I have given so far 209 invited keynote and plenary lectures at National and International Conferences. This includes keynote plenary lectures at major scientific conferences, including the North American Catalysis Conference, European Catalysis Conference, International Catalysis Conference, European Zeolite Conference, and International Zeolite Conference.
1. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of supported metal-oxide catalysts. New applications of spectroscopy in catalysis. Spring American Chemical Society Meeting, Dallas (Texas, U.S.A.), 29.03-02.04.98 (key-note lecture).
2. Characterization of Alkane Dehydrogenation Catalysts, 2nd Leuven School on Catalysis, Bruges (Belgium), 06.12-09.12.98. (key-note lecture).
3. Rationalizing zeolite synthesis via experimental design and in situ spectroscopy, Meeting of the Dutch Zeolite Association, Leuven (Belgium), 18.12.98 (plenary lecture).
4. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in the UV-Vis-NIR region: in situ characterization of transition metal ions on surfaces, Workshop “Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces and defect sites in solids”, Nieuwpoort (Belgium), 21.03-23.03.99. (key-note lecture).
5. Snapshots of a heterogeneous catalyst: possibilities and limitations. 5th European Congress on Catalysis, Limerick (Ireland), 02.09.-07.09.01 (key-note lecture).
6. Spectroscopy for the advancement of heterogeneous catalysis, Spring Symposium of the New York Catalysis Society, New York, U.S.A., 17.03-22.03.01 (key-note lecture).
7. Surface chemistry, spectroscopy and the role of vanadium in heterogeneous catalysis, 4th International Symposium on Group V Elements, Toledo (Spain), 09.04-12.04.02 (key-note lecture).
8. Snapshots of a working catalyst: probing catalytic solids with in situ spectroscopy, Annual Norwegian Catalysis Society Meeting, Hafjell (Norway), 28.11-29.11.02. (key-note lecture).
9. Coordination chemistry and in-situ spectroscopy of transition metal ions in zeolites, 15th German Zeolite Meeting, Kaiserslautern (Germany), 05.03-07.03-03. (plenary lecture).
10. NanoCat Summer School “Highlights in nano-scale catalyt design and engineering” – International Summer School on Molecular and Supramolecular Approach to Nano-Designed Catalysts, Turin (Italy), 14.09-20.09.03. (plenary lecture).
11. Chemistry, spectroscopy and the role of supported vanadium oxides in heterogeneous catalysis. Annual Meeting of German Science on Vanadium Oxides, Schmockwitz (Germany), 09.10.-10.10.03. (plenary lecture).
12. Optical characterization techniques. Euroconference on Guest-Functionalized Molecular Sieve Systems, Hattingen (Germany), 20.03-25.03.04. (plenary lecture).
13. Probing catalytic solids with operando spectroscopy: a multi-technique approach. Post 13th International Catalysis Conference Summer School, Caen (France), 18.07-21.07.04. (plenary lecture).
14. Catalysts in action: the power of operando spectroscopy. 3rd European School on Catalysis, Ustron (Poland), 22.09-26.09.04. (plenary lecture).
15. Breaking and making of molecules: catalytic solids in action. Chech Annual Symposium on Catalysis, Prague (Chech Republic), 08.11-09.11.04. (plenary lecture).
16. UV-Vis microspectrometry: probing the initial stages of supported metal oxide catalyst preparation. First Conference of the European Union Coordination Action “CO-ordination of Nanostructured Catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe” (CONCORDE), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 26.01-28.01.05. (key-note lecture).
17. In-situ characterization of oxides. 2nd CONCORDE Workshop “In situ characterisation and modelling of oxide catalysts”, Belfast (Northern Ireland), 18.02-19.02.05. (plenary lecture).
18. Host-guest chemistry of Fe-, Cu- and Co-ions in molecular sieves. International workshop on microporous and mesoporous materals as catalytic hosts for Fe, Co and Cu, Scheveningen (The Netherlands). 01.03-04.03.05. (plenary lecture).
19. Operando spectroscopy in heterogeneous catalysis: possibilities, challenges and limitations. Flanders catalysis contact forum “The Active site, from catalyst to reactor”, Brussels (Belgium), 19.05-20.05.05 (plenary lecture).
20. Snapshots of catalysts at work: probing heterogeneous catalysts with spectroscopy and microscopy. Royal Society of Chemistry SURCAT Meeting “Novel Surfaces, New catalytic Chemistry”, Aberdeen (United Kingdom), 13.07-15.07.05. (plenary lecture).
21. Oxidation catalysts caught in the act: the power of in-situ spectroscopy. 5th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Sapporo (Japan), 25.09.-30.09.05. (key-note lecture).
22. Probing catalysts at work: the power of in-situ spectroscopy and microscopy. Workshop “New methods for the investigation of catalytic reaction mechanisms – kinetics and operando spectroscopy”, Berlin (Germany), 27.10.-28.10.05. (plenary lecture).
23. Spectroscopy of metal oxide-based catalysis: An emerging playing field for both experimentalists and theoreticians. International symposium “Catalysis on oxide-type materials: theory and experiment, share needs and capabilities”, Krakow (Poland), 17.11-19.11.05. (key-note lecture).
