Prof. dr. Brigitte Unger

Prof. dr. Brigitte Unger

Applied Economics
+31 30 253 9809

Farewell Lecture Brigitte Unger, 16.06.2022:

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Scholarly publications

Gerbrands, P., Unger, B., Getzner, M., & Ferwerda, J. (2022). The effect of anti-money laundering policies: an empirical network analysis. EPJ Data Science, 11(1), [15].


Scholarly publications

Gerbrands, P., & Unger, B. (2021). Policy Reform Effects in the Tax Ecosystem: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach. In B. Unger, L. Rossel, & J. Ferwerda (Eds.), Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 272-310). Oxford University Press.
Rossel, L., Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2021). Shedding light inside the black box of implementation: Tax crimes as a predicate crime for money laundering. Regulation and Governance.
Gerbrands, P., Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2021). Bilateral responsive regulation and international tax competition: An agent‐based simulation. Regulation and Governance.
Unger, B., Rossel Flores, L. E., & Ferwerda, J. (2021). Conclusions. In B. Unger, L. Rossel Flores, & J. Ferwerda (Eds.), Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 311-329). Oxford University Press.
Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2021). How Big are Illicit Financial Flows? The Hot Phase of IFF Estimations. In B. Unger, L. Rossel Flores, & J. Ferwerda (Eds.), Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 75-88). Oxford University Press.
Unger, B., Rossel Flores, L. E., & Ferwerda, J. (2021). Introduction. In B. Unger, L. Rossel Flores, & J. Ferwerda (Eds.), Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS (pp. 1-8). Oxford University Press.
Unger, B., Rossel Flores, L. E., & Ferwerda, J. (2021). Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS. Oxford University Press.


Scholarly publications

Ferwerda, J., van Saase, A. T. L., Unger, B., & Getzner, M. (2020). Estimating money laundering flows with a gravity model‑based simulation. Scientific Reports, 10, [18552 ].


Scholarly publications

Imanpour, M., Rosenkranz, S., Westbrock, B., Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2019). A microeconomic foundation for optimal money laundering policies. International Review of Law and Economics, 60, [105856].
Ferwerda, J., Deleanu, I. S., & Unger, B. (2019). Strategies to avoid blacklisting: The case of statistics on money laundering. PLoS One, 14(6), [e0218532].


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., Ferwerda, J., Koetsier, I., Gjoleka, B., van Saase, A. T. L., Slot, B., & de Swart, L. (2018). Aard en omvang van criminele bestedingen. Utrecht University.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., Groot, L., & van der Linde, D. E. (2017). Introduction. In Public or Private Goods?: Redefining Res Publica (pp. 1-17). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B. (2017). Protection Against Unemployment: A Res Publica?  . In B. Unger, D. van der Linde, & M. Getzner (Eds.), Public or Private Goods?: Redefining Res Publica (pp. 117-131). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B., van der Linde, D. E., & Getzner, M. (2017). Public or Private Goods? Redefining Res Publica. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ferwerda, J., Deleanu, I. S., & Unger, B. (2017). Corruption in Public Procurement: Finding the Right Indicators. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 23(2), 245-267.


Scholarly publications

Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2016). Organised crime infiltration in the Netherlands: Transportation companies hiding transit crimes. In E. Savona, M. Riccardi, & G. Berlusconi (Eds.), Organised crime in European businesses (pp. 35-50). [3] (Routledge studies in crime and society; Vol. 22). Routledge.

Professional publications

Unger, B. (2016). Bei Kopf gewinne ich, bei Zahl verlierst du. Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, 2016(6), 39-43.

Other output

Unger, B. (Author), & Ferwerda, J. (Author). (2016). Hoogleraar kiest zelf haar opvolger in witwasonderzoek. Web publication/site, DUB (UU).


