Barbara Vis holds an MA in Economics (2002), including a minor in Labour Studies, and an MSc in Political Science (2003) from the University of Amsterdam and a PhD (cum laude, with distinction) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU, 2008).


Before joining Utrecht University in 2017 as Professor of Politics & Governance, Barbara Vis held serveral positions at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the VU. Between 2007 and 2012, she was Assistant and Associate Professor in Comparative Politics and in 2013, she was appointed as Professor of Political Decision Making. In the latter capacity, she served as member of the Management Team (MT) of the department in the role of Director of Research, was a member of the MT of the John Stuart Mill College - the home of the bachelor program Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE), Head of Studies Politics in the PPE program, and co-theme leader of ACCESS Europe’s theme European Politics & Society.


Barbara Vis is an active member of the scientific committee. She was senior associate editor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making (OUP 2021), Board member of the Netherlands Institute of Government, former board member of the Dutch Association of Political Science (2009-2015); member of the International Advisory Board of Compasss, member of the Social Sciences Council of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW), and alumna of the Young Academy (De Jonge Akademie) of the KNAW. Barbara Vis also served in numerous selection and advise committees and committees that award research grants (for instance, NWO VENI, VIDI & VICI ones). Moreover, she regularly contributes to the blog StukRoodVlees.

You can find a full CV here.