24. In-situ spectroscopy of catalytic oxides. 2nd Conference of the European Union Coordination Action “CO-ordination of Nanostructured Catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe” (CONCORDE), Thessaloniki (Greece), 26.01-28.01.06. (plenary lecture).
25. Chicago Catalysis Club lecture. Catalysts live and up close: spectroscopy of catalytic solids at work. Chicago (IL, USA), 13.02.06. (invited lecture).
26. Catalysts live and up close. 38th Polish Congress on Catalysis, Krakow (Poland), 15.03-18.03.06 (plenary lecture).
27. Catalysts live and up close. 2nd International congress on Operando spectroscopy: Fundamental and technical aspects of spectroscopy of catalysts under working conditions, Toledo (Spain), 23.04.-27.04.06. (plenary lecture).
28. Passie voor Licht en Katalysatoren. Happening 50 jaar Chemie bij NWO, Bussum (Netherlands), 08.06.06. (invited lecture).
29. Catalysts live and up close: In-situ spectroscopy of Catalytic Solids. Gordon Conference on Catalysis, New Hampshire (USA), 25.06.-30.06.05. (invited lecture).
30. Host-guest chemistry of zeolite-encaged metal ion complexes. Pannonian Congress on Catalysis, Szeged (Hungary), 04.07-07.07.06. (plenary lecture).
31. Spectroscopy for probing catalyst preparation processes. International Congress on Preparation of Catalysts, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 10.09.-13.09.06-. (key-note lecture).
32. Catalyst locomotion: Probing catalytic solids with in-situ spectroscopy and microscopy. 2nd Chinese-Dutch Annual Catalysis Workshop “Chemistry and catalytic reactivity of small transition metal oxide clusters occluded in micro- and mesoporous materials. Maastricht, the Netherlands, 18.10-21.10.06 (invited lecture).
33. Katalyse op moderne wijze onderzocht. Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde “Diligentia”, The Hague, the Netherlands, 30.10.06 (invited lecture).
34. Catalysts live and up close: Probing catalytic solids with spectroscopy and microscopy. 10th International European Science and Engineering Symposium “Advanced Materials”, Machelen, Belgium, 29.11-30.11.06. (plenary lecture).
35. Towards catalyst diagnostics with in-situ spectroscopy: prototype development and implementation in industrial pilot-scale reactors. ACTS means Business: Converting excellent knowledge into business potential. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 06.12.06. (invited lecture).
36. Catalyst locomotion: Towards understanding heterogeneous catalysts making use of in-situ spectroscopy. Gordon Conference on the Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Resources, California, USA, 07.01-12.01-07 (invited lecture).
37. Heterogeneous catalysis and in-situ spectroscopy: Endeavours in understanding catalytic phenomena. NCCC-VIII, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 05.03-07.03.07 (key-note lecture).
38. Zeolites: From boiling stones to smart crystals. PAC Symposium “Boiling Points”, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 01.03.07 (plenary lecture).
39. Catalysts live and up close: Probing catalytic solids at work. First IDECAT Conference on Catalysis, Porquerolles (France), 12.05-17.05.2007 (invited lecture).
40. Catalysts live and up close: Probing catalytic solids at work. First International School on Applied Catalysis and IX Italian Seminar on Catalysis 2007, Bari (Italy), 03.06-09.06-07 (invited lecture).
41. Catalysts live and up close: In-situ micro-spectroscopic studies of single zeolite crystals in the act. 3rd International Conference on Catalysis: fundamentals and application, Novosibirsk, Russia, 04.07-08.07.07 (key-note lecture).
42. Catalytic solids at the end of their lifespan: How can we characterize aging catalysts? ExxonMobil Conference on Catalyst Deactivation, Hershey (PA, USA), 16.10.07 (invited lecture).
43. In-situ spectroscopy and catalytic solids: what can we learn about reaction and deactivation mechanisms? Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York Lecture, New York (NY, USA), 17.10.07 (invited lecture).
44. Vizualizing catalysts at work, Het Element, Delft (The Netherlands), 08.11.07 (plenary lecture).
45. In-situ spectroscopy of catalytic solids with synchrotron radiation, Workshop ‘In situ and time reolved studies of catalysts and catalytic processes’, ESRF, Grenoble, France, 06.02-07.02.08 (invited lecture).
46. Space and time resolved in-situ spectroscopy of catalytic solids in the act, ACS Symposium in honour of the G. Olah Award for Israel E. Wachs, New Orleans (LA, USA), 06.04-07.04.08 (invited lecture).
47. Space and time resolved in-situ spectroscopy of catalytic solids in the act. International Conference ‘Catalysis for Society’, Krakow, Poland, 11.05-15.05.08 (plenary lecture).
48. Chemocatalytic conversion of biomass, 4th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 01.06-04.06.08 (invited lecture).
49. In situ spectroscopy of zeolites in the act. Gordon Conference on Nanoporous materials, Waterville (MA, USA), 15.07-20.07.08 (invited lecture).
50. Control of catalytic phenomena at the nanoscale. International conference “Nanocatalysis: Fundamental & Applications”, Pre-conference to the International Congress on Catalysis, Dalian (China), 09.07-12.07.08 (key-note lecture).
