

Scholarly publications

van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2024). Reviving functionalism: Applying translation-oriented text analysis to synthetic text (editing). Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, (11).
Kosters, O., van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2024). "Can make mistakes": Prompting ChatGPT to Enhance Literary MT output. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Creative-text Translation and Technology (pp. 10-20). European Association for Machine Translation.
van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2024). Assessing the Digital Visibility of Literary Translators. Dragoman: Journal of Translation Studies, 14(15), 94-123.
Declercq, C. (2024). Belgian Refugees during the First World War, their Exile Press and Fragmented Identity. In S. Prévost, & B. Deschamps (Eds.), Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in the UK and in the US: Connected Histories of the 19th and 20th Centuries Bloomsbury Academic.
van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2024). Zichtbaarheid voor literair vertalers. In L. D'Hulst, & C. Van de Poel (Eds.), Alles verandert altijd: Perspectieven op literair vertalen (2nd ed., pp. 21-28). Leuven University Press.
Declercq, C., & Kerremans, K. (Eds.) (2024). The Routledge handbook of translation, interpreting and crisis. (Routledge handbooks in translating and interpreting studies). Routledge.
Declercq, C. (2024). The power of the transnational native tongue in exile: Belgian refugees during the First World War, their exile press and their fragmented identity. In S. Prévost, & B. Deschamps (Eds.), The Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in Modern Britain and the US: Connected Histories of the 19th and 20th Centuries (pp. 281-296). Bloomsbury.


Scholarly publications

Kosters, O., van Egdom, G. M. W., & Declercq, C. (2023). The Riddle of (Literary) Machine Translation Quality. Revista Tradumàtica. Tecnologies de la Traducció, 21, 129-159.
Declercq, C., & van Egdom, G. M. W. (2023). No more buying cats in a bag. Revista Tradumàtica. Tecnologies de la Traducció, 21, 49-62.
Declercq, C. (2023). ‘Beklagenswaardige stumpers’: Belgische vluchtelingen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog . De Moderne Tijd, 7(4), 344-362.
Declercq, C., & Cox, A. (2023). Blumczynski Piotr Wilson Steven eds. The Languages of COVID-19: Translational and Multilingual Perspectives on Global Healthcare. Babel. Advance online publication.
van de Warenburg, M., & Declercq, C. (2023). Deane-Cox Sharon Spiessens Anneleen eds. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory. Babel.
Declercq, C. (2023). De wandelende paradox. In W. Segers, & H. Bloemen (Eds.), Griffels: “… postpaarden van de beschaving …” Raymond van den Broeck en het vertalen van poëzie (Vol. 2, pp. 31-42). Academia Press.
Declercq, C. (2023). Het konijnenhol in? Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 30(3), 35-41.
Declercq, C. (2023). Translation Technology in the United Kingdom. In C. Sin-wai (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology (2 ed.). Routledge.
Declercq, C. (2023). Editing in Translation Technology. In C. Sin-wai (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Bolaños García-Escribano, A., & Declercq, C. (2023). Editing in Audiovisual Translation (Subtitling). In C. Sin-wai (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Federici, F. M., Declercq, C., Diaz-Cintas, J., & Baños Piñero, R. (2023). Ethics, Automated Processes, Machine Translation, and Crises. In C. Parra Escartin, & H. Moniz (Eds.), Towards Responsible Machine Translation: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Machine Translation (pp. 135-156). (Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications; Vol. 4). Springer.
Declercq, C. (2023). Editors. In M. Demoor, C. Van Dijck, & B. Van Puymbroeck (Eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals (pp. 146-160). Edinburgh University Press.

Professional publications

Declercq, C. (2023). Het konijnenhol in? Creativiteit en authenticiteit versus automatisering van tekstproductie en taalvervlakking in het AI-tijdperk. Filter, 30(3), 35-41.
Declercq, C. (2023). Translation Project Management. Routledge.

Popularising publications

Declercq, C. (2023, Jul 20). Voorwoord: bij 'De taal van leiders' van Daniel Mizere. Garant Uitgeverij.


