Associate Professor (UHD), Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2011
Assistant Professor (UD), Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2002-2010
Postdoctoral fellow (NWO-CW), Faculty of Chemistry, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2000-2002
Associate Professor, Fundamental Chemistry Department, Federal State University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 1995-2002
PhD in Chemistry, Utrecht University (Thesis: Vibronic spectroscopy of Pr3+ in solids, supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Blasse, co-supervisor: Dr. A. Meijerink), 1994
MSc Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, São Paulo State University, Brazil, 1989-1995
MSc in Chemistry (cum laude), Chemistry Institute, São Paulo State University, Brazil, 1990
BSc in Chemistry, Chemistry Institute, São Paulo State University, Brazil, 1986