51. Single site heterogeneous catalysts: Design, characterization and catalysis. Creation and Control of Advanced Selective Catalysis, Pre-conference to the International Congress on Catalysis and celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Catalysis Society of Japan, Kyoto (Japan) 09.07-11.07.08 (invited lecture).
52. Catalyst Locomotion: Probing catalytic solids at work with in-situ spectroscopy and microscopy, International Congress on Catalysis, Seoul (Korea), 13.07-18.07.08 (invited lecture).
53. In-situ spectroscopy of catalytic solids, Workshop ‘Grand challenges of electron chemistry and catalysis at interfaces’, University of California, Santa Barbara (CA, USA), 11.08-15.08.08 (plenary lecture)
54. In-situ microspectroscopy of molecular sieves: elucidating pore size effects and reaction mechanism. 4th International FEZA Conference “Zeolites and related materials: trends, targets and challenges”, Paris (France), 02.09-06.09.08 (plenary lecture).
55. De wondere wereld van de katalyse: Op weg naar een duurzame samenleving. Woudschotenconferentie voor docenten Chemie, Zeist (The Netherlands), 07.11-08.11.08 (keynote lecture).
56. Catalyst imaging by STXM and optical micro-spectroscopy, North American Congress on Catalysis, San Francisco (CA, USA), 07.06-12.06.09 (keynote lecture).
57. Catalysts in the act, European Congress on Catalysis, Salamanca (Spain), 30.08-04.09.09 (keynote lecture).
58. Space resolved spectroscopy of acidity in molecular sieves, Zeolites and Molecular Sieves Congress, ZMPC 2009, Tokyo (Japan), 03.08-07.08.09 (keynote lecture).
59. Shedding physicochemical insights in catalyst deactivation phenomena with in-situ micro-spectroscopy. International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation, Delft (The Netherlands), 25.10-28.10.09 (plenary lecture).
60. Combining microscopy and spectroscopy to shed new insight in heterogeneous catalysts. Catalysis Society of South Africa Conference, Worcester (South Africa), 08.11-11.11.09 (plenary and opening lecture).
61. Microscopy and nanoscopy of catalytic solids at work, Materials Research Society symposium, San Francisco (CA, USA), 05.04-09-04.10 (keynote lecture).
62. Catalytic solids at work: The power of synchrotron-based in-situ spectroscopy, NSLS User Meeting, Brookhaven (NY, USA), 24.05.10 (opening key-note lecture)
63. Playing the catalysis murder mystery game: Whodunit?, International Congress on Progress in Fundamental and Applied Catalysis, Dalian, China, 03.06-06.06.10 (key-note lecture)
64. In-situ Micro- and Nanospectroscopy of Zeolites: Reactivity, Acidity, Diffusion Barriers and Dealumination, Les Sciences de la Catalyse a l'Aube du 21eme siecle, Lyon (France), 22.11-23.11.10 (opening key-note lecture).
65. The catalytic valorization of lignin for the production of renewable chemicals, International Symposium on Biomass Conversion: Fundamentals & Applications, Miyazaki (Japan), 01.12-02.12.10 (key-note lecture)
66. Iron-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: new insights from In-situ spectroscopy, diffraction and theory, Royal Society of Chemistry SurCat Symposium, London (UK), 13.12.10 (plenary lecture)
67. The Magic of Catalysis: Water 2 Wine, Utrecht (The Netherlands), Lecture of the 375th Dies Natalis of Utrecht University, 25.03.11.
68. Catalysts Live and Up Close: Insights from In-situ Micro- and Nano-Spectroscopy Studies, North American Congress on Catalysis, Detroit (MI, USA), 05.06-10.06.11 (plenary lecture).
69. In-situ Micro- and Nanospectroscopy of Zeolites: Reactivity, Acidity, Diffusion Barriers and Dealumination, International Symposium of the Federation of European Zeolite Association, Valencia (Spain), 03.07-07.07.11 (key-note lecture).
70. Application of high-energy photons in heterogeneous catalysis research, European Congress on Catalysis, Glasgow (United Kingdom), 31.08-02.09.11 (key-note lecture).
71. Probing Microporous Oxide Formation Processes Using Simultaneous Multiple In-situ Techniques, Chemie schafft Zukunft, German Chemistry Congress, Bremen (Germany), 04.09-07.09.11 (key-note lecture).
72. Micro-spectroscopy of Fischer-Tropsch and Methanol-to-Olefin Catalysts at Work, Cape Town, International Symposium for Syngas Conversion, Cape Town (South Africa), 01.04-04.04.2012 (key-note lecture).
73. Chemical Imaging of Catalytic Solids at the Single Particle Level, 4th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Upton (NY, USA), 29.04-03.05.2012 (plenary lecture).
74. In-situ Spectroscopy of Catalytic Solids: Dynamic Processes at the Individual Particle Level, Gordon Conference on Catalysis, New London (NH, USA), 24.06-29.06.2012 (invited lecture).
75. Catalysts Live and Up Close: Heterogeneities in Space and Time, 15th International Congress on Catalysis, Munich (Germany), 01.07-06.07.2012 (plenary lecture).
76. Chemical Imaging of Individual Catalyst Particles in Space and Time, 14th Netherlands Congress on Catalysis and Chemistry, Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands), 11.03-13.03.2013 (plenary lecture).
