Prof.dr. Cok Bakker has a background in Theology/Religious Studies (MA-1988) and Educational Studies (MA-1991). He is professor of Religious Education ('Levensbeschouwelijke vorming') at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Humanities. His research focus is on the relation between education and religion as this becomes manifest on the meso-level of institutions (the identity of a school, school ethos and the school subject Religious Education) and on the micro level of the professional and religious biographies of teachers and other professionals.
His research is constituent part of the Research Institute for Philosophy and Religious Studies (OFR). He is member of the National Dutch Research School for Theology and Religious Studies (NOSTER).
Bakker is editor of the international series 'Religious Diversity and Education in Europe' (Münster / New York: Waxmann) and - for a max of one day a week - he is involved in consultancy work (mainly dealing with religious diversity issues)