Together with my colleagues Alex van Silfhout and Bonny Kuipers I give technical support in the Physical and Colloid Chemistry group. I am responsible for several analysis set-ups like the zetasizer with titration unit, UVvis spectrometer, reometer, density meter, analytical (ultra) centrifuges, and pH and conductivity meters. I have experience with the synthesis of colloidal particles like silica, hematite, goethite.
My research is mainly for the Haase group. I synthesize particles and try to use them in the fabrication of bijels. Analysis of bijels is performed with scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.
Together with Thijs Hagendijk and Monica Barosso Silva da Cruz I give the labcourse "Chemistry and Art" to UCU students.
I am Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Contact Person and can be contacted for safety issues.