Dr. Amanda van Loon

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer E2.37
3584 CS Utrecht

Amanda van Loon obtained her bachelor Psychobiology and her research master Cognitive Neurobiology and Clinical Neurophysiology at the University of Amsterdam. She is interested in the development of children and adolescents and in intervention research. 

Amanda obtained her PhD in 2022 at the department of Clinical Child and Family Studies. She worked on the project Connecting Education and Youth Care: development of a Response to Intervention Model for the approach of school-related stress in secondary school. Amanda examined the effect of stress interventions, for which students the interventions are effective and which factors contribute to this. For more information, take a look at www.stresslessproject.nl or Stress Less Project

At the moment Amanda is a postdoctoral researcher at the department of Youth & Family. She works on the project of investigating the effectiveness of SterkWerk, an classroom-based approach for groups 5-8, where children are given meaningful roles to actively work on responsibility, ownership and prosocial behavior. For more information, take a look at www.sterkwerkschool.nl or SterkWerk

In addition, Amanda teaches the minor Juvenile Delinquency and supervises students with writing their theses.