77. Catalytic Conversion of Lignin, Minisymposium on Sustainable Catalysis, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews (United Kingdom), 24.03.2013-25.03.2013 (plenary lecture).
78. X-ray Microscopy and Tomography of Catalytic Solids at Work, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar “Energy-related catalysis today and tomorrow: From fundamentals to applications”, Bad Honnef (Germany), 25.03.2013-28.03.2013 (plenary lecture).
79. Nanoscale imaging of acidity, porosity and reactivity within molecular sieves, International Symposium on Acid-Base Catalysis, Tokyo (Japan), 12.05.2013-15.05.2013 (plenary lecture).
80. Catalytic Valorization of Lignin, International Symposium of Green Chemistry, La Rochelle (France), 21.05.2013-24.05.2013 (plenary lecture).
81. Life and death of a fluid catalytic cracking particle, International Zeolite Conference, Moscow (Russia), 07.07.2013-12.07.2013 (key-note lecture).
82. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research, International Conference on Photochemistry, Leuven (Belgium), 21.07.2013-26.07.2013 (key-note lecture).
83. Nanoscale chemical imaging of catalyst particles at work, International Symposium on the Relationships between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Sapporro (Japan), 04.08.2013-09.08.2013 (key-note lecture).
84. Chemical Imaging of Spatial Heterogeneities in Catalytic Solids at Different Length and Time Scales, European Congress on Catalysis, Lyon (France), 01.09.2013-06.09.2013 (plenary opening lecture).
85. Catalytic Valorization of Lignin, Norwegian Catalysis Symposium, Trondheim (Norway), 02.12.2013-03-12.2013 (key-note lecture).
86. Towards Solar Light-Induced Vapor Bubble Nanoreactor Catalysis, Physics@FOM 2014, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), 21.01.2014-23.01.2014 (invited focus session lecture).
87. A City that runs on CO2, TEDx Binnenhof 2014, The Hague (The Netherlands), 31.03.2014 (invited lecture).
88. Niet alles is goud, wat blinkt: Over alchemie, chemie en Katalyse, KNCV Voorjaarbijeenkomst 2014, Bussum (The Netherlands), 08.05.2014 (key-note lecture).
89. Recent Advances in Single Catalyst Particle Spectroscopy, Advanced Porous Materials 2014 Symposium, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), 02.06.2014-03.06.2014 (key-note lecture).
90. In-situ spectroscopic tools for monitoring catalytic biomass transformations, Cascatbel Summerschool, Bysice (Czech Republic), 11.06.2014, (invited lecture).
91. About Apples and Catalyst Particles: New Vistas on the Grand Old Lady of Zeolite Catalysis, 6th International FEZA Conference, Leipzig (Germany), 08.09.2014-11.09.2014 (plenary opening lecture).
92. About Apples and Catalyst Particles: New Vistas on the Grand Old Lady of Zeolite Catalysis, Stanford University, Palo Alto (CA, USA), 15.9.2014-20.9.2014, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Catalysis Society (key-note lecture).
93. Op weg naar een duurzamere samenleving: Droom wordt werkelijkheid met chemie, Koninklijk Genootschap Physica, Alkmaar (The Netherlands), 03.11.214 (invited lecture).
94. Op weg naar een duurzamere samenleving: Droom wordt werkelijkheid met chemie, Woudschoten Chemie Conferentie, Zeist (The Netherlands), 07.11.2014-08-11.2014 (plenary lecture).
95. How to use nature for our purpose: Catalysis for the producton of biomass-based building blocks, Dutch Catalysis Society Workshop “Catalysis for the Future: Practical Aspects of using Alternative Resources for Fuels and Chemicals”, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 14.11.2014 (invited lecture).
96. Micro-spectroscopic Characterization of Zeolite-based Catalyst Materials: Life and Death of a Single Catalyst Particle, 1stWinter Conference of the UK Catalysis Hub, Harwell (United Kingdom), 10.12.2014-11-12.2.2014 (plenary lecture).
97. Towards a Circular Economy? - Catalysis for the Production of Biomass-Based Building Blocks, ChemEner2015 Conference, Berlin (Germany), 18.01.2015-21.01.2015 (plenary lecture).
98. Recent Progress in the Characterization of Zeolite-based Catalyst Materials, Euro-Asian Zeolite Conference, Nice (France) 26.01.2015-28.01.2015 (plenary lecture).
99. Towards a Multiscale Science Approach in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Rideal Conference, Berlin (Germany), 25.03.2015-27.03.2015 (invited lecture).
100. Towards a Circular Economy? – Catalysis for the Production of Biomass-Based Building Blocks, EXPO 2015, Milan (Italy), 11.05.2015 (invited lecture).
101. In-situ Spectroscopy of Real Catalysts, SUNCAT Summer School, Stanford University, Stanford (USA), 24.08.2015-28.08.2015 (key-note lecture).
102. Towards a Circular Economy? Catalysis for the Production of Biomass-Based Building Blocks, 2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Lisbon (Portugal), 04.10.2015-07.10.2015 (plenary lecture).
103. Zeolites studied at the level of single particles, molecules and atoms, 25th Anniversary ITQ, Valencia (Spain), 22.10.2015-23.10.2015 (invited lecture).
