Highlighted publications

Badenoch, A. (2023). Recalling Radio: An Archival View from Radio's Second Century. In K. McDonald, & H. Chignell (Eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (pp. 468–488). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781501385278.ch-34
Badenoch, A. W., & Skoog, K. (2019). Lessons from Lilian: is transnational (media) history a gendered issue? Feminist Media Histories, 5(3), 9-35. https://doi.org/10.1525/fmh.2019.5.3.9
Föllmer, G., & Badenoch, A. W. (Eds.) (2018). Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium. (Media Studies; Vol. 42). transcript Verlag. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/media/pdf/64/57/07/oa9783839439135ll2a2fbqHury4.pdf
Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War. (Institut für Europäische Regionalforschungen ed.) Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2010). Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=364545
Badenoch, A. W. (2008). Voices in ruins: West German radio across the 1945 divide. Palgrave Macmillan.
Badenoch, A. W. (2013). ‘In what language do you like to sing best?’ Placing popular music in broadcasting in post-war Europe. European review of history, 20(5), 837-857. https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2013.833714



Scholarly publications

Skoog, K., & Badenoch, A. (2024). Mediating Women: The International Council of Women and the rise of (trans)national Broadcasting. Women's History Review. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2024.2415735


Scholarly publications

Ordelman, R., van Gorp, J., Sanders, W., Wigham, M., Klein, R., Blom, J., Melder, W., van de Donk, M., Wassenaar, J., Sträter, F., Olesen, C., Boer, de, V., van der Deure, M.-J., Karrouche, N., Keijzer, J., Ozgen-Havekotte, A., Badenoch, A., Phipps, M., & Noordegraaf, J. (2023). Towards ’Stakeholder Readiness’ in the CLARIAH Media Suite: Future-Proofing an Audio-Visual Research Infrastructure. 1-3. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
van der Deure, M.-J., van Gorp, J., & Badenoch, A. (2023). The Paradox of Borders: Tracing the Clip of Laika the Soviet Dog in Three Digital Television Archives. VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture/E-journal, 12(24), 11-28. https://doi.org/10.18146/view.303
Badenoch, A., Clark, E., & Jancovic, M. (Eds.) (2023). Re-bordering the Archive: European Transnational Archives and Transnational Entanglements. VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture/E-journal, 12(24), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.18146/view.326
Badenoch, A. (2023). Tutorial: Searching and analysing the Sound and Vision Radio Collection using Automatic Speech Recognition. Web publication/site, CLARIAH. https://mediasuite.clariah.nl/learn/tool-tutorials/tutorial-searching-and-analysing-the-sound-and-vision-radio-collection-using-automatic-speech-recognition
Badenoch, A. (2023). Recalling Radio: An Archival View from Radio's Second Century. In K. McDonald, & H. Chignell (Eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (pp. 468–488). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781501385278.ch-34

Popularising publications

Roebroeks, W., & Badenoch, A. (2023). Katharine MacDonald: A Burning Light in Prehistory. Web publication/site, Trowelblazers. https://trowelblazers.com/2023/01/31/katharine-macdonald-a-burning-light-in-prehistory/


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. (2022). European Radio’s Silenced Witness: The European Broadcasting Union’s Written Archives. TMG – Journal for Media History, 25(2), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.18146/tmg.822


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2020). Europe Materializing? Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der europäischen Infrastrukturen. In H. Wagner (Ed.), Europäische Medienwissenschaft. : Zur Programmatik eines Fachs (pp. 237-266). transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839445570-009
Skoog, K. (Guest ed.), & Badenoch, A. W. (Guest ed.) (2020). Women and radio: sounding out new paths in women’s history. Women's History Review, 29(2), 177-182. Article 1600648. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2019.1600648
Badenoch, A. W., & Skoog, K. (2020). Your Woman Friend in the West: Women Broadcasters and the Cold War. Women's History Review, 29(2), 231-249. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2019.1600649

Professional publications

Olesen, C. G., Broekhuizen, M., Slootweg, T., van Gorp, J., & Badenoch, A. W. (2020). Overview International Collections in the Media Suite.


