Highlighted publications
Badenoch, A. (2023).
Recalling Radio: An Archival View from Radio's Second Century. In K. McDonald, & H. Chignell (Eds.),
Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (pp. 468–488). Bloomsbury.
https://doi.org/10.5040/9781501385278.ch-34 Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War. (Institut für Europäische Regionalforschungen ed.) Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W. (2008). Voices in ruins: West German radio across the 1945 divide. Palgrave Macmillan.
Scholarly publications
Skoog, K.
, & Badenoch, A. (2024).
Mediating Women: The International Council of Women and the rise of (trans)national Broadcasting.
Women's History Review. Advance online publication.
Scholarly publications
Ordelman, R.
, van Gorp, J., Sanders, W., Wigham, M., Klein, R., Blom, J., Melder, W., van de Donk, M., Wassenaar, J., Sträter, F., Olesen, C., Boer, de, V.
, van der Deure, M.-J., Karrouche, N.
, Keijzer, J., Ozgen-Havekotte, A.
, Badenoch, A., Phipps, M., & Noordegraaf, J. (2023).
Towards ’Stakeholder Readiness’ in the CLARIAH Media Suite: Future-Proofing an Audio-Visual Research Infrastructure. 1-3. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/451666/DHB2023_paper_2021.pdf?sequence=1Badenoch, A. (2023).
Recalling Radio: An Archival View from Radio's Second Century. In K. McDonald, & H. Chignell (Eds.),
Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (pp. 468–488). Bloomsbury.
https://doi.org/10.5040/9781501385278.ch-34 2022
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2020).
Europe Materializing? Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der europäischen Infrastrukturen. In H. Wagner (Ed.),
Europäische Medienwissenschaft. : Zur Programmatik eines Fachs (pp. 237-266). transcript Verlag.
https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839445570-009 Professional publications
Olesen, C. G., Broekhuizen, M., Slootweg, T., van Gorp, J., & Badenoch, A. W. (2020). Overview International Collections in the Media Suite.
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Jong, M. D., Mavridis, P., Aroyo, L., Bozzon, A., Vos, J. D., Oomen, J., Dimitrova, A.
, & Badenoch, A. (2018).
A Human in the Loop Approach to Capture Bias and Support Media Scientists in News Video Analysis. In
Joint Proceedings SAD 2018 and CrowdBias 2018 (Vol. 2276, pp. 32-40).
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2276/paper11.pdfhttps://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/375126/paper11.pdf?sequence=1Badenoch, A. W., & Föllmer, G. (2018).
Introduction: Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium. In G. Föllmer, & A. Badenoch (Eds.),
Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium (pp. 11-29). (Media Studies; Vol. 42). transcript Verlag.
https://www.transcript-verlag.de/shopMedia/leseproben_epaper/ts3913_1/ 2017
Other output
Badenoch, A. W. (2017). Found in Translation: Transnational Media and the National Archive. VU Amsterdam.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W., & Skoog, K. (2016). Networking Women: The International Association of Women in Radio and Television. In J. Medhurst, S. Nicholas, & T. O'Malley (Eds.), Broadcasting in the UK and US in the 1950s: Historical Perspectives (pp. 189-218). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Scholarly publications
Nevejan, C., & Badenoch, A. W. (2014). How Amsterdam Invented the Internet: European Networks of Significance, 1980-1999. In G. Alberts, & R. Oldenziel (Eds.), Hacking Europe: From Computer Cultures to Demoscenes (pp. 179-205). (History of Computing). Springer.
Badenoch, A. W. (2014). Translating objects, transnationalizing collections: Inventing Europe between museums and researchers. In P. Innocenti (Ed.), Migrating Heritage: Experiences of Cultural Networks and Cultural Dialogue in Europe (pp. 39-52). Ashgate.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W. (2013). Between Rock and Roll and a Hard Place: ‘Pirate’ Radio and the Problems of Territory in Cold War Europe. In A. Badenoch, A. Fickers, & C. Henrich-Franke (Eds.), Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War (pp. 297-320). Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War. (Institut für Europäische Regionalforschungen ed.) Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W., & Wagner, H.-U. (2013). Coming Home into Thin Air: Radio and the Socio-Cultural Geography of Homecoming in Germany 1945-55. In S. Gemie, & G. S. Soo (Eds.), Coming Home? Vol. 1: Conflict and Return Migration in the Aftermath of Europe’s Twentieth-Century Civil Wars (pp. 145-163). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Introduction. In A. W. Badenoch, A. Fickers, & C. Henrich-Franke (Eds.), Airy Curtains the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War (pp. 9-26). Nomos.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Inventing Europe. Web publication/site, Foundation for the History of Technology.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2010).
Europe Materializing? Toward a transnational history of European infrastructures. In A. W. Badenoch, & A. Fickers (Eds.),
Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan.
http://www.palgrave.com/PDFs/9780230232891.Pdf Badenoch, A. W. (2010). Myths of the European network: constructions of cohesion in infrastructure maps. In A. W. Badenoch, & A. Fickers (Eds.), Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe (pp. 47-77). Palgrave Macmillan.
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Badenoch, A. W., & Moss, S. K. (2009). Chocolate: a global history. Reaktion Books.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W. (2008). Voices in ruins: West German radio across the 1945 divide. Palgrave Macmillan.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W. (2007). Time consuming: women's radio and the reconstruction of national narratives in western Germany 1945-1948. German History, 25(1), 46-71.
Scholarly publications
Badenoch, A. W. (2005). Making Sunday what it actually should be: Sunday radio programming and the re-invention of tradition in occupied Germany 1945-1949. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 25(4), 577-598.