Scholarly publications
Mooij, M. N., Baudena, M., Von Der Heydt, A. S., & Kryven, I. (2024).
Stable coexistence in indefinitely large systems of competing species.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
480(2299), Article 20240290. Oldeman, A. M., Baatsen, M. L. J., Von Der Heydt, A. S., Selten, F. M.
, & Dijkstra, H. A. (2024).
Similar North Pacific variability despite suppressed El Niño variability in the warm mid-Pliocene climate.
Earth System Dynamics,
15(4), 1037-1054. Witkowski, C. R., von der Heydt, A. S., Valdes, P. J.
, van der Meer, M. T. J., Schouten, S., & Sinninghe Damsté, J. S. (2024).
Continuous sterane and phytane δ13C record reveals a substantial pCO2 decline since the mid-Miocene.
Nature Communications,
15(1), Article 5192. Weiffenbach, J. E., Dijkstra, H. A., Heydt, A. S. V. D., Abe-Ouchi, A., Chan, W.-L., Chandan, D., Feng, R., Haywood, A. M., Hunter, S. J., Li, X., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Peltier, W. R., Stepanek, C., Tan, N., Tindall, J. C., & Zhang, Z. (2024).
Highly stratified mid-Pliocene Southern Ocean in PlioMIP2.
Climate of the Past,
20(4), 1067-1086. Baatsen, M., Bijl, P., Von Der Heydt, A., Sluijs, A., & Dijkstra, H. (2024).
Resilient Antarctic monsoonal climate prevented ice growth during the Eocene.
Climate of the Past,
20(1), 77-90. Acosta, R. P., Burls, N. J., Pound, M. J., Bradshaw, C. D., De Boer, A. M., Herold, N.
, Huber, M., Liu, X., Donnadieu, Y., Farnsworth, A., Frigola, A., Lunt, D. J.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Hutchinson, D. K., Knorr, G., Lohmann, G.
, Marzocchi, A., Prange, M., Sarr, A. C.
, ... Zhang, Z. (2024).
A Model-Data Comparison of the Hydrological Response to Miocene Warmth: Leveraging the MioMIP1 Opportunistic Multi-Model Ensemble.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
39(1), Article e2023PA004726., A. M., Baatsen, M. L. J., Heydt, A. S. V. D., Delden, A. J. V.
, & Dijkstra, H. A. (2024).
Mid-Pliocene not analogous to high-CO2 climate when considering Northern Hemisphere winter variability.
Weather and Climate Dynamics,
5(1), 395-417. Wunderling, N.
, Heydt, A. S. V. D., Aksenov, Y., Barker, S.
, Bastiaansen, R., Brovkin, V., Brunetti, M., Couplet, V., Kleinen, T., Lear, C.
, Lohmann, J. J., Roman-Cuesta, R. M.
, Sinet, S., Swingedouw, D., Winkelmann, R., Anand, P., Barichivich, J., Bathiany, S.
, Baudena, M., ... Willeit, M. (2024).
Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review.
Earth System Dynamics,
15(1), 41-74.
Scholarly publications
Possenti, L.
, Reichart, G. J., de Nooijer, L., Lam, F. P., de Jong, C., Colin, M., Binnerts, B.
, Boot, A., & von der Heydt, A. (2023).
Predicting the contribution of climate change on North Atlantic underwater sound propagation.
11, Article e16208., X., Lunt, D. J., Hendy, E.
, Von Der Heydt, A., Abe-Ouchi, A., Otto-Bliesner, B., Williams, C. J. R., Stepanek, C., Guo, C., Chandan, D., Lohmann, G., Tindall, J. C., Sohl, L. E., Chandler, M. A., Kageyama, M.
, Baatsen, M. L. J., Tan, N., Zhang, Q., Feng, R., ... Haywood, A. M. (2023).
The hydrological cycle and ocean circulation of the Maritime Continent in the Pliocene: results from PlioMIP2.
Climate of the Past,
19(10), 2053-2077., D., Wang, H., Romanovsky, V. E., Haywood, A. M., Pepin, N., Salzmann, U., Sun, J., Yan, Q., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Feng, R., Lohmann, G., Stepanek, C., Abe-Ouchi, A., Chan, W. L., Peltier, W. R., Chandan, D.
, von der Heydt, A. S., ... Kamae, Y. (2023).
Highly restricted near-surface permafrost extent during the mid-Pliocene warm period.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
120(36), Article e2301954120., S. L. L., von der Heydt, A. S., van Westen, R. M., Baatsen, M. L. J., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2023).
Increased wintertime European atmospheric blocking frequencies in General Circulation Models with an eddy-permitting ocean.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science,
6(1), Article 50. Goudsmit-Harzevoort, B., Lansu, A.
