Dr. Cale Miller

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 3.38
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Cale Miller

Assistant Professor

I conduct research in coastal margin ecosystems with a focus on the movement and cycling of carbon in temperate estuaries and arctic fjord ecosystems. I am interested in benthic biogeochemical processes from an organismal perspective (e.g., macroinfauna and seagrass) and the role of environmental physiology of communities and populations.


Current projects:

1) Studying the capacity and flux of carbon in blue carbon ecosystems throughout European coastal systems (https://www.c-blues.eu/). Fieldwork will be conducted in the Baltic, Mediterranean, and North Atlantic coasts in Saltmarsh and seagrass systems. 

2) Assessing the effects of ocean alkalinity enhancement on oyster larval development and shell mineralogy. Experiments are conducted in collaboration with Ifremer in Brittany