Scholarly publications

Barrault, L., Costa-Jussà, M., Kemp, E., Pilos, S., Declercq, C., Koponen, M., & Forcada, M. (2022). Preface by the Programme Chairs. In EAMT 2022 - Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (pp. XI-XII). (EAMT 2022 - Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation).
Declercq, C. (2022). ‘De opvang van Belgische vluchtelingen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Nederland, Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk’.
Declercq, C. (2022, Nov 1). Technologie en ethiek.
Declercq, C. (2022). (Ver)talen op de vlucht in tijden van oorlog. Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 29(2), 108-117.
Himpens, J., Declercq, C., Deleener, J., Rosseel, L., & Zenner, E. (2022). Kiezen is verliezen? Een experimentele studie naar de spanning tussen tekstoordeel en stigmatisering in communicatie over middelenafhankelijkheid. Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklije Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 131(2), 167-195.
Declercq, C. (2022). Notions of place, language fragments and sites of translation. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 17(1), 168-178.


Scholarly publications

Himpens, J., Declercq, C., Deleener, J., Rosseel, L., & Zenner, E. (2021). Choosing is losing? An experimental study of the tension between text judgment and stigma in communication about substance dependence. Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 131(2), 167-195.
Walker, J., & Declercq, C. (2021). Conclusion: Up the line with the best of luck. In J. Walker, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Multilingual Environments in the Great War (pp. 239-248). Bloomsbury Collections.
Declercq, C. (2021). Translating charity for allied aliens: Belgian charity books in Britain. In J. Walker, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Multilingual Environments in the Great War (pp. 166–180). Bloomsbury Collections.
Walker, J., & Declercq, C. (2021). Preface. In J. Walker, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Multilingual Environments in the Great War (pp. xiii-xxvi). Bloomsbury Collections.
Walker, J., & Declercq, C. (Eds.) (2021). Multilingual Environments in the Great War. Bloomsbury Collections.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2020). Making home in limbo: Belgian refugees in Britain during the First World War. In E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (Ed.), Refuge in a Moving World: Tracing refugee and migrant journeys across disciplines (pp. 74-93). UCL Press.
Declercq, C. (2020). The Odd Case of the Welcome Refugee in Wartime Britain: Uneasy Numbers, Disappearing Acts and Forgetfulness Regarding Belgian Refugees in the First World War. Close Encounters in War, (2), 5-26. Article 1.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C., & Federici, F. M. (2019). Introduction: Words of Empathy, Access, and Relief. In F. M. Federici, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Intercultural Crisis Communication: Translation, Interpreting and Language in Local Crises (pp. 1-18). (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation). Bloomsbury Academic.
Federici, F. M., & Declercq, C. (2019). Intercultural Crisis Communication: Translation, Interpreting and Languages in Local Crisis. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation). Bloomsbury Academic.


Scholarly publications

Rash, F., & Declercq, C. (2018). Preface. (The great war in belgium and the netherlands: Beyond flanders fields).
Declercq, C. (2018). Belgian Exile Press in Britain. In F. Rash, & C. Declercq (Eds.), The Great War in Belgium and the Netherlands: Beyond Flanders Fields (1 ed., pp. 121-142). Palgrave Macmillan.
Rash, F., & Declercq, C. (Eds.) (2018). Beyond Flanders Fields: The Great War in Belgium and the Netherlands. Palgrave Macmillan.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C., & Baker, H. (2017). The Pelabon Munitions works and the Belgian village on the Thames: community and forgetfulness in outer-metropolitan suburbs. In J. Jenkinson (Ed.), Belgian Refugees in First World War Britain (1 ed., pp. 51-70). Routledge.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2016). German communities and their expulsion (Belgium). In 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War Freie Universität Berlin.
Declercq, C. (2016). Belgium and the Semantic Flux of Flemish, French and Flemings. In J. Walker, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Languages and the First World War: Communicating in a Transnational War (1 ed., pp. 159–172). (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War). Palgrave Macmillan.
Declercq, C., & Walker, J. (2016). Introduction. In J. Walker, & C. Declercq (Eds.), Languages and the First World War : Communicating in a Transnational War (1 ed., pp. 1-21). Palgrave Macmillan.
Declercq, C. (2016). From Antwerp to Britain and Back Again: The Language of the Belgian Refugee in Britain during the First World War. In C. Declercq, & J. Walker (Eds.), Languages and the First World War: Representation and Memory (1 ed., pp. 94-107). (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War). Palgrave Macmillan.
Walker, J., & Declercq, C. (2016). Introduction. In C. Declercq, & J. Walker (Eds.), Languages and the First World War: Representation and Memory (1 ed., pp. 1-18). (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War). Palgrave Macmillan.
Declercq, C., & Walker, J. (2016). Languages and the First World War: Representation and Memory. (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War). Palgrave Macmillan.
Walker, J. (Ed.), & Declercq, C. (2016). Languages and the First World War: Communicating in a Transnational War. Palgrave Macmillan.