, Baatsen, M. L. J., von der Heydt, A. S., de Winter, N. J., Zhang, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., de Boer, A., Chan, W. L., Donnadieu, Y., Hutchinson, D. K., Knorr, G., Ladant, J. B., Morozova, P., Niezgodzki, I., Steinig, S., Tripati, A., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J.
, & Ziegler, M. (2023).
The Relationship Between the Global Mean Deep-Sea and Surface Temperature During the Early Eocene.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
38(3), Article e2022PA004532. Weiffenbach, J. E., Baatsen, M. L. J., Dijkstra, H. A., Heydt, A. S. V. D., Abe-Ouchi, A., Brady, E. C., Chan, W.-L., Chandan, D., Chandler, M. A., Contoux, C., Feng, R., Guo, C., Han, Z., Haywood, A. M., Li, Q., Li, X., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D. J., Nisancioglu, K. H., ... Zhang, Z. (2023).
Unraveling the mechanisms and implications of a stronger mid-Pliocene Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in PlioMIP2.
Climate of the Past,
19(1), 61-85. 2022
Scholarly publications
Pontes, G. M., Taschetto, A. S., Sen Gupta, A., Santoso, A., Wainer, I., Haywood, A. M., Chan, W.-L., Abe-Ouchi, A., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Hunter, S. J., Tindall, J. C., Chandler, M. A., Sohl, L. E., Peltier, W. R., Chandan, D., Kamae, Y., Nisancioglu, K. H., Zhang, Z.
, ... Oldeman, A. M. (2022).
Mid-Pliocene El Niño/Southern Oscillation suppressed by Pacific intertropical convergence zone shift.
Nature Geoscience,
15(9), 726–734., P., Baatsen, M., Bijl, P., Kliphuis, M.
, van Sebille, E., Sluijs, A., Dijkstra, H., & von der Heydt, A. (2022).
Improved Model-Data Agreement With Strongly Eddying Ocean Simulations in the Middle-Late Eocene.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
37(8), 1-13. Article e2021PA004405. Van Der Weijst, C. M. H., Winkelhorst, J., De Nooijer, W.
, Von Der Heydt, A., Reichart, G.-J., Sangiorgi, F., & Sluijs, A. (2022).
Pliocene evolution of the tropical Atlantic thermocline depth.
Climate of the Past,
18(4), 961-973. Nooteboom, P. D., Bijl, P. K., Kehl, C., Van Sebille, E., Ziegler, M., Von Der Heydt, A. S., & DIjkstra, H. A. (2022).
Sedimentary microplankton distributions are shaped by oceanographically connected areas.
Earth System Dynamics,
13(1), 357-371. Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Kliphuis, M.
, Oldeman, A., & Weiffenbach, J. (2022).
Warm mid-Pliocene conditions without high climate sensitivity: the CCSM4-Utrecht (CESM 1.0.5) contribution to the PlioMIP2.
Climate of the Past,
18(4), 657-679. 2021
Scholarly publications
Rohling, E. J., Brown, M., Eakin, H., Eom, J.
, & von der Heydt, A. (2021).
Rationale and remit of Oxford Open Climate Change.
Oxford Open Climate Change,
1(1), 1-3., Z., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Feng, R., Haywood, A. M., Tindall, J. C., Hunter, S. J., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E. C., Rosenbloom, N., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Guo, C., Nisancioglu, K. H., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Sohl, L. E., Chandler, M. A., Tan, N., ... Burls, N. J. (2021).
Evaluating the large-scale hydrological cycle response within the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PlioMIP2) ensemble.
Climate of the Past,
17(6), 2537-2558., E., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Haywood, A. M., Tindall, J. C., Hunter, S. J., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Guo, C., Nisancioglu, K. H., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Sohl, L. E., Chandler, M. A., Tan, N., Contoux, C., Ramstein, G.
, Baatsen, M. L. J., Von Der Heydt, A. S., ... Brady, E. C. (2021).
Mid-Pliocene West African Monsoon rainfall as simulated in the PlioMIP2 ensemble.
Climate of the Past,
17(4), 1777-1794., N. J., Bradshaw, C. D., De Boer, A. M., Herold, N., Huber, M., Pound, M., Donnadieu, Y., Farnsworth, A., Frigola, A., Gasson, E.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Hutchinson, D. K., Knorr, G., Lawrence, K. T., Lear, C. H., Li, X., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D., Marzocchi, A., ... Zhang, Z. (2021).
Simulating Miocene Warmth: Insights From an Opportunistic Multi-Model Ensemble (MioMIP1).
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
36(5), 1-40. Article e2020PA004054., D. K., Coxall, H. K., Lunt, D. J., Steinthorsdottir, M., de Boer, A. M.
, Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Huber, M., Kennedy-Asser, A. T., Kunzmann, L., Ladant, J.-B., Lear, C. H., Moraweck, K., Pearson, P. N., Piga, E., Pound, M. J., Salzmann, U., Scher, H. D., Sijp, W. P., ... Zhang, Z. (2021).
The Eocene–Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model–data comparisons.
Climate of the Past,
17(1), 269-315., Z., Li, X., Guo, C., Otterå, O. H., Nisancioglu, K., Tan, N., Contoux, C., Ramstein, G., Feng, R., Otto-Bliesner, B., Brady, E., Chandan, D., Peltier, W. R.
, Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Weiffenbach, J., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Zhang, Q., ... Abe-Ouchi, A. (2021).
Mid-Pliocene Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation simulated in PlioMIP2.
Climate of the Past,
17(1), 529-543. der Heydt, A. S., Ashwin, P., Camp, C. D., Crucifix, M.
, Dijkstra, H. A., Ditlevsen, P., & Lenton, T. M. (2021).
Quantification and interpretation of the climate variability record.
Global and Planetary Change,
197, 1-20. Article 103399. Jüling, A., Zhang, X.
, Castellana, D., Von Der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2021).
The atlantic's freshwater budget under climate change in the community earth system model with strongly eddying oceans.
Ocean Science,
17(3), 729-754. 2020
Scholarly publications
Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Huber, M., Kliphuis, M.
, Bijl, P., Sluijs, A., & Dijkstra, H. (2020).
The middle-to-late Eocene greenhouse climate, modelled using the CESM 1.0.5. (pp. 1-44). (Climate of the Past Discussions). EGU. Hutchinson, D., Coxall, H., Lunt, D., Steinthorsdottir, M., de Boer, A.
, Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Huber, M., Kennedy-Asser, A., Kunzmann, L., Ladant, J.-B., Lear, C., Moraweck, K., Pearson, P., Piga, E., Pound, M., Salzmann, U., Scher, H., Sijp, W., ... Zhang, Z. (2020).
The Eocene-Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model-data comparisons. (Climate of the Past). EGU., M., Von Der Heydt, A. S., Huber, M., Kliphuis, M. A.
, Bijl, P. K., Sluijs, A., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2020).
The middle to late Eocene greenhouse climate modelled using the CESM 1.0.5.
Climate of the Past,
16(6), 2573-2597. McClymont, E. L., Ford, H. L., Ling Ho, S., Tindall, J. C., Haywood, A. M., Alonso-Garcia, M., Bailey, I., Berke, M. A., Littler, K., Patterson, M. O., Petrick, B.
, Peterse, F., Christina Ravelo, A., Risebrobakken, B., De Schepper, S., Swann, G. E. A., Thirumalai, K., Tierney, J. E.
, van der Weijst, C., ... Zhang, Z. (2020).
Lessons from a high-CO2 world: An ocean view from ∼3 million years ago.
Climate of the Past,
16(4), 1599-1615. Nooijer, W., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Zhang, Q., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Guo, C., Nisancioglu, K., Haywood, A., Tindall, J., Hunter, S., Dowsett, H., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Otto-Bliesner, B., Feng, R., Sohl, L., Tan, N., Contoux, C., ... Brierley, C. (2020).
Evaluation of Arctic warming in mid-Pliocene climate simulations.
Climate of the Past,
16(6), 2325-2341., S., Webb, M. J., Annan, J. D., Armour, K. C., Forster, P. M., Hargreaves, J. C., Hegerl, G., Klein, S. A., Marvel, K. D., Rohling, E. J., Watanabe, M., Andrews, T., Braconnot, P., Bretherton, C. S., Foster, G. L., Hausfather, Z.
, Heydt, A. S. V. D., Knutti, R., Mauritsen, T., ... Zelinka, M. D. (2020).
An assessment of Earth's climate sensitivity using multiple lines of evidence.
Reviews of Geophysics,
58(4), Article e2019RG000678., P. D., Delandmeter, P. B., van Sebille, E., Bijl, P. K., Dijkstra, H. A., & von der Heydt, A. S. (2020).
Resolution dependency of sinking Lagrangian particles in ocean general circulation models.
PLoS One,
15(9), Article 0238650. Haywood, AM., Tindall, JC., Dowsett, HJ., Dolan, AM., Foley, KM., Hunter, SJ., Hill, DJ., Chan, W.-L., Abe-Ouchi, A., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Chandan, D., Peltier, WR., Tan, N., Contoux, C., Ramstein, G., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Guo, C., ... Lunt, DJ. (2020).
The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2: A return to large-scale features of Pliocene climate sensitivity.
Climate of the Past,
16, 2095-2123.
Scholarly publications
Nooteboom, P. D., Bijl, P. K., van Sebille, E., von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2019).
Transport bias by ocean currents in sedimentary microplankton assemblages: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
34(7), 1