Prof. dr. C.J. (Kees) van Deemter

Prof. dr. C.J. (Kees) van Deemter

Emeritus Professor
Natural Language Processing

I work in Computational Linguistics, a research area that belongs to both Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. My main area of expertise is Natural Language Generation (NLG). I often collaborate with linguists, logicians, and psychologists to produce computer programs that

  • mimic the choices that human speakers make when referring to objects, or
  • analyse a photograph to produce a textual description (e.g., "A dog chasing a ball"), or
  • analyse weather data to produce a weather description (e.g., "A sunny day, with occasional showers"), or
  • manipulate a logical formula to produce an explanation of the formula in Dutch or English

I take a lively interest in methodological issues arising from this work. My colleagues and I have also started a line of work in which we look specifically at the challenges to NLG posed by Mandarin.

This is my Google Scholar page.

Natural Language Generation