

Scholarly publications

Allen, J., Gauthier, D., Gallio, I., (TRANS.), & Boisset, L., (TRANS.) (2024). Infrastructures critiques. In Infrastructures critiques (pp. 23-46). Les presses du réel.
Hoel, A., Skinner, S., Djuric, J., Gauthier, D., Geerts, E., Sauzet, S., & Tamboukou, M. (2024). Curated Panel: ‘Genealogies and Apparatuses of New Materialist Production’. In I. van der Tuin, & F. Colman (Eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms (pp. 105-135). (New Materialisms). Edinburgh University Press.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2023). Against "objects from nowhere": On logos, sophistry, proofs, and the "being" of mathematical objects. Abstract from Bayesian Knowledge: Situated and Pluriversal Perspectives, London, United Kingdom.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2021). Recursions without Results: Between Type and Recursion. Abstract from New Materialist Informatics, Kassel, Germany.
Gauthier, D., Samson, A., Snodgrass, E., Soon, W., & Tyżlik-Carver, M. (2021). Executing. In N. B. Thylstrup, A. Daniela, A. Ring, C. D'Ignazio, & K. Veel (Eds.), Uncertain Archives (pp. 209-216). MIT Press.

Popularising publications

Gauthier, D. (2021). Circuits, Essays. FOCUS On Sound, 38-39.


Scholarly publications

Longo, G., & Gauthier, D., (TRANS.) (2020). Scientific Thought and Absolutes. Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 25(3), 120-130.

Popularising publications

Gauthier, D. (Ed.) (2020). List server busy. Full digest rescheduled: A compendium of listserv discussions & divagations 1995-2019. Torque Editions.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2019). Iteration vs Itineration: On Theory and the debugger. Abstract from XVII MAGIS International Film and Media Studies Spring School
– Media Archaeology Section, Goriza, Italy.
Barok, D., Boschat Thorez, J., Dekker, A., Gauthier, D., & Roeck, C. (2019). Archiving complex digital artworks. Abstract from American Institute for Conservation (AIC)'s 47th Annual Meeting, Uncasville, Connecticut, United States.
Dieter, M., Gauthier, D., & Tuters, M. (2019). Conversation pieces: On recounting new media art mailinglist cultures. Internet Histories, 3(3-4), 245-274.
Barok, D., Boschat Thorez, J., Dekker, A., Gauthier, D., & Roeck, C. (2019). Archiving complex digital artworks. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 42(2), 94-113.
Dieter, M., & Gauthier, D. (2019). On the Politics of Chrono-Design: Capture, Time and the Interface. Theory, Culture and Society, 36(2), 61-87.
Gauthier, D., Dieter, M., & Tuters, M. (2019). Never-ending inbox: a comparative study of media arts mailinglists. Abstract from The Web that Was (RESAW conference), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Gauthier, D. (2019). Phase to Phase: On Oceanic Oscillations, Measurements, Predictions, and Chronographs. ASAP/Journal, 4(3), 487-495.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2018). Machine Language and the Illegibility of the Zwischen. In P. Hesselberth, J. Houwen, E. Peeren, & R. de Vos (Eds.), Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines (pp. 147-165). (Thamyris/intersecting: place, sex and race). Brill | Rodopi.
Gauthier, D. (2018). Loading... 800% Slower. In H. Pritchard, E. Snodgrass, & M. Tyżlik-Carver (Eds.), Executing Practices (pp. 127-135). (DATA Browser; Vol. 6). Open Humanities Press.
Gauthier, D. (2018). On Commands and Executions: Tyrants, Spectres and Vagabonds. In H. Pritchard, E. Snodgrass, & M. Tyżlik-Carver (Eds.), Executing Practices (pp. 69-84). (DATA Browser; Vol. 6). Open Humanities Press.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2017). Hardware Porn or Itinerancy? Continent, 6(1), 38-39.
Gauthier, D., Tuters, M., & Dieter, M. (2017). Mailing lists are dead, long live mailing lists! periodising discourses, debates and infrastructures of nettime, empyre, spectre and crumb. Paper presented at Re:Trace: 7th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Krems, Austria.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D. (2016). Machine-Readable: On Execution and Obscurantism. Abstract from European Summer School for Cultural Studies (ESSCS) on Legibility, Leiden, Netherlands.
Allen, J., & Gauthier, D. (2016). Critical Infrastructure. In R. Bishop, K. Gansing, J. Parikka, & E. Wilk (Eds.), Across & beyond: A transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions (pp. 262-269). Sternberg Press.


