School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Parents: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data. American Sociological Review, 85(5), 830-856. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122420957249
Schiltz, F., Mazrekaj, D., Horn, D., & De Witte, K. (2019). Does it matter when your smartest peers leave your class? Evidence from Hungary. Labour Economics, 59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2019.04.001
Mazrekaj, D., Verhagen, M. D., Kumar, A., & Muzio, D. (2024). Does Price Personalization Ethically Outperform Unitary Pricing? A Thought Experiment and a Simulation Study. Journal of Business Ethics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05828-3



Scholarly publications

Mazrekaj, D., Verhagen, M. D., Kumar, A., & Muzio, D. (2024). Does Price Personalization Ethically Outperform Unitary Pricing? A Thought Experiment and a Simulation Study. Journal of Business Ethics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05828-3
Kröner, L., Mazrekaj, D., van der Lippe, T., & Poortman, A. R. (2024). Profiles Among Women Without a Paid Job and Social Benefits: An Intersectional Perspective Using Dutch Population Register Data. Social Policy and Administration. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.13080
Jin, Y., & Mazrekaj, D. (2024). The association between parenthood and health: A comparison of people in same-sex and different-sex relationships. SSM - Population Health, 26, Article 101685. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2024.101685
Arin, K. P., Mazrekaj, D., Thum, M., Lacomba, J. A., & Lagos, F. (2024). Identity and inequality misperceptions, demographic determinants and efficacy of corrective measures. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 12300. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-62046-7
Jaspers, E., Mazrekaj, D., & Machado, W. (2024). Doing Genders: Partner’s Gender and Labor Market Behavior. American Sociological Review, 89(3), 518-541. https://doi.org/10.1177/00031224241252079
Titl, V., Mazrekaj, D., & Schiltz, F. (2024). Identifying Politically Connected Firms: A Machine Learning Approach. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 86(1), 137-155. https://doi.org/10.1111/obes.12586
Mazrekaj, D., & Witte, K. D. (2024). The Impact of School Closures on Learning and Mental Health of Children: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(4), 686-693. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916231181108


Scholarly publications

Mazrekaj, D., & Jin, Y. (2023). Mental health of children with gender and sexual minority parents: a review and future directions. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-6. Article 509. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02019-9
Arin, K. P., Mazrekaj, D., & Thum, M. (2023). Ability of detecting and willingness to share fake news. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-12. Article 7298. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34402-6

Professional publications

Palmaccio, S., De Witte, K., & Mazrekaj, D. (2023). Als een doorsnee gezin niet meer traditioneel is. Leuvense Economische Standpunten. Web publication/site, KU Leuven.
Mazrekaj, D., Arin, K. P., & Thum, M. (2023). Those who (don’t) recognize and spread fake news.. Web publication/site, Nature behind the Paper.
Mazrekaj, D. (2023). Work and the Transgender Employee. Web publication/site, contexts blog. https://contexts.org/blog/gender-inclusivity/


Scholarly publications

Kaufman, G., Auður Magndís Auðardóttir, Mazrekaj, D., Pettigrew, R. N., Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, M., Vuckovic Juros, T., & Yerkes, M. (2022). Are parenting leaves available for LGBTQ parents? Examining policies in Canada, Croatia, France, Iceland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In I. Dobrotić, S. Blum, & A. Koslowski (Eds.), Research Handbook on Leave Policy: Parenting and Social Inequalities in a Global Perspective (pp. 325-337). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800372214.00035
Mazrekaj, D., Witte, K. D., & Triebs, T. P. (2022). Mind the Gap: Measuring Academic Underachievement Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Exceptional Children, 88(4), 442-459. https://doi.org/10.1177/00144029211073524
Mazrekaj, D., Fischer, M. M., & Bos, H. M. W. (2022). Behavioral Outcomes of Children with Same-Sex Parents in The Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 1-12. Article 5922. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19105922
Mazrekaj, D. (2022). Inclusion of LGBT+ researchers is key. Nature, 605(7908), 30-30. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-01187-z

Professional publications

Mazrekaj, D., Fischer, M. M., & Bos, H. (2022). Gedragsuitkomsten van kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht. Percentiel, 27(5), 12-13. https://www.percentiel.be/nl/nieuws/medisch-nieuws/gedragsuitkomsten-van-kinderen-met-nbsp-ouders-van-gelijk-geslacht.html
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Triebs, T. P. (2022). A new approach to measuring underachievement. Researching Education, 9(6). https://researchingeducation.com/mazrekaj/
Arin, K. P., Lacomba, J. A., Lagos, F., Mazrekaj, D., & Thum, M. (2022). Hohe Fehlwahrnehmungen zu wichtigen politischen Themen in der Bevölkerung. ifo Dresden berichtet, 29(2), 10-14. https://www.ifo.de/en/publikationen/2022/article-journal/hohe-fehlwahrnehmungen-zu-wichtigen-politischen-themen-der


Scholarly publications

Mazrekaj, D., & Wursten, J. (2021). Stata tip 142: joinby is the real merge m:m. Stata Journal, 21(4), 1065-1068. https://doi.org/10.1177/1536867x211063416
Badunenko, O., Mazrekaj, D., Kumbhakar, S., & De Witte, K. (2021). Persistent and transient inefficiency in adult education. Empirical Economics, 60(6), 2925–2942. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-020-01966-5