104. Catalytic Materials studied at the Level of Single Particles, Molecules and Atoms, XLVIII Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, Cracow (Poland), 16.03.2016-18.03.2016 (plenary lecture).
105. Photo-spectroscopy of mixtures of catalyst particles reveals their age and type, Faraday Discussions: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, London (UK), 04.04.2016-06.04.2016 (invited lecture).
106. X-ray Micro-Spectroscopy of Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts, 7th International Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Catalysis by Sulfides (MACS-VII), Doorn (The Netherlands), 22.05.2016-26.05.2016 (plenary lecture).
107. Polyethylene with Reverse Co-monomer Incorporation: From an Industrial Serendipitous Discovery to Fundamental Understanding, Blue Sky Conferences on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization, Sorrento (Italy), 27.06.2016-01.07.2016 (key-note lecture).
108. Catalytic solids studied at the level of single particles, molecules and atoms, 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing (China), 03.07.2016-08.07.2016 (invited lecture).
109. Operando spectroscopy and microscopy of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and methanol-to-olefins catalysts, Post-symposium on Catalysis for Syngas and Methanol Conversion of the 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing (China), 09.07.2016-11.07.2016 (plenary lecture).
110. Operando spectroscopy of a catalytic solid: Towards a molecular movie, 24th Solvay Conference on Chemistry, Catalysis in Chemistry & Biology, Brussels (Belgium), 18.10.2016-22.10.2016 (invited lecture).
111. In-situ and Operando Micro-Spectroscopy of Catalytic Solids, AVS International Symposium, Nashville (TN, USA), 06.11.2016-11.11.2016 (key-note lecture).
112. Advances in Multiscale Spectroscopy of Catalytic Solids at Work, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston (MA, USA), 27.11.2016-02.12.2016 (key-note lecture).
113. Advances in Operando X-ray Spectroscopy of Solid Catalysts, Spring American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco (CA, USA), 02.04.2017-06.04.2017 (invited lecture).
114. Catalysis for Levulinic Acid Hydrogenation: Influence of Catalyst Composition, Syntheiss and Feed Impurities, Spring American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco (CA, USA), 02.04.2017-06.04.2017 (invited lecture).
115. Single Molecule Fluorescence of a Single Catalyst Particle, Spring American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco (CA, USA), 02.04.2017-06.04.2017 (invited lecture).
116. Advances in Operando Spectroscopy of Solid Catalysts, Spring American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco (CA, USA), 02.04.2017-06.04.2017 (invited lecture).
117. Putting Zeolites in the Picture: Recent Advances in Nano-Spectroscopy, 8th Acid-Base Conference, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 08.04.2017-10.04.2017 (plenary and opening lecture).
118. Central Science & Grand Challenges: Towards More Chemistry between Scientific Disciplines, HERCuLES symposium of the Academia Europaea "Crossing over to the future: Interdisciplinarity in research and higher education", Stokholm (Sweden), 18.05.2017-20.05.2017 (key-note lecture).
119. Advances in Chemical Imaging of Solid Catalysts at Work, Telluride Symposium “The Theory and Practice of Catalysis”, Telluride (CO, USA), 10.06.2017-14.06.2017 (invited lecture).
120. Advances in Chemical Imaging of Solid Catalysts at Work, “Operando and in situ spectroscopy: advances in the study of functional materials” Symposium of the Spanisch Chemical Royal Society (RSEQ) Meeting, Stiges (Spain), 26.06.2017 (invited lecture).
121. Putting Zeolites in the Picture: Recent Advances in Nano-Spectroscopy, Gordon Research Conference on Nanoporous Materials and Their Applications, Andover (NH, USA), 06.08.2017-11.08.2017 (invited lecture).
122. Putting Solid Catalysts in the Picture: Recent Advances in Nano-Spectroscopy, 19th Brazilian Congress on Catalysis and IX Mercosul Congresson Catalysis, Ouro Preto (Brazil), 17.09.2017-21.09.2017 (plenary and opening lecture).
123. Planet that Runs on CO2, Workshop to honour the 60th birthday of Jean-Marie Solvay, President of the Solvay Institutes, Brussels (Belgium), 18.10.2017 (invited lecture).
124. Putting Solid Catalysts in the Picture: Recent Advances in Nano-Spectroscopy, 8th Asian-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium, Shanghai (China), 12.11.2017-15.11.2017 (plenary and opening lecture).
125. Catalyst Live and Up Close: The Clean Energy Transition, 4th International Symposium on Chemistry for Energy Conversion and Storage, Berlin (Germany, 28.01.2018-31.01.2018 (plenary lecture).
126. Catalyst Live and Up Close: The Clean Energy Transition, UK-Netherlands Bilateral International Meeting of the Royal Society and KNAW, Newport Pagnell (United Kingdom), 21.02.2018-22.02.2018 (plenary lecture).
127. Catalytic Conversion of CO2 into Chemicals: Influence of Metal Particle Size and Reaction Conditions. International Conference on Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Krakow (Poland), 19.03.2018-22.03.2018 (plenary lecture).
128. 15th Years of Operando Spectroscopy, 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Malaga (Spain), 15.04.2018-19.04.2018 (opening key-note lecture).