Professional publications

Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2015). From illegal markets to legitimate businesses: the portfolio of organised crime in Europe: Final Report of Project OCP – Organised Crime Portfolio. Transcrime.
Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2015). Hoe Effectief is het Anti-Witwasbeleid in elke EU lidstaat? Justitiële Verkenningen, 1(15), 117-136.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2015). Introduction and Summary. In B. Unger (Ed.), The German Model: Seen By Its Neighbours (pp. 1-39). SE Publishing with WSI.
Unger, B. (2015). The German Model: Seen by its Neighbours. SE Publishing with WSI.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2014). Threat of money laundering. In The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of the European Union's Anti-Money Laundering Policy (pp. 9-19). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B. (2014). Sieben Wege zu höheren Einnahmen. Böckler Impuls.
Unger, B. (2014). Interpretationen der Wirklichkeit. WSI Mitteilungen, 67(2014/2), 160-161.
Unger, B. (2014). Es bleiben zu viele Schlupflöcher. Böckler Impuls, 2014(4).
Unger, B. (2014). Ein soziales Europa ist ein Gewinn – auch für Unternehmer. Neue Wege, 2014(1), 25-32.
Unger, B. (2014). Die aktuelle Zahl. SPW - Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft, 2014(1).
Unger, B. (2014). Für ein Soziales Europa. Kurswechsel, 2014(1), 97-101.
Unger, B. (2014). Geldwäsche: Mehr Kooperation nötig. Böckler Impuls, 10, 6-6.
Unger, B. (2014). Is the Netherlands a Tax Haven? In W. O. Ottsch, G. Grozinger, K. M. Beyer, & L. Brautigam (Eds.), The Political Economy of Offshore Jurisdictions Metropolis Verlag.
van der Linde, D., Falcke, S., Koetsier, I., & Unger, B. (2014). Do Wages Affect Politicians' Performance? A regression discontinuity approach for Dutch municipalities. ( Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 14, No. 15). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B., Ferwerda, J., van den Broek, M., & Deleanu, I. (2014). The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of the European Union’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2014). Hardere aanpak witwassen zwart geld. Leeuwarder Courant.
Unger, B. (2014). Europa moet loskomen van antiwitwasdoctrine VS. Financieel Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2014). Nederland een van de kwetsbaarste landen in EU voor witwassen crimineel geld. Financieel Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2014). Witwasser kan rustig z'n gang gaan. NRC.

Other output

Unger, B. (Photographer). (2014). Sieben Wege zu einer Korrektur der Vermögensverteilung in Deutschland. Web publication/site, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund.


Scholarly publications

Ferwerda, J., van den Broek, M., Addink, G., Deleanu, I., Unger, B., & Walker, J. (2013). The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Policy in the EU (ECOLEF). European Commission.
Walker, J., & Unger, B. (2013). Measuring global money laundering: the Walker Gravity Model. In N. Beekarry (Ed.), Combating Money Laundering and terrorism Finance: Past and Current Challenges (pp. chapter-23). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2013). Detecting Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector. In B. Unger, & D. van der Linde (Eds.), Research Handbook on Money Laundering (pp. 21). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2013). How to dodge drowning in data? Rule- and risk-based anti-money laundering policies compared’, In B. Unger, & D. van der Linden (Eds.), Research Handbook on Money Laundering, (pp. 399-425). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B. (2013). Can Money Laundering Decrease? Public Finance Review, 41, 658-676.
Unger, B., & van der Linde, D. E. (2013). Research Handbook on Money Laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ferwerda, J., Kattenberg, M. A. C., Chang, H. H., Unger, B., Groot, L. F. M., & Bikker, J. A. (2013). Gravity models of trade-based money laundering. Applied Economics, 45(22), 3170-3182.

Professional publications

Unger, B. (2013). Schluss mit den Steurnwettbewerb in Europa! Magazin Mitbestimmung, 6, 33-33.
Unger, B. (2013). Das geplatzte Steuerabkommen – ein slechtes Geschäft? WSI Mitteilungen.
Unger, B. (2013). Jugend ohne Job? Böckler Impuls, 11(2).