Professional publications

Mazrekaj, D., & De Witte, K. (2021). The effect of modular education on school dropout. Researching Education, 2(1). https://researchingeducation.com/mazrekaj_4/
Palmaccio, S., Mazrekaj, D., & De Witte, K. (2021). Barriers to Same-Sex Parenting Remain in Europe and are Unfounded. Feminist Perspectives. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/barriers-to-same-sex-parenting-remain-in-europe-and-are-unfounded


Scholarly publications

Schiltz, F., De Witte, K., & Mazrekaj, D. (2020). Managerial efficiency and efficiency differentials in adult education: a conditional and bias-corrected efficiency analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 288, 529–546. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03269-0
Mazrekaj, D., & Witte, K. D. (2020). The effect of modular education on school dropout. British Educational Research Journal, 46(1), 92-121. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3569
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Cabus, S. (2020). School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Parents: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data. American Sociological Review, 85(5), 830-856. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122420957249

Professional publications

Schiltz, F., Titl, V., & Mazrekaj, D. (2020). The EU’s SDG monitoring and reporting not yet fit for purpose: Towards and inclusive, participatory and transparent process that works for all. SDG Watch Europe. https://www.sdgwatcheurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/MONITORING-CHAPTER.pdf
Schiltz, F., De Witte, K., & Mazrekaj, D. (2020). Een efficiëntie-analyse van ondernemerschapsonderwijs in Vlaanderen. Over.Werk, 30(2), 55-59. https://www.steunpuntwerk.be/node/4107
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Cabus, S. (2020). De schoolprestaties van kinderen met homoseksuele ouders. Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 183, 1-6. https://denimazrekaj.com/wp-content/uploads/Kinderen-met-Homoseksuele-Ouders-Mazrekaj-De-Witte-en-Cabus.pdf
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Vansteenkiste, S. (2019). Labour market consequences of a high school diploma. Applied Economics, 51(21), 2313-2325. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2018.1543939
Schiltz, F., Mazrekaj, D., Horn, D., & De Witte, K. (2019). Does it matter when your smartest peers leave your class? Evidence from Hungary. Labour Economics, 59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2019.04.001

Professional publications

De Witte, K., Schiltz, F., & Mazrekaj, D. (2019). Efficiëntie van SYNTRA-opleidingen. SYNTRA Flanders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335209831_Studie_ondernemerschapstrajecten_SYNTRA-netwerk_Efficientie_van_SYNTRA-opleidingen
De Witte, K., Mazrekaj, D., & Schiltz, F. (2019). Economisch effect van SYNTRA-opleidingen. SYNTRA Flanders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335210020_Studie_ondernemerschapstrajecten_SYNTRA-netwerk_Economisch_effect_van_SYNTRA-opleidingen
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Schiltz, F. (2019). Het rendement van ondernemerschapsonderwijs op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Over.Werk, 29(2), 83-90. https://denimazrekaj.com/wp-content/uploads/Rendement-Ondernemerschapsonderwijs-Published-Over.Werk-20.12.2019.pdf


Professional publications

Juchtmans, G., Mazrekaj, D., Meert, C., De Rick, K., & De Witte, K. (2017). Schoolverzuim in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. Perspective.Brussels. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333602654_Schoolverzuim_in_het_Brussels_Hoofdstedelijk_Gewest
Mazrekaj, D., & Schiltz, F. (2017). On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies. Publications Office of the European Union. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/5561
De Witte, K., & leuven, K. (2017). Vroegtijdig schoolverlaten: Evidence based aanbevelingen. In K. De Witte, & J. Hindriks (Eds.), De Geslaagde School (pp. 85-117). Skribis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333602678_De_Geslaagde_School_Hoofdstuk_4_Vroegtijdig_schoolverlaten_Evidence_based_aanbevelingen
Mazrekaj, D., De Witte, K., & Vansteenkiste, S. (2017). Het rendement van een diploma middelbaar onderwijs op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Over.Werk, 27(1), 10-15. https://www.steunpuntwerk.be/node/3623


Professional publications

De Rick, K., Mazrekaj, D., & De Witte, K. (2016). Het rendement van opleidingen in het beleidsdomein “Werk”. Flemish Ministry of Work and Social Economy. https://publicaties.vlaanderen.be/view-file/29403
De Rick, K., Mazrekaj, D., & De Witte, K. (2016). Hoe kunnen we weten of opleidingen in het beleidsdomein Werk renderen? Over.Werk, 26(2), 83-90. https://www.steunpuntwerk.be/node/3571
De Witte, K., & Mazrekaj, D. (2016). Vroegtijdig schoolverlaten in het (deeltijds) beroepsonderwijs. Over.Werk, 26(1), 111-119. https://www.steunpuntwerk.be/node/3503


Professional publications

De Witte, K., & Mazrekaj, D. (2015). Vroegtijdig schoolverlaten: Evidence based beleidsaanbevelingen. Itinera. https://www.itinerainstitute.org/nl/artikel/vroegtijdig-schoolverlaten-meer-ambitie-nodig-om-een-verloren-generatie-te-vermijden/