129. Nanoscale Catalyst Filming of Zeolite-based Catalysts, 3rd Scientific-Technological Symposium on Catalytic Hydroprocessing in Oil Refining, Lyon (France), 16.04.2018-20.04.2018 (plenary lecture).
130. Putting Solid Catalysts in the Picture: Towards a Molecular Movie, 25th Canadian Catalysis Symposium, Saskatoon (Canada), 08.05.2018-11.05.2018 (plenary lecture).
131. Catalyst Live and Up Close: The Clean Energy Transition, 25th Canadian Catalysis Symposium, Saskatoon, (Canada), 08.05.2018-11.05.2018 (plenary and opening lecture).
132. Catalyst Live and Up Close: Structure and dynamics probed with operando microscopy and spectroscopy, UKSR50: 50 years of Synchrotron Radiation in the UK and its global impact, Liverpool (UK), 26.06.2018-29.06.2018 (plenary lecture).
133. Solid Catalysts Live and Up Close: Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Inorganic Materials Go Nano, 4th International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials, Namur (Belgium), 16.07.2018-20.07.2018 (plenary lecture).
134. Catalyst Live and Up Close: The Clean Energy Transition, 18th International Symposium on the Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18), Sydney (Australia), 22.07.2018-25.07.2018 (plenary lecture).
135. Catalyst Live and Up Close: Structure and dynamics probed with operando microscopy and spectroscopy, 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8), Yokohama (Japan, 05.08.2018-10.08.2018 (plenary lecture).
136. Advances in X-ray Micro-Spectroscopy of Heterogeneous Catalysts, International Conference on X-ray Microscopy, Saskatoon (Canada), 19.08.2018-24.08.2018 (plenary lecture).
137. Hunting for the Hidden Chemistry in Solid Catalysts: Towards a Molecular Movie, 7th EuCheMS, Liverpool (UK), 26.08.2018-30.08.2018 (keynote lecture).
138. Catalysis for the Production of Chemicals and Fuels from Biomass and CO2, 8th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Bangkok (Thailand), 09.09.2018-14.09.2018 (keynote lecture).
139. Catalyst Live and Up Close, Frontiers in Chemistry – ArmChemFront, Yerevan (Armenia), 21.10.2018-25.10.2018 (plenary lecture).
140. Catalyst Live and Up Close, NWO Chains Conference, Veldhoven (the Netherlands), 04.12.2018-05.12.2018 (plenary lecture).
141. Catalytic Conversion of CO2, Industry & Energy: When Electrons Power Molecules, Geleen (the Netherlands), 13.12.2018 (plenary lecture)
142. Breaking and Making Chemical Bonds: Seeing the Active Site, International Workshop on Advanced Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biomass Conversion, Sapporo (Japan), 03.02.2019-05.02.2019 (plenary lecture).
143. How Can Chemistry Make Our Society More Sustainable?, 25th Annual PAC Symposium, Amsterdam (the Netherlands), 07.03.2019 (key-note lecture).
144. Nanoscale X-ray Filming of a Single Catalyst Particle, 26th North American Congress on Catalysis, Chicago (IL, USA), 23.07.2019-28.07.2019. (invited lecture)
145. Catalyst Images, Imaging & Imagination, Telluride Workshop on Theory and Practice of Catalysis, Telluride (CO, USA), 20.07.2019-23.07.2019. (invited lecture)
146. Catalysts Live & Up Close, European Materials Research Society 2019 Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland), 16.09.2019 (key-note lecture).
147. Catalysts Live & Up Close, Science Forum Chemistry of the German Chemical Society, Aachen (Germany), 18.09.2019 (key-note lecture).
148. Modeling of Functional Materials, 25th Solvay Conference on Chemistry “Computational Modeling: From Chemistry to Materials to Biology”, Brussels (Belgium), 16.10.2019-19.10.2019 (invited lecture).
149. Catalyst Images, Imaging & Imagination, 16th National Processtechology Symposium, Eindhoven (the Netherlands), 31.10.2019 (plenary lecture).
150. Visualizing Molecules in Action on Catalyst Surfaces with Nano-Spectroscopy, Nature Conference on Functional Dynamics: Visualizing Molecules in Action, Tempe (AZ, USA), 06.11.2019-09.11.2019 (invited lecture).
151. Images, Imaging and Imagination: Probing Solid Catalysts at Work, IC Future, Oulo (Finland), 08.01.2020-10.01.2020 (keynote lecture).
152. Making Fuels and Chemicals with Renewable Electricity and CO2, 8th Conference on Fuels Science: From Products to Propulsion, Aachen (Germany), 22.06.2020-24.06.2020 (keynote lecture).
153. Operando Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Solid Catalysts, 26th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, Portoroz, Slovenia 16.09.2020-18.09.2020 (plenary lecture, online).
154. Making Fuels and Chemicals with Renewable Electricity and CO2, Materials Innovation Institute (M2i) Conference, 14.12.2020 (keynote lecture, online).
155. Single Catalyst Particle Diagnostics in a Microreactor for Performing Multiphase Hydrogenation Reactions, Faraday Discussions “Reaction Mechanisms in Catalysis”, London, UK, 17.02.2021-19.02.2021 (invited lecture, online).
156. Micro-spectroscopy of Binder Effects in Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass, International e-Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 12.04.2021-13.04.2021 (keynote lecture, online).