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2013). De Nederlandsche Bank wil trustsector opschonen. De Volkskrant.
Unger, B. (2013). Wichtig ist vor allem, Informationen zu sammeln. Die Tagespost.
Unger, B. (2013). Brievenbusfirma's poetsen imago op. Interview Jan Reint de Vos van Steenwijk, voorzitter van Holland Quaestor. NRC Handelsblad.
Unger, B. (2013). Brievenbusfirma's leveren werk en geld op. NRC NEXT.

Other output

Unger, B. (Author). (2013). How to Finance a Social Europe. Web publication/site
Unger, B. (Author). (2013). Steuerhinterziehung – ein Loch in der Zivilisation. Web publication/site


Scholarly publications

Unger, B. (2012). Money Laundering and Transfer. In C. Bates, & J. Ciment (Eds.), Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia M.E. Sharpe.
Unger, B. (2012). Ein Kraut gegen Staatsschulden. WSI Mitteilungen, 2012(4), 252-252.
Unger, B., & den Hertog, J. A. (2012). Water always finds its way. New forms of money laundering. Crime, Law and Social Change, 57(3), 287-304.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2012). Witwassen is als water, het vindt altijd een nieuwe weg. Financieel Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2012). Diender met een dasspeld. Twentse courant Tubantia.
Unger, B. (2012). Zaken: letterlijk. Elsevier.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., Ferwerda, J., Nelen, H., & Ritzen, L. (2011). Money laundering in the real estate sector: Suspicious properties. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ferwerda, J., Kattenberg, M., Chang, H-H., Unger, B., Groot, L., & Bikker, J. (2011). Gravity Models of Trade-Based Money Laundering. (DNB Working Paper; Vol. 318). DNB.
Unger, B., & Koetsier, I. (2011). De Grens van de Nederlandse Staatsschuld. In Jaarboek 2011. Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde SDU.
Ferwerda, J., Kattenberg, M. A. C., Chang, H-S., Unger, B., Groot, L. F. M., & Bikker, J. A. (2011). Gravity Models of Trade-based Money Laundering. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 11, No. 16). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2011). Les transferts d’argent vers la Républica du Suriname – par voie légitime ou par voie illégale? In M. Dion (Ed.), La criminalité financière De Boeck.
Unger, B. (2011). From Al Capone to Al Qaeda, Regulating Money Laundering. In D. Levy (Ed.), Handbook on the Politics of Regulation (pp. 47-47). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2011). Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector. Edward Elgar Publishing.
McCarthy, C., van Doorn, F., & Unger, B. (2011). Tax Competition and the Harmonisation of Corporate Tax Rates in Europe. In M. N. Jovanovic (Ed.), International Handbook On The Economics Of Integration, Volume II: Competition, Spatial Location of Economic Activity and Financial Issues (pp. 20). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Professional publications

Koetsier, I., & Unger, B. (2011). De grens van de Nederlandse staatschuld. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 96(4602).
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2011). ‘Les Transferts d’Argent vers la République du Suriname - Par Voie Légitime ou par Voie Illégale ? In M. Dion (Ed.), La Criminalité Financière. Prévention, Gouvernance et Influences Culturelles (pp. 181-203). De Boeck.
Bikker, J. A., Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2011). Witwassen door Misbruik Internationale Handel. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 96(4621), 650-652.


Scholarly publications

Ferwerda, J., Unger, B., Nelen, H., Ritzen, L., & Trouw, J. (2010). Detecting Criminal Investments in the Dutch Real Estate Sector. Dutch Ministry of Finance.
Gnutzmann, H., Mccarthy, K., & Unger, B. (2010). Dancing with the devil: Country size and the incentive to tolerate money laundering. International Review of Law and Economics, 30(3), 244-252.
Ferwerda, J., Deleanu, I., & Unger, B. (2010). Revaluating the Tanzi-Model to Estimate the Underground Economy. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 10, No. 04). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.