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W., & Skoog, K. (2019). Lessons from Lilian: is transnational (media) history a gendered issue? Feminist Media Histories, 5(3), 9-35. https://doi.org/10.1525/fmh.2019.5.3.9

Popularising publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2019). 100 jaar, maar waarvan precies? Over de eeuwigheid van de radio. BLIK, 13(0), 17-18. https://blikonline.nl/nl/shop/blik-13-0/


Scholarly publications

Jong, M. D., Mavridis, P., Aroyo, L., Bozzon, A., Vos, J. D., Oomen, J., Dimitrova, A., & Badenoch, A. (2018). A Human in the Loop Approach to Capture Bias and Support Media Scientists in News Video Analysis. In Joint Proceedings SAD 2018 and CrowdBias 2018 (Vol. 2276, pp. 32-40). http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2276/paper11.pdf
Badenoch, A. W., & Föllmer, G. (2018). Introduction: Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium. In G. Föllmer, & A. Badenoch (Eds.), Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium (pp. 11-29). (Media Studies; Vol. 42). transcript Verlag. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/shopMedia/leseproben_epaper/ts3913_1/
Badenoch, A. W. (2018). Radio Diffusion: Re-collecting International Broadcasting in the Archive of Radio Netherlands Worldwide. In G. Föllmer, & A. Badenoch (Eds.), Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to and Old Medium (pp. 209-222). transcript Verlag. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/media/pdf/82/b1/69/oa9783839439135.pdf
Föllmer, G., & Badenoch, A. W. (Eds.) (2018). Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium. (Media Studies; Vol. 42). transcript Verlag. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/media/pdf/64/57/07/oa9783839439135ll2a2fbqHury4.pdf
Badenoch, A. W., & Hagedoorn, B. (2018). TV on the Radio/Radio on Television: European Television Heritage as a Source for Understanding Radio History. VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture/E-journal, 7(13), 97-113. https://doi.org/10.18146/2213-0969.2018.jethc145


Other output

Badenoch, A. W. (2017). Found in Translation: Transnational Media and the National Archive. VU Amsterdam.


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2016). Behind the Ironic Curtain: Surfing the Western Airwaves between ‘Pirate’ Radio and Public Service. SPIEL Neue Folge. Eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur, 2(1), 65-90.
Badenoch, A. W., & Skoog, K. (2016). Networking Women: The International Association of Women in Radio and Television. In J. Medhurst, S. Nicholas, & T. O'Malley (Eds.), Broadcasting in the UK and US in the 1950s: Historical Perspectives (pp. 189-218). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Scholarly publications

Nevejan, C., & Badenoch, A. W. (2014). How Amsterdam Invented the Internet: European Networks of Significance, 1980-1999. In G. Alberts, & R. Oldenziel (Eds.), Hacking Europe: From Computer Cultures to Demoscenes (pp. 179-205). (History of Computing). Springer.
Badenoch, A. W. (2014). Translating objects, transnationalizing collections: Inventing Europe between museums and researchers. In P. Innocenti (Ed.), Migrating Heritage: Experiences of Cultural Networks and Cultural Dialogue in Europe (pp. 39-52). Ashgate.
Badenoch, A. W. (2014). Troubling Territory: West Germany in the European Airwaves. German Politics and Society (print), 32(1), 74-93. https://doi.org/10.3167/gps.2014.320106