157. Single-Molecule Tracking Reveals Diffusion Heterogeneity in Zeolite Channels, Probing Chemical Reactivity by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy Virtual Symposium, 08.06.2021 (invited lecture, online).
158. New operando insights in the catalytic chemistry of small molecule activation, Advances in Catalysis for C1 Chemistry, Dalian, China, 23.07.2021-25.07.2021 (plenary lecture, online).
159. Thermo- & Electrocatalytic Conversion of CO2 into Valuable Chemicals: Insights from In-situ and Operando Spectroscopy, 18th International Conference of Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Daejeon, South Korea, 18.07.2021-22.07.2021 (keynote lecture, online).
160. Using the Sun and its Energy to Fuel a Circular Society, 9th UK Solar Fuels Network Symposium, 09.09.2021 (keynote lecture, online).
161. Advances in In-situ and Operando Characterization of Functional Nanomaterials, EUROMAT2021, 13.09.2021 (keynote lecture, online).
162. Plastics: What can we do?, Great Plains Catalysis Society Fall Virtual Symposium, USA, 17.09.2021 (invited lecture, online).
163. Advanced AFM-IR Studies of Functional Nanomaterials: When Scanning Probe Microscopy Teams up with Vibrational Spectroscopy, SCIX2021, Providence, RI, USA, 26.09.2021-01.10.2021 (invited lecture, online).
164. Advances in Operando Spectroscopy and its Role in the Refinery of the Future, 20nd National Congress on Catalysis, Wuhan, China, 10.10.2021- (plenary lecture, online)
165. Perspectives for Plastic Waste and CO2 Valorization, 2nd ComBioCat Symposium “Catalysis Across Borders", 18.10.2021-19.10.2021, Rostock, Germany (keynote lecture, online).
166. Perspectives for the Catalytic Valorization of CO2, Catalysis Science & Technology 10th Anniversary Symposium, 16.11.2021-17.10.2021, Cambridge, UK (invited lecture, online).
167. Operando Spectroscopy and its Role in the Refinery of the Future, 52nd Symposium on Catalysis, 08.11.2021-09.11.2021, Prague, Czech Republic (plenary lecture)
168. A Roadmap towards the Refinery of the Future, 15.11.2021-17.11.2021, Malmö, Sweden (keynote lecture)
169. Towards a Carbon-Neutral Society by 2050, European Industry & Energy Summit 2021, 07.12.2021-08.01.2021, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (keynote lecture).
170. Single-Molecule and Single-Particle Fluoresence Microscopy of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Pacifichem 2021, 15.12.2021-20.12.2021, Honolulu, Hawai, USA (keynote lecture, online)
171. Operando Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Solid Catalysts at Work, Pacifichem 2021, 15.12.2021-20.12.2021, Honolulu, Hawai, USA (keynote lecture, online)
172. Advances in Operando Spectroscopy and Microscopy, WE-Heraeus Seminar, 10.01.2022-13.01.2022, Bad Honnef, Germany (plenary lecture, online).
173. New Operando Insights in the Catalytic Conversion of Small Molecule Activation, International Congress on Cutting Edge Research in Materials & Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CRMSCT-2022), 28.01.2022, Jaipur, India (plenary lecture, online).
174. A Roadmap for Catalysis to Support a Society Powered by Renewable Energies, EFCATS Winterschool CatEnerChem, 18.03.2022, Aussois, France (plenary lecture, online).
175. Advanced AFM-IR and AFM-Raman Studies of Solid Catalysts: When Scanning Probe Microscopy Teams Up with Vibrational Spectroscopy, Spring ACS Conference, 20.03.2022-24.03.2022, San Diego (CA, USA) (keynote lecture).
176. Advances and Perspectives in Chemical Recycling of Plastics: Giving New Life to Plastic Waste, Spring ACS Conference, 20.03.2022-24.03.2022, San Diego (CA, USA) (keynote lecture).
177. Operando Attenuated Total Reflection-Infrared Spectroscopy Studies of Lignin Conversion Processes, Spring ACS Conference, 20.03.2022-24.03.2022, San Diego (CA, USA) (keynote lecture).
178. High-Throughput Activity Screening and Sorting of Single Catalyst Particles with Microreactor Technology and In-situ Spectroscopy, Spring ACS Conference, 20.03.2022-24.03.2022, San Diego (CA, USA) (invited lecture).
179. Advances in the Operando and In-situ Characterization of Solid Catalysts: Principles, Potential Pitfalls and Showcases, Catalysts 2022 Webinar on In Situ/Operando Catalyst Characterization, 22.04.2022, online (keynote lecture).
180. Operando Spectroscopy of CO2 Activation in the Gas and Liquid-Phase: Similarities and Differences in Reaction Mechanisms, Renewable Energy & Solar Fuels Gordon Research Conference, 08.05.2022-12.05.2022, Luca (Italy) (invited lecture).
181. Elucidating the Origin of Catalyst Activation and Deactivation with Operando Spectroscopy and Microscopy, North American Congress on Catalysis, 22.05.2022-27.05.2022, New York City (NY, USA) (keynote lecture).
182. Towards the Refinery of the Future and the Role of Operando Spectroscopy, 19th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, 06.06.2022-08.06.2022, Espoo (Finland) (plenary lecture).