Scholarly publications

Gilbert, N., & Unger, B. (2009). Do loans harm? The Effect of IMF Programs on Inequality. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 09, No. 26). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B., & Walker, J. (2009). Measuring Global Money Laundering: The Walker Gravity Model. Review of Law and Economics, 5(2).
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2009). 'Ondergronds geld geven - op welke achtergronden? Over migrantenoverdrachten naar Suriname. In D. S. H. van de Bunt (Ed.), Ondergronds bankieren in Nederland (pp. 33-58). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2009). How to dodge drowning in data? rule- and rrisk-based anti money laundering policies comopared. Review of Law and Economics, 5(2), 953-985.
Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2009). Regulating Money Laundering and Tax Havens: The Role of Blacklisting. In A. Sabitha (Ed.), Combating Money Laundering – Transnational Perspectives ICFAI University Press.
Unger, B. (2009). Wie is verantwoordelijk voor de financiële crisis? Justitiële Verkenningen, 6(5), 77-95.
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2009). Ondergronds geld geven – op welke gronden. In H. van den Bunt, & D. Diegel (Eds.), Ondergronds bankieren in Nederland Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
van Groezen, B., Kiiver, H., & Unger, B. (2009). Explaining Europeans’ preferences for pension provision. European Journal of Political Economy, 25(2), 237-246.
Unger, B. (2009). Die Krisse fest im Griff. WISO, 4.
Unger, B. (2009). Money Laundering - A Newly Emerging Topic on the International Agenda. Review of Law and Economics, 5(2).
Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (2009). Attempts to Dodge Drowning in Data: Rule- and Risk-Based Anti Money Laundering Policies Compared. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 09, No. 19). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2009). Österreich hat den Ruf eines Top-Geldwäschelands. Salzburger Nachrichten.
Unger, B. (2009). Noch schärfere Krise in zwei, drei Jahren. Der Standard.
Unger, B. (2009). Ende der Krise: „Das ist Wunschdenken. Oberösterreichische Nachrichten.


Scholarly publications

Mccarthy, K., van Doorn, F., & Unger, B. (2008). Globalisation, Tax Competition and the Harmonisation of Corporate Tax Rates in Europe: A Case of Killing the Patient to Cure the Disease? (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 08, No. 13). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B. (2008). Effectiviteit van antiwitwasbeleid in Nederland. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 93(4543), 45-50.
Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2008). Regulating Money Laundering and Tax Havens: The Role of Blacklisting. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 08, No. 12). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B., & Rawlings, G. (2008). Competing for Criminal Money. Global Business and Economics Review, 10(3), 331-352.
Gnutzmann, H., Mccarthy, K., & Unger, B. (2008). Dancing with the Devil: A Study of Country Size and the Incentive to Tolerate Money Laundering. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 08, No. 18). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B. (2008). Meten van Internationale Economische Effecten van Antiwitwasbeleid, Bestrijding van Witwaspraktijken; een Strafrechtelijk, Economisch en Fiscaal Perspectief. Weekblad voor fiscaal recht, 6747, 28-33.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., Ferwerda, J., & Siegel, M. (2007). Measuring Money Laundering for Australia and the Netherlands. In B. Unger (Ed.), The Scale and Impacts of Money Laundering (pp. 57-89). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Masciandaro, D., & Unger, B. (2007). Black Finance The Economics of Money Laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Unger, B. (2007). The Scale and Impacts of Money Laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Professional publications