Scholarly publications

Bak, J., Verplank, B., & Gauthier, D. (2015). Motors, Music and Motion. In TEI '15: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 367-374). Association for Computing Machinery.
Gauthier, D. (2015). The Politics of the "Cold Gaze". Paper presented at *.exe (ver0.1): conversations on code, power & death, Aarhus, Denmark.


Scholarly publications

Gauthier, D., Bak, J., & Allen, J. (2014). Visualising Interdisciplinary Research: Algorithmic Treatment of Museum Case-Study Information Sets. In P. Innocenti (Ed.), Migrating Heritage: Experiences of Cultural Networks and Cultural Dialogue in Europe (pp. 79-84). Routledge.
Allen, J., Bak, J., Gauthier, D., & Whitehead, C. (2014). Seeing Yourself in the Museum. In L. B. Peressut, C. F. Colombo, & G. Postiglione (Eds.), Museum Multiplicities: Field Actions and Research by Design (pp. 95-113). Politecnico di Milano.
Gauthier, D., & la Cour, E. (2014). Coding/Decoding the Archive. In I. Chambers, A. De Angelis, C. Ianniciello, M. Orabona, & M. Quadraro (Eds.), The Postcolonial Museum: The Arts of Memory and the Pressures of History (pp. 229-239). Routledge.

Popularising publications

Allen, J., & Gauthier, D. (2014). Critical Infrastructure. transmediale/magazine, 8-11.


Scholarly publications

Verplank, B., Gauthier, D., & Bak, J. (2013). TEI 2013 studio: motors and music. In TEI '13: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (pp. 431-434). Association for Computing Machinery.
Gauthier, D., & La Cour, E. (2013). Coding / Decoding the Archive. Abstract from The Postcolonial Museum: the Pressures of Memory and the Bodies of History, Napoli, Italy.


Scholarly publications

Mossé, A., Gauthier, D., & Kofod, G. (2012). Towards Interconnectivity: Appropriation of Responsive Minimum Energy Structures in an Architectural Context. Studies in Material Thinking, 7, Article 6.
Gauthier, D., & Ignac, M. (2012). Visualisation of Cross-Field Research Data. In J. Allen, & E. Lupo (Eds.), Representing Museum Technologies (pp. 137-155). Politecnico di Milano.
Allen, J., Gauthier, D., & Andersen, K. R. (2012). What Kind of Technology Is the Museum? In L. B. Peressut, & C. Pozzi (Eds.), Museums in an Age of Migrations: Questions, Challenges, Perspectives (pp. 161-171). Politecnico di Milano.
Gauthier, D. (2012). Aesthetics of Errors. Abstract from Aesthetics Re-loaded, Aarhus, Denmark.

Popularising publications

Gauthier, D., Allen, J., Noble, J., & Ignac, M. (Eds.) (2012). code {poems}. Ishac Bertran.


Scholarly publications

Van Nort, D., Gauthier, D., Sha, X. W., & Wanderley, M. M. (2007). Extraction of Gestural Meaning from a Frabric-Based Instrument. International Computer Music Conference Proceedings, 2007, 441-444.


Scholarly publications

Amitava, B., Donaldson, T., Singh, J., Diamond, S., Gauthier, D., & Longford, M. (2006). Assessment of mobile experience engine, the development toolkit for context aware mobile applications. In ACE '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology (pp. 8-es). Association for Computing Machinery.