Dr. Anouschka van Leeuwen

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer F3.28
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Anouschka van Leeuwen

Assistant Professor
+31 30 253 4700

“For analytics to play a constructive role, it is important to consider how they are being used by teachers and students and how they can be designed to enhance and complement human decision making.”

Van Leeuwen et al. (2023), Handbook of Learning Analytics


I am employed as assistant professor and project leader. I have a master degree in Artificial Intelligence and a PhD in Educational Sciences. In my work I mostly focus on learning analytics: What can we learn from (automatically) collected data about learning and teaching processes, and how can those data help us improve learning and teaching? 

Currently, I have a dual role at Utrecht University:

  • I am assistant professor in the department of Educational Sciences. In that capacity, I am a teacher and researcher, focusing on the relation between education and technology. For an overview of my publications, see my google scholar profile. I also supervise research of 4 PhD candidates.
  • I am project leader of the team Learning Analytics at the Student & Academic Affairs Office. The aim of our team is to support and facilitate learning analytics projects within the University. We create policy and technical infrastructure, and support projects in storing and visualizing data. For more information, visit our project page.


In 2024 I was honoured to receive the SURF Education Award


I am interested in connecting to and collaborating with other national and international institutions who are working on learning analytics. My international network includes the Society of Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), where we organize bi-monthly webinars concerning a broad range of topics related to learning analytics. At national level, I am the coordinator of the SURF special interest group learning analytics

Links to projects and networks I am engaged in: 


Highlighted practitioner publications:

  • Van Leeuwen, A. et al. (2024). Magazine facilitators and barriers of Learning analytics. Npuls magazine. 
  • Van Leeuwen, A., Goudriaan, M., Aksu, Ü., & Yousufzai, M. (2024). A Roadmap for Implementing Learning Analytics Projects: taking into account Pedagogy, Privacy, Ethics, and Technical Infrastructure. Companion Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK24), p. 9-12. Best practitioner paper award.
  • Van Leeuwen, A., & Post, L. (2022). Nieuwe aanpak? Collega’s wijzen de weg. Didactief, januari 2022.


Highlighted publications in peer reviewed journals: