2019-2023 Copromotor for Jelle Strikwerda, on the effectiveness of decision aids for pension communication (with Hans Hoeken, Netspar grant)

2018 grant by Future Food, on food allergy communication (2018-2022, with UMCU & TNO)

2018 Associate Professor Language & Communication

2016 Senior Researcher (SKOz qualification)

2014-2016 Awarded two UU Aspasia grants to write a research proposal

2012 Awarded a UU Aspasia grant to organize the international workshop "Communication & Attitudes"

2011 Senior teacher (SKOw qualification)

2012-2016 Copromotor for Jasper van de Pol, on the use & effects of Voting Advice Applications (with Claes de Vreese)

2012 Awarded an NWO grant in the Begrijpelijke Taal-program for a 4-year research project with the University of Amsterdam "Voting Advice Applications as political decision aids" together with prof. Claes de Vreese and Kieskompas

2009-2012 Copromotor for Naomi Kamoen (with Huub van den Bergh) on question wording efffects in attitude surveys

2003/2004 Research fellow at NIAS (Wassenaar) in the interdisciplinary research group "A new view on Survey Research", led by prof. Willem Saris

2000-2018 Assistant Professor Language & Communication Utrecht University

2000 Dissertation defence "The forbid-allow asymmetry. On the cognitive mechanisms underlying wording effects in surveys". Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi Publishers

1998 - 2000 Assistant professor Research Methodology, Free University Amsterdam