Prof. dr. Christel Lutz

College Hall
Campusplein 1
3584 ED Utrecht

Prof. dr. Christel Lutz

Education Institute Director
Scientific Personnel
Scientific Personnel
+31 30 253 5868

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Geoffrey R. Loftus & Christel Lutz (March 2014).  Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, 16th ed.  London: Cengage.


Jonne Vulperhorst, Christel Lutz, Renske de Kleijn & Jan van Tartwijk (2017): Disentangling the predictive validity of high school grades for academic success in university, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2017.1353586.

Renske de Kleijn, Frans Prins, Christel Lutz, Karin van Look & Jan van Tartwijk (2016). Formatief Toetsen en Leerlingmotivatie. In D. Sluijsmans & R. Kneyber (Ed.), ToetsrevolutieCulemborg: Phronese.

Renske de Kleijn, Christel Lutz, Frans Prins & Jan van Tartwijk (2015). Onderzoek: Beoordelen en Motivatie. Didactief, 44 (8) 46-47.


Vision Statement on Education and Educational Innovation, written for teaching fellow application, Nov. 2016: download here. Your feedback and input is welcome!




Scholarly publications

Crone, V., Prins, F., Lutz, C. I., Meijerman, I., Schutjens, V., van der Smagt, M., Wijngaards, L., Bovenschen, N., & Kluijtmans, M. (Accepted/In press). Strengthening educational leadership through a professional development programme in conjunction with a teaching-focused full professor career track: Reflections of participants. International Journal for Academic Development.


Scholarly publications

Lutz, C. I. (2022). Recognition and promotion of faculty work: Practices emerging at the intersection between faculty development and educational renewal. New Directions for Higher Education, 2021(193-194), 37-44.


Scholarly publications

Lutz, C., Untaru, L., & van Goch, M. (2021). Developing a shared syllabus template as a living document of inclusive practices in a teaching and learning community. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (pp. 481-489)
Baker, V., & Lutz, C. I. (2021). Faculty Development Post COVID- 19: A Cross-Atlantic Conversation and Call to Action. Journal of the Professoriate, 12(1), 55-79.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A., Dilaver, G., van Haeften, T., van den Hoven, M. A., Janssen, J. J. H. M., Kluijtmans, M., Lutz, C. I., Rebel, K. T., van Royen-Kerkhof, A., Schutjens, V. A. J. M., de Vries, U., & Meijerman, I. (2020). Vijf lessen van de coronacrisis die het universitair onderwijs beter maken. ScienceGuide.