Bella Struminskaya is Associate Professor at the Department of Methodology & Statistics. Prior to joining Utrecht University, she was a senior researcher at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences at the Department Survey Design and Methodology. Her research interests include survey methodology, smartphone surveys, smartphone sensors & passive data collection using mobile devices, data donation, online and mixed-mode surveys, nonresponse and measuremnt errors in surveys, panel effects, and paradata.
Bella is a board member of the German Society for Online Research and programme chair of the General Online Research Conference (GOR). She is a member of the Methods Board of the European Social Survey, country team lead for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE ERIC), member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Statistics Sweden, and a member of the Quality Assurance Board of the GESIS Panel, Robert Koch Institute's Panel “Health in Germany”, and of the Data Collection Committee of ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations).
Bella is an associate editor of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Survey Research Methods and a guest editor of Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Science Computer Review, and the Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series A.
Check out the upcoming book Data Collection with Wearables, Apps, and Sensors as we are writing it! Give feedback, suggestions and critique. We do appreciate it.