Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Geoffrey R. Loftus & Christel Lutz (March 2014). Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, 16th ed. London: Cengage.
Jonne Vulperhorst, Christel Lutz, Renske de Kleijn & Jan van Tartwijk (2017): Disentangling the predictive validity of high school grades for academic success in university, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2017.1353586.
Renske de Kleijn, Frans Prins, Christel Lutz, Karin van Look & Jan van Tartwijk (2016). Formatief Toetsen en Leerlingmotivatie. In D. Sluijsmans & R. Kneyber (Ed.), Toetsrevolutie. Culemborg: Phronese.
Renske de Kleijn, Christel Lutz, Frans Prins & Jan van Tartwijk (2015). Onderzoek: Beoordelen en Motivatie. Didactief, 44 (8) 46-47.
Vision Statement on Education and Educational Innovation, written for teaching fellow application, Nov. 2016: download here. Your feedback and input is welcome!