183. Advances in Operando Spectroscopy of Small Molecules and Its Role in Designing the Refinery of the Future, XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de Química, 26.06.2022-28.06.2022, Granada (Spain) (invited lecture).
184. Bridging the Gap between Planar Model Catalysts and Industrially Relevant Solid Catalysts with Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy, 28.06.2022, 19th International Symposium on the Relationships between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Oslo(Norway) (keynote lecture).
185. Paving the Way for Lignin Valorization, Lignin Gordon Research Conference, 31.07.2022-04.08.2022, Easton (MA, USA) (invited opening lecture).
186. Operando Spectroscopy of Thermocatalysis and Electrocatalysis of CO2 and CO, Fall ACS Conference, 19.08.2022-23.08.2022, Chicago (IL, USA) (invited lecture)
187. Advances and Perspectives in the Chemical Recycling of Plastics, Fall ACS Conference, 19.08.2022-23.08.2022, Chicago (IL, USA) (invited lecture)
188. What Can You Do with CO2? Catalysis Connected, 15.09.2022-16.09.2022, Eindhoven (the Netherlands) (keynote lecture)
189. Single-Molecule Observation of Diffusion and Catalysis in Nanoporous Solids, Diffusion Fundamentals IX Symposium, Krakow (Poland), 21.09.2022-24.09.2022 (keynote lecture).
190. Towards the Refinery of the Future: Role of Operando Spectroscopy in the Making and Breaking of Chemical Bonds,International Symposium on Future Technologies for Carbon Neutrality, Nankai (China), 19.10.2022 (plenary talk, online).
191. Towards the Refinery of the Future: Role of In-situ and Operando Spectroscopy of Solid Catalysts, Seventh International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 19.10.2022-23.10.2022, Genoa (Italy) (keynote lecture).
192. Advances in Operando Spectrsocopy and its Role in the Refinery of the Future, CACEE-2022, Conference on Advances in Catalysis for Energy & Environment, 01.11.2022, Mumbai (India) (plenary lecture, online).
193. Towards the Refinery of the Future: Perspectives on Carbon Dioxide and Waste Valorization, DECARB 2022, Decarbonization of Energy Intensive Industries, 10.11.2022, Prague (Czech Republic) (keynote lecture).
194. Towards the Refinery of the Future: Recent Strides in the Development of In Situ and Operando Spectroscopy of Solid Catalysts, Meeting of the Catalysis Society of India, 15.11.2022, Mumbai (India) (keynote lecture, online).
195. Probing Catalysts at Work Across Different Length and Time Scales with Spectroscopy and Microscopy, “Future of Physical Chemistry Research” Symposium, 09-11.01.2023, Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society, Berlin (Germany) (keynote lecture).
196. Advances and Perspectives in Chemical Recycling of Plastics, World Plastics Association Summit, 22-25.03.2023, Monaco (keynote lecture).
197. Advances and Perspectives in the Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO and CO2, Syngas Convention IV “Fuels and Chemicals from Synthesis Gas: State of the Art”, 02-05.04.2023, Cape Town (South Africa) (plenary talk).
198. Operando Spectroscopy of Catalysts: Short History, Practicalities & Technicalities, Important trends and showcases, Summer School associated with the 7th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, 07-12.05.2023, Swiss Light Source, Villigen (Switzerland) (plenary talk).
199. Recent Advances in Chemical Imaging of Solid Catalysts, NJU-ACS Joint Summit on Chemical and Biomedical Imaging, 19.05.2023 (keynote lecture, online).
200. Operando Spectroscopy of CO and CO2 Activation Processes, WE Heraeus Seminar on Sustainable Aviation Fuels, 24-27.05.2023, Bad Honnef (Germany) (plenary talk).
201. Probing catalysts at work at different length and time scales with spectroscopy and microscopy, European Chemistry School for Ukrainians, 01.06.2023 (keynote lecture, online).
202. Trends and advances in operando spectroscopy, Nanomaterials Webinar, 12.06.2023 (keynote lecture, online).
203. Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Supported Olefin Polymerization Catalysis: Towards a Better Understanding of Catalyst Activation and Fragmentation, 12-15.05.2023, Bluesky-Incorep Conference, Sorrento (Italy) (keynote lecture).
204. Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks at Work, 9th Conference on the Federation of the European Zeolite Associations, 02-06.07.2023, Portorose (Slovenia) (plenary lecture).
205. Challenges, Opportunities and New Understanding in the Upcycling of Plastic Waste, 2023 Plastics Recycling and Upcycling Gordon Research Conference, 09-13.07.2023, Manchester (NH, USA) (invited lecture).
206. Advances in Operando Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Catalysts, 49th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, 20-25.08.2023, The Hague (the Netherlands) (keynote lecture).
207. Catalysis at the Level of Single Catalyst Particles, Single Molecules and Single Atoms: Seeing is Believing?, TU/e-ICAT Joint International Symposium on Catalysis, Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Society, 01-02.11.2023, Eindhoven (the Netherlands) (keynote lecture).
208. Creating Value from Plastic through Catalysis, Brightlands Circular Plastics Event, 07.12.2023, Geleen (the Netherlands) (keynote lecture).