I am a PhD candidate in the Economic and Social History Research Group. My background is in both economic history and (business) economics. I am interested in long-term economic development and the role of individuals and institutions, mainly in relation to social and individual well-being, and in studying the consequences of structural transitions and disruptive changes.

My PhD project focuses on the role of associative organisations in the fields of public housing and public health in relation to economic development, policy-making and social welfare in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th centuries. Specifically, I investigates the political and social contributions of (interest) associations in these sectors (such as the Nationale Woningraad and the National Cross Associations, and their member associations). This project is part of the research programme SCOOP. The PhD is supervised by Prof Bas van Bavel (UU), Dr Selin Dilli (UU), and Prof Rafael Wittek (RUG).