Prof. dr. Carolina Castaldi

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 6.66
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. Carolina Castaldi

Economic Geography
+31 30 253 3205

Prof. dr. Carolina Castaldi holds the Chair in Geography of Innovation. Her research deals with processes of innovation and how they unfold over time and over space. She uses theories and tools from evolutionary economics to account for the dynamic and complex nature of the innovation processes. Her goal is to develop a broad account of innovation, as including both technological forms and non-technological ones as well. As such, she has investigated extensively how innovation emerges in service sectors and the changing business models through which companies compete in local and global markets.

Her contribution to the economic geography field has been to draw attention to diversity in knowledge as a source of regional innovation and she continues to investigate how innovation drives regional development and the resilience of places. Her original contribution to the emerging field of geography of innovation also includes the development of novel indicators of innovation, exploiting patent and trademark data.

Prior to joining the Department of Human Geography and Planning, she held academic positions at the University of Groningen, Utrecht University (Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development) and Eindhoven University of Technology. She was also a Robert Solow Postdoctoral fellow, right after obtaining her PhD in Economics and Management from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy.

Carolina Castaldi is Editor at Industrial and Corporate Change and member of the Board of EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property).

Read her inaugural lecture here

Follow Carolina Castaldi on Twitter: @CCastaldi