Professional publications

Declercq, C. (2015). Belgische vluchtelingen en onderwijs in het Verenigd Koninkrijk: een uitheemse war effort op de Britse schoolbanken. In Naar school, zelfs in oorlogstijd? Belgische kinderen lopen school, 1914-1919 / Barbry, R. [edit.]; et al.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2014). Belgian refugees in Britain, 1914-1919. The Low Countries, 22, 56-66.
Declercq, C. (2014). Crowd, cloud and the translation education community. Cultus : the journal of intercultural mediation and communication, 37-56.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2012). Advertising and Localization. In The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies (pp. 262-272). (The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies). Oxford Press.

Professional publications

Declercq, C. (Ed.) (2012). Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020 / META Technology Council. Springer.
Declercq, C. (2012). On dope: the challenges for translators working in the field of anti-doping texts. The Linguist, 51(1), 19-21.

Other output

Declercq, C., (TRANS.) (2012). An impressive tour of Ghent city and university: Translation of Een Toer Langs Stad en Universiteit. Ghent University.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2011). Advertizing and localization. In The Oxford handbook of translation studies (pp. 262-272)


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2009). Niets te Vrezen/ Nothing to be Frightened, review of translation of book Julian Barnes. Filter, 16(1), 52-56.
Declercq, C. (2009). Gisteren nog sprak ik de dood, vandaag ben ik bang. Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen, 16(1), 52-56.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2007). Translating colours. In Translation and meaning: proceedings of the Maastricht session of the 4th International Maastricht-Łódź Duo Colloquium on "Translation and meaning", held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, 18-21 May 2005
Declercq, C. (2007). Lost and a translation: Belgians in Britain during the First World War and the role of translation. In Through other eyes: the translation of Anglophone literature in Europe / Trim, Richard [edit.]; e.a. [edit.]


Popularising publications

Declercq, C. (2002). Boelgakov Michael - In het cafe. Wolven, Tekst/Tekst, 2(1), 6-10.
Declercq, C. (2002). Rustig zegt ze. Over & weer, 26(6), 33.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2001). On 'Introducing translation studies: theories and applications' by Jeremy Munday. International journal for language and documentation.
Declercq, C. (2001). On 'Softwarelokalisierung' by Klaus-Dirk Schmitz. International journal for language and documentation.
Maes, B., & Declercq, C. (2001). Language in printing: a printing business coming to terms with translation technology. Language International, 13(3), 16-18.

Professional publications

Declercq, C. (2001). Trados 5: a one-stop shop for translation projects. International journal for language and documentation, 10.
Declercq, C. (2001). Pass on another content: is the global market ready for Passolo? Is Passolo ready for the global market? International journal for language and documentation.
Declercq, C. (2001). Breaking new ground: meeting the challenge of full integration of computer-aided translation and computer translation: the new version of SDLX. International journal for language and documentation, 10.

Popularising publications

Declercq, C., (TRANS.) (2001). Carver, Raymond - Fat/Dik. De grenzen van de poedel, Tekst/Tekst.
Declercq, C. (2001). Zeven gedichten. Diepe putten, Tekst/Tekst, 1(1), 58-64.
Declercq, C. (2001). Je ijlt. De grenzen van de poedel, Tekst/Tekst, 1(3), 73-74.
Declercq, C. (2001). Managing the management tools: LTC organiser multilingual management and workflow control software system. International journal for language and documentation, 10.
Declercq, C., (TRANS.) (2001). Chekhov, Anton - De Dame Met Het Hondje. De grenzen van de poedel, Tekst/Tekst, 63-65.
Declercq, C. (2001). Drie gedichten. De grenzen van de poedel, Tekst/Tekst, 1, 60-62.


Scholarly publications

Declercq, C. (2000). SDLX 3.1.2: let's get localised! International journal for language and documentation.

Professional publications

Declercq, C. (2000). Trados 3: further up on the road. International journal for language and documentation.


Professional publications

Declercq, C. (1999). Internet for the translator: navigating language resources on the Web. Language International, 11(6), 26-27, 40.

Popularising publications

Declercq, C., (TRANS.) (1999). Headley, Victor - Wie Heeft Er Hier Gewonnen? Sampel, 20-23.
Declercq, C., (TRANS.) (1999). Brown, Jason - Thief/Dief. Sampel, 20-23.
Declercq, C. (1999, Dec). Christo and Jean-Claude calendar 2000. Blondé sa.