Prof. dr. Bert de Vries

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 8.82
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. Bert de Vries

Environmental Sciences



Experiencing waterde Vries, B. J. M. (Speaker)
12 Sept 201917 Sept 2019
, 39th Annual Balaton Group meeting on Impacts of Global Water Scarcity: Spiritual, Technical, Economic, Political
Complexity and sustainabilityde Vries, B. J. M. (Invited speaker)
26 Apr 2019
Guest lecture: Climate Change: [framing] technological and other solutionsde Vries, B. J. M. (Speaker)
20 Feb 2019
Energie en het Klimaatakkoordde Vries, B. J. M. (Speaker)
20 Jan 2019


The Sustainable Development Goals in worldview perspectivede Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
13 Nov 2018
Worldviewsde Vries, B. J. M. (Speaker)
1 Oct 2018
Global Change: A Long Term Perspectivede Vries, B. J. M. (Speaker)
12 Sept 2018
Mens en Natuur in het Anthropoceende Vries, B. J. M. (Participant)
30 Apr 20184 May 2018
Modernity an the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
27 Mar 2018
Systems Modelling for Sustainabilityde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
16 Feb 2018
, Pune
Ethical Reflections on the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
23 Jan 2018
Sustainable Finance Lab (Organisational unit)de Vries, B. J. M. (Member)
2018 → …
NWO-WOTRO (External organisation)de Vries, B. J. M. (Member)
2018 → …
Global Sustainability (Journal)de Vries, B. J. M. (Editor)
2018 → …
Advisory Board in het project 'coDesign' (Addressing Energy Transition Gaps in Climate and Energy Model Regions of Austria Through Policy Co-Design)(Event)de Vries, B. J. M. (Member)
2018 → …
, Advisory Board in het project 'coDesign' (Addressing Energy Transition Gaps in Climate and Energy Model Regions of Austria Through Policy Co-Design)


Ethical reflections on the Sustainability Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
3 Nov 2017
Modelling for Sustainabilityde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
20 Oct 2017
Sustainability and Finance: some model resultsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
11 Oct 2017
, France Stratégie
Education for Sustainabilityde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
14 Sept 201719 Sept 2017
, 35th Annual Balaton Group meeting Education for Sustainable Development
35th Annual Balaton Group meeting Education for Sustainable Developmentde Vries, B. J. M. (Organiser)
14 Sept 201719 Sept 2017
35th Annual Balaton Group meetingde Vries, B. J. M. (Participant)
14 Sept 201719 Sept 2017
Global Change: A Long Term Perspectivede Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
12 Sept 2017
Sustainability Science Part I: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)and worldviewsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
7 Sept 2017
Sustainability Science Part II: Urban services and Climate changede Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
7 Sept 2017
Perspectives on Sustainable Development (PSD)de Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
Sept 2017Oct 2017
Ethical reflections on the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Keynote speaker)
16 Jun 2017
Sustainability: a worldview approachde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
6 Jun 2017
Feiten en onwaarheden: leven in de tijden van post-normale wetenschapde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
17 May 2017
Ethics and the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
7 Apr 2017
Ethics and the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
3 Apr 2017
Ethics and the Sustainable Development Goalsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
28 Mar 2017
Future Earth workshopde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
13 Mar 201715 Mar 2017
, Future Earth
Energy modelling and Economicsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
1 Mar 2017
Climate change and Economicsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
28 Feb 2017
Energy modelling and ethicsde Vries, B. J. M. (Presenter)
20 Feb 2017