Unger, B. (2007). Regiowaehrung, der rettende Engel? for Wochenklausur Austria. Die Zeit.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2007). De vraag is of het parlement de onderste steen boven kan krijgen' - Witwas-enquete is moeilijk. BN/de Stem, 6-6.
Unger, B. (2007). 'Witwassen gebeurt niet altijd vrijwillig'. Brabants dagblad, 4-4.
Unger, B. (2007). Miljardendans om migranten; geldzendingen naar landen van herkomst zijn bron van ontwikkeling. NRC Handelsblad, 24-24.
Unger, B. (2007). Handelsnatie Nederland is witwasparadijs. Algemeen Dagblad, 6-6.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B. (2006). De Omvang en het Effect van Witwassen. Justitiële Verkenningen, 32(2), 21-33.
Unger, B. (2006). Who Governs? Economic Governance Mechanisms and Financial Market Regulation. In P. Mooslechner, H. Schuberth, & B. Weber (Eds.), The Political economy of Financial Market Regulation: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion (pp. 59-88). Edward Elgar Publishing.
van Groezen, B., Kiiver, H., & Unger, B. (2006). Coordination of Pension Provision in a Divided Europe: The Role of Citizens' Preferences. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 06, No. 08). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B., Rawlings, G., Siegel, M., Ferwerda, J., de Kruijf, W., Busuioc, E. M., & Woke, K. (2006). The Amounts and Effects of Money Laundering. Ministerie van Financiën.

Professional publications

Unger, B. (2006). Toezicht op Criminele Geldstromen. Idee (D66), 27(2), 29-32.
Unger, B., & Siegel, M. (2006). The Netherlands-Suriname Corridor for Workers’ Remittances: Prospects for Remittances When Migration Ties Loosen. The World Bank and the Dutch Ministry of Finance.

Other output

Unger, B. (2006). Interview given: und Kultur, Grauzone Luxemburg, Forum für Politik, May.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Twee, Radio 2, 17 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: populair bij witwassers, Various regional newspapers.
Unger, B. (2006, Apr 4). Interview given: Nederland erg populair bij witwassers, De Telegraaf.
Unger, B. (2006, Apr 14). Interview given: Geldwäsche Paradies Österreich, Die Presse.
Unger, B. (2006, Apr 14). Interview given: Das Problem der Wiener Wäschermädel, Die Presse.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Miljarden in Nederland witgewassen; Financiën komt in actie, NRC Handelsblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Nieuwslijn, Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, 17 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). interview given: In de ban van de week, BNR Nieuwsradio, 18 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 21). Interview given: Toezicht resulteert in uitdunning trustmarkt, Het Financiële Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: Meer werk maken van witwassen, De Volkskrant.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: Vriendelijk fiscaal klimaat trekt ook wasserettes, Het Financieele Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Meeste Nederlandse witwas komt uit VS, Het Financieele Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 21). Interview given: Trust vaak een ‘Black Box’, Het Financiële Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: 1 Journaal, Radio 1, 17 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: Nederlandse Wasserette heeft heleboel programma’s, Trouw.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 25). Interview given: De Week: Economie, Elsevier.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: RTL Nieuws, RTL 4, 17 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Witwassen Nederland:18 miljard, Het Parool.
Unger, B. (2006, Apr 5). Interview given: ), Goedemorgen Nederland, Nederland 1, 5 April (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Apr 4). Interview given: Witwassen goed voor economie, De Telegraaf.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: NOS-journaal, Nederland 1, 2 and 3, 17 February (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: Zalm zint op maatregelen tegen witwas, Het Financiële Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Sep 17). Interview given: , Nederland 3, 17 September (on money laundering).
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: Nederland is attractief voor witwassen geld, Het Financieele Dagblad.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: Vrijhaven, De Telegraaf.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 25). Interview given: Witwaspraktijken zijn tijdbom; eerst komt het geld, daarna volgen criminelen, Het Parool.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 18). Interview given: maatregelen tegen witwassen, De Telegraaf.
Unger, B. (2006, Feb 17). Interview given: ‘witwasser’ van crimineel geld, Leeuwarder Courant.


Scholarly publications

Rawlings, G., & Unger, B. (2005). Competing for Criminal Money. (Discussion Paper Series / Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute; Vol. 05, No. 26). UU USE Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute.
Unger, B. (2005). Will the Dutch Level Out their One and Only Mountain? The Pietersberg Paradox and Mountains of debt. In PP. de Gijsel, & EJJ. Schenk (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Economics (pp. 381-403). Springer.

