Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Mulder, R. A.
, & Dieks, D. (2017).
Is Time Travel Too Strange to Be Possible? Determinism and Indeterminism on Closed Timelike Curves. In
Proceedings Varna 2016 (Proceedings Varna 2016). Minkowski Institute., D. (2017).
Underdetermination, realism and objectivity in quantum mechanics. In
Varieties of Scientific Realism: Objectivity and Truth in Science (pp. 295-314). (Varieties of Scientific Realism: Objectivity and Truth in Science). Springer. Dieks, D. (2017).
Quantum information and locality. In
What is Quantum Information? (pp. 93-112). (What is Quantum Information?). Cambridge University Press [etc.]. Dieks, D. (2017).
Von Neumann's impossibility proof: Mathematics in the service of rhetorics.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics,
60, 136-148. 2015
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
de Haro, S.
, Dieks, D. G. B. J., t Hooft, G., & Verlinde, E. (2013).
Forty Years of String Theory: Reflecting on the Foundations.
Foundations of Physics,
43(1), 1-7., D. G. B. J. (2013). New challenges to philosophy of science / H. Andersen, D. Dieks, W. Gonzalez, T. Uebel and G. Wheeler eds [book review]. (The philosophy of science in a European perspective ed.) Springer.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2013). EPSA11: Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science / V. Karakostas and D. Dieks eds. [book review]. (The European philosophy of Science Association proceedings ed.) Springer.
Popularising publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2013). Het superpositieprincipe in de kwantummechanica. Kunst en Wetenschap (Schraard), 22, 7-9.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2012).
Is There a Unique Physical Entropy? Micro versus Macro. In H. Andersen, & D. G. B. J. Dieks (Eds.),
New Challenges to Philosophy of Science (pp. 23-34). (The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective; No. 4). Springer. Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2012). The physics and metaphysics of time. European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 8(1), 103-119.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2011). Explanation, prediction, and confirmation. (The philosophy of science in a European perspective ed.) Springer.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2010).
Physical and Philosophical Perspectives on Probability, Explanation and Time : (Workshop of the ESF Programme "The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective", Utrecht University, 19-20 October 2009).
Journal for General Philosophy of Science,
41(2), 383-388. Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2010). Quantum mechanics and much more. Metascience, 20, 99-101.
Scholarly publications
van Dongen, J., Dieks, D., Uffink, J., & Kox, A. J. (2009). On the history of the quantum: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Elsevier.
van Dongen, J. A. E. F., Dieks, D. G. B. J., Uffink, J. B. M., & Kox, A. J. (2009). On the history of the quantum: Introduction to the HQ2 special issue. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40(4), 277-279.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2009). ’Understanding in physics : Bottom-Up versus Top-Down. In H. W. de Regt, S. Leonelli, & K. Eigner (Eds.), Scientific understanding : philosophical perspectives (pp. ch. 12). University of Pittsburgh Press.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2009). Are ‘identical quantum particles’ weakly discernible objects? In M. Suárez, M. Dorata, & M. Rédei (Eds.), EPSA philosophical issues in the sciences : launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association (pp. 21-30). (EPSA; No. 2). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2008). Reichenbach and the conventionality of distant simultaneity in perspective. In F. Stadler (Ed.), The present situation in the philosophy of science (pp. 315-333). Springer.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2007). Reasoning about the future: Doom and Beauty. Synthese, (156), 427-439.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2007). Probability in Non-Collapse Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. In S. Mehmani Nieuwenhuizen, & Khrenikov (Eds.), Beyond the Quantum (pp. 345-355). World Scienctific.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2007). Probability in modal interpretations of quantum mechanics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, (38), 292-310.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J., & de Regt, H. W. (2006). A Contextual Approach to Scientific Understanding. Synthese, 144, 137-170.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2004). The Flexibility of Mathematics. In B. Boniolo, P. Budinich, & M. Trobok (Eds.), Mathematics and Physics: an Interdisciplinary Approach Kluwer.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2003). Foundations of Quantum mechanics, an Empiricist Approach. Foundations of Physics, 33, 1003-1007.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2003). De natuurwetenschappelijke visies op de kosmos. Schepping, wereldbeeld en levensbeschouwing, 109-129.
Professional publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2003). Review of la physique face a la probabilite. Isis, 94, 343.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2003). Toeval inde Natuurkunde. Toeval.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2003). Queeste. Commentaar op Waanwetenschap, 9-22.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2002). Does Chance Make a Difference. In H. Atmanspacher, & R. Bishop (Eds.), Between Chance and Choice (pp. 209-236). Imprint Academic.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2002). The nature of space and time. Contemporary Physics, 43, 43-44.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2002). Events and Covariance in the Interpretation of Quantum Field Theory. In M. Kuhlmann, H. Lyre, & A. Wayne (Eds.), Ontological Aspects of Quatum Field Theory
Bene, G., & Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2002). A perspectival version of the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics and the origin of macroscopic behavior. Foundations of Physics, 32, 645-672.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2001). Introduction. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 32(2), 151-156.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2001). Space and time in particle and field physics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 32(2), 217-241.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2001). Space-time relationism in Newtonian and relativistic physics. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 15(1), 5-17.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (2000). Constitent Histories and relativistic invariance in the model interpretation of quantum mechanics. Physics Letters A.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1999). Een goed model? Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der Betawetenschappen, 16, 4-11.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1999). Experimental metaphysics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 30, 555-560.
Scholarly publications
de Regt, H. W., & Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1998). Reduction and understanding. Foundations of Science, 3, 45-59.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1998). Locality and lorentz-covariance in the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics. In The modal interpretation of quantum mechanics (pp. 49-67). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dieks, D. G. B. J., & Vermaas, P. E. (1998). Introduction. In The modal interpretation of quantum mechanics (pp. 1-7). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1998). L' espace vide et la mécanique quantique. In Le vide (pp. 186-210). Editions Complexe.
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1998). Preferred factorizations and consistent property attribution. In Quantum measurement, beyond paradox (pp. 144-160). University of Minnesota Press.
Scholarly publications
Dieks, D. G. B. J. (1997). The quantum mechanical worldpicture and its popularization. Communication and Cognition, 29, 153-168.