Guest lecture (2 hr)de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2016
Workshop Linking earth-system and socio-economic models to predict and manage changes in land use adn biodiversityde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 201630 Sept 2016
Defense of Barbara Koelbl (Event)de Vries, B. (Member)
23 Sept 2016
, Defense of Barbara Koelbl
Gastcollege Global Change: A Long Term Perspective (2 hr)de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2016
Presentation: Engaging in sustainable development: the worldview approachde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
13 Jul 201616 Jul 2016
, 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference
Utrecht University (External organisation)de Vries, B. (Member)
7 Jul 2016
Van Marumprijs door de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (HMW)(Event)de Vries, B. (Member)
17 Jun 2016
, Van Marumprijs door de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (HMW)
Guest lecture Sustainable Development and Worldviewsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
7 Jun 2016
Presentation Sustainable Development and Worldviewsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
6 Jun 2016
Twee ochtenden les gegeven bij de Bildung Academie: Energy: a system oriented introduction, en The energy system: a worldview oriented Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
26 May 201627 May 2016
Defence of Carina van der Laan (Event)de Vries, B. (Member)
23 May 2016
, Defence of Carina van der Laan
Guest lecturer in the Summer School 2016, Planetary Boundaries. Art of Modellingde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
15 May 201620 May 2016
, Summer School 2016, Zvenigorod
Defense of Vasilis Daioglou (Event)de Vries, B. (Member)
13 May 2016
, Defense of Vasilis Daioglou
Lezing op Symposium Klimaatveranderingde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
10 May 2016
PhD defense of David Bryngelsson (Event)de Vries, B. (Member)
18 Mar 2016
, PhD defense of David Bryngelsson
Gastcollege Climate change and Economicsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 2016
5 uur les gegeven gegeven in het kader van de cursus Grasping Sustainabilityde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 201624 Feb 2016
Presentation Tools for sustainability science: models and worldviews, at the occasion of the conference Systems and Sustainability in Time and Space associated with the Inuaguration of Prof. A. Voinovde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
18 Feb 2016
, Conference Systems and Sustainability in Time and Space
Future Earth - Modelling Challenges for Sustainability framework workshopde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
4 Jan 2016Jun 2016
Global Sustainability (Journal)de Vries, B. (Editor)


Brussels Sustainable Development Summit 2015de Vries, B. (Keynote speaker)
19 Oct 201520 Oct 2015
Presentation during the Workshop An EmergingTechnological and Societal Transition, organised by Steen Rasmussen en Lene Andersen (Center for Fundamental Living Technology (FLinT), Odense)de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
5 Oct 20159 Oct 2015
, Workshop An EmergingTechnological and Societal Transition
Gastcollege Global Change: A Long Term Perspective (2 hr)de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
8 Sept 2015
Presentation: Sustainability and Corruptionde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
24 Aug 201528 Aug 2015
, 33rd Annual Balaton Group Meeting in Csopak, Hongarije
PERL International Conference Paris 2015 - A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging,Responding and Learningde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
10 Mar 201511 Mar 2015
Gastcollege Climate change and Economicsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
24 Feb 2015


Klimaatverandering: oorzaken, gevolgen en onzekerhedende Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
23 May 2013
, Lezing bijeenkomst Basta! (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Visie op duurzaamheid: wetenschap * activismede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
21 May 2013
, Lezing bij Geohuisbijeenkomst (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Duurzaam[swetenschap] in het [hoger] onderwijsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
16 May 2013
, Lezing ter gelegenheid van mijn afscheid bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Transdisciplinary Research in the Context of Energy, Urbanization and Climate Changede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, Gastdocent Global Sustainability Summer School
Sustainability Sciencede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, Gastcollege aan de Universitaet Duisburg Essen (UDE)
Sustainability Sciencede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, Gastcollege aan de Universiteit Groningen
Past Civilizations, The Great Acceleration adn Possible World Futuresde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, Cursus Open Universiteit
Ethics and Sustainabilityde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, College at Ethics Institute
Duurzame ontwikkeling: Natuur in perspectiefde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
, Cursus Natuurbehoud, Duurzaamheid en Biodiversiteit


Frameworks and prospects for Integrated Assessment Modelling of Global Change (IAM-GC)de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2012
, Workshop on Coupled Climate-Economics Modelling and Data Analysis ENS/CERES-ERI/ISC
Duurzame Ontwikkeling: Natuur in perspectiefde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
28 Jun 2012
, Lecture at World Wildlife Fondation (Zeist, The Netherlands)
Framework and prospects for Integrated [Assessment] Modelling of Global Change within UU and in cooperation with PBLde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
14 Jun 2012
, Lecture at Utrecht University Department of Innovation, Environment en Energy Sciences (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Technology in IAMs: status-quo & innovationsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
1 Mar 2012
, Invited lecture at INSITE (Venice, Italy)
Climate change and the energy transition in [Indian] contextde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
4 Feb 2012
, Invited lecture at the summit of TERI ( New Delhi, India)
Climate change and the energy transition in [Indian] contextde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
3 Feb 2012
, Invited lecture at IBM (Bangalore, India)
Climate change and the energy transition in [Indian] contextde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
2 Feb 2012
, Invited lecture at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements IIHS (Bangalore, India)
Climate change and the energy transitionde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
1 Feb 2012
, Lecture at the Indian Institute of Science IISc (Bangalore, India)