Professional publications

Dachs, H., Diendorfer, G., Fassmann, H., & Unger, B. (2005). Wie Viel Europa? Österreich, Europäische Union, Europa, Politische Bildung, Grundlagen-Zugänge-Materialien. obv&hpt.
Dachs, H., Diendorfer, G., Fassmann, H., & Unger, B. (2005). Globales Lernen – Politische Bildung: Beiträge zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. (Informationen zur politischen Bildung; Vol. 23). Studien Verlag.

Popularising publications

Unger, B. (2005). Plannen kabinet te voorzichtig. U-blad, 13.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B. (Accepted/In press). Economic and Innovative Performance. In F. van Waarden. (Ed.), Bridging Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part 1. Summary Findings Utrecht University.
Unger, B. (2003). Austrian Social Partnership: Just A Midlife Crisis? In V. F Waarden, & G. Lehmbruch (Eds.), Renegotiation the Welfare State, Flexible Adjustment through Corporatist Concertation (pp. 97-113). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Unger, B., Giesecke, S., Rossak, S., Oosterwijk, H. G. M., & van Waarden, F. (2003). Telecommunications and the Austrian Paradox. Utrecht University.
van Waarden, F., Unger, B., Oosterwijk, H. G. M., Kaiser, R., & Schienstock, G. (2003). National Systems of Innovation and Networks in the Idea-Innovation Chain in Science based Industries. (Final Reports Targeted Socio-Economic Research TSER ed.) European Commission.
Oosterwijk, H. G. M., Rossak, S., Unger, B., Giesecke, S., & van Waarden, F. (2003). Austrian Biotechnology: Where to Find on the Map? University Utrecht.

Professional publications

Unger, B. (2003). Docenten-column. De Ecunomist, 16-18.

Popularising publications

Unger, B., & Heitzmann, K. (2003). The Adjustment of the Austrian Welfare State Back to Bismarck? Journal of European Social Policy, 13(4), 371-387.
Unger, B., & Zagler, M. (2003). Institutions and Organizational Determinants of Product Innovation. Innovation, 16(3), 293-310.

Other output

Unger, B. (2003). Graaft Nederland zijn eigen bergje af? The Pietersberg paradox ans Mountains of Debt. Universiteit Utecht.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B. (Ed.), Michalitsch, G., & Nairz-Wirth, E. (2002). Frauen - Ausser Konkurrenz? Die Anima in der Ökonomie. Peter Lang Verlag.
van Waarden, F., Unger, B., Oosterwijk, H. G. M., Grande, E., Kaiser, R., Schienstock, G., & Tulkki, P. (2002). Bridging Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part II. Country-Sector reports. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research). Utrecht University.
van Waarden, F., Unger, B., Oosterwijk, H. G. M., Grande, E., Kaiser, R., Schienstock, G., & Tulkki, P. (2002). Bridging Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part I. Summary Findings. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research). Utrecht University. final report.pdf


Scholarly publications

Unger, B., & van Waarden, F. (1999). Interest Associations and Economic Growth. A Critique of Mancur Olson's "Rise and Decline of Nations". Review of International Political Economy, 6(4), 425-467.


Scholarly publications

Unger, B. (1995). Europa zwischen Integration und Designation. Zum Spannungsfeld zwischen ökonomischer und politischer Integration. Metropolis Verlag.
van Waarden, F., & Unger, B. (1995). Convergence or Diversity? Internationalization and Economic Policy Response. Avebury.
van Waarden, F., & Unger, B. (1995). Introduction: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Convergence. In B. F. van Waarden, & B. Unger (Eds.), Convergence or Diversity? Internationalization and Economic Policy Response (pp. 1-35). Avebury.


Scholarly publications

van Waarden, F., & Unger, B. (1994). Interest Associations and Economic Growth: A Critique of Manour Olson's 'Rise and Decline of Nations'. (Discussion Paper Series, Centre for Economic Policy Research ed.) Unknown Publisher.