Dr. Carlijn van den Boomen

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H066
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Carlijn van den Boomen

Assistant Professor
Experimental Psychology
+31 30 253 1266

Topics: Social and cognitive (brain-)development; psychopharmacology; research skills (research development, data collection, analyses, reporting); EEG; fNIRS 

Programs: Psychology(experimental psychology/neuropsychology and developmental psychology); University College Utrecht; Artificial Intelligence 

Level: Bachelor, Master, Research Master

Courses: training registreren 2 en MTS3-PF (coordinator); training experimenteren en registreren; fundamentals in neuroscience and cognition; practicum EEG; inleiding cognitiewetenschappen; cognitieve neurowetenschappen; psychofarmacologie; sociale en emotionele ontwikkeling; cognitieve ontwikkeling; advanced topics in cognitive science; spatial cognition; thesisbegeleiding op bachelor en master niveau