Co-organization the 26th Annual Balaton Group meetingde Vries, B. (Organiser)
26 Aug 200828 Aug 2008
Dynamics behind the dilemmas in our market-based consumption/ production systemde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
30 Jun 2008
, Lecture (Castricum)
Perspectives on the future of “System Earth”de Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
17 Jun 2008
, INCOSE 2008 Conference System Engineering for the Planet
Challenges in energy system modelingde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
10 Apr 2008
, Chalmers University (Goteborg, Sweden)


Sustainable development and the modelling of social-ecological systems: contributions from Complex System Sciencede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
19 Dec 2006
, Science of Complex Systems: Can science guide policies (Brussels, Belgium)
Perspectives on the end of the fossil fuel era and the dynamics behind itde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 2006
, Annual Balaton Group Meeting Change mechanisms towards sustainable world development pathways
Conference New Challenges to Human Security: Empowering Alternative Discoursesde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2006
Energy planning in a changing worldde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
8 Jun 2006
, International Conference Bridging to the future
Matter and money: long-term prospects for world developmentde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2006
, WAB-EPIST Workshop
India's energy futures: opportunities and constraintsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
13 Apr 2006
, : The Bureau for Environmental Assessment (MNP) (Bilthoven, the Netherlands)
Scenario's for India's energy futures and the role of renewable energyde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
4 Apr 2006
, Presentation at the Center for Sustainable Technologies (CST) (Bangalore, India)
India's energy futures: opportunities and constraintsde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 2006
, TARU Lecture Series (New Delhi, India)


Environment and sustainable developmentde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2005
, Summer School in Simferopol , Ukraine, Lomonosov University of Moscow, Vernadsky University of Simferopol (Simferopol, Ukraine)
Dealing with uncertainty and complexity: the contribution of scenariosde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2005
, Integrated History and future Of People on Earth (IHOPE), 96th Dahlem Workshop, Universität Berlin
Duurzaamheidsverkenning-kwaliteit en toekomstde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
15 Mar 2005
, IVEM, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen, the Netherlands)
Cultural Theory for understanding the past and searching a sustainable futurede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
20 Jan 2005
, Lecture at ICBM, Universität Oldenburg (Oldenburg, Germany)
Resilience Alliance (External organisation)de Vries, B. (Member)
2005 → …


Wind solar and biomass: Their role in a sustainable futurede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2004
, RAK/CIEP Symposium Fossil Fuels: Reserves and Alternatives -A scientific approach (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Duurzaamheid in een veranderende wereldde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
26 May 2004
, Inaugurele rede (Bilthoven/Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Carbon removal and storage in longer term TIMER/IMAGE model-based energy and environment scenariosde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2004
, CATO Kick-off meeting
Hydrogen in the future global energy systemde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
16 Mar 2004
, Workshop on Hydrogen Energy in the future
Transdisciplinair onderzoek inzake energietransitiesde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2004
, NWO/Novem bijeenkomst "Wie beta zegt, moet ook gamma zeggen" (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Global potential of biomass-derived energyde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
20 Jan 2004
, International Congress On Renewable Energy (ICORE)


Climate Game SusClimede Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
5 Dec 2002
, LEAD Headquarters (London, United Kingdom)
Models and scenarios - bridging science and valuesde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
26 Oct 2002
, MODLUC, Advanced study course modelling land use change
Contribution to the Workshop on System Dynamics & Sustainable Developmentde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
21 Oct 2002
, Workshop on System Dynamics & Sustainable Development
IMAGE-model and IMAGE-based scenariosde Vries, B. (Invited speaker)
25 Mar 2002
, Lecture at Department of Environmental Science van de Central European University (CEU) (Budapest)