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2013). Between Rock and Roll and a Hard Place: ‘Pirate’ Radio and the Problems of Territory in Cold War Europe. In A. Badenoch, A. Fickers, & C. Henrich-Franke (Eds.), Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War (pp. 297-320). Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W. (2013). ‘In what language do you like to sing best?’ Placing popular music in broadcasting in post-war Europe. European review of history, 20(5), 837-857. https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2013.833714
Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War. (Institut für Europäische Regionalforschungen ed.) Nomos.
Badenoch, A. W., & Wagner, H.-U. (2013). Coming Home into Thin Air: Radio and the Socio-Cultural Geography of Homecoming in Germany 1945-55. In S. Gemie, & G. S. Soo (Eds.), Coming Home? Vol. 1: Conflict and Return Migration in the Aftermath of Europe’s Twentieth-Century Civil Wars (pp. 145-163). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Badenoch, A. W., Fickers, A., & Henrich-Franke, C. (2013). Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Introduction. In A. W. Badenoch, A. Fickers, & C. Henrich-Franke (Eds.), Airy Curtains the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War (pp. 9-26). Nomos.


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Translating Liebeskummer: Combo 1965. VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture/E-journal, 1(1), 48-52. https://doi.org/10.18146/2213-0969.2012.jethc008

Other output

Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Where to put the fridge that never came. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/new-tools-new-experts
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). From Network to Nation? The Gotthard Tunnel. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/mountains-myths-and-maps
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Girls and their toys: European women conquer the world in cars and planes. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/new-freedoms-cycling-women
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). ELDO: the European space flop. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/cern-the-new-model-for-european-co-operation
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Inventing Europe. Web publication/site, Foundation for the History of Technology.
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Knowing everything, understanding everything, gathering everything: from index cards to the internet. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/there-is-a-common-language-a-common-logic-a-common-mathematics
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Tuning in the world: navigating Europe by radio. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/a-whisker-to-a-scream-the-work-of-tuning-in
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Opening Europe to 'Mondovision': the start of satellite broadcasting. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/listening-to-space
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). Weather: mapping common skies in divided Europes. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/from-balaclava-to-isobars
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). The Home Economics Movement: Mastering the European Home. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/new-tools-new-experts
Badenoch, A. W. (2012). High risk ventures: Ekofisk and the dawn of North Sea oil. Web publication/site, Inventing Europe. http://www.inventingeurope.eu/story/nationalizing-international-waters


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2011). Harmonized Spaces, Dissonant Objects, Inventing Europe? Mobilizing Digital Heritage. Culture Unbound, 3, 295-315. https://doi.org/10.3384/cu.2000.1525.113295


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2010). Europe Materializing? Toward a transnational history of European infrastructures. In A. W. Badenoch, & A. Fickers (Eds.), Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/PDFs/9780230232891.Pdf
Badenoch, A. W. (2010). Myths of the European network: constructions of cohesion in infrastructure maps. In A. W. Badenoch, & A. Fickers (Eds.), Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe (pp. 47-77). Palgrave Macmillan.
Badenoch, A. W. (2010). Die europäische Wiedergeburt des Radios? Die Entwicklung und Arbeit des EBU Radioprogrammkomitees. Rundfunk und Geschichte, 36(1-2), 4-18.
Badenoch, A. W., & Fickers, A. (2010). Materializing Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=364545


Scholarly publications

Popularising publications

Badenoch, A. W., & Moss, S. K. (2009). Chocolate: a global history. Reaktion Books.

Other output

Badenoch, A. W. (2009). Europe, Interrupted. Web publication/site, Stichting Historie der Techniek. http://www.inventingeurope.eu
Badenoch, A. W. (2009, Sept 20). Virtuelle Tentoonstelling: Europe, Interrupted. http://www.inventingeurope.eu


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2008). Voices in ruins: West German radio across the 1945 divide. Palgrave Macmillan.


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2007). Time consuming: women's radio and the reconstruction of national narratives in western Germany 1945-1948. German History, 25(1), 46-71.


Scholarly publications

Badenoch, A. W. (2005). Making Sunday what it actually should be: Sunday radio programming and the re-invention of tradition in occupied Germany 1945-1949. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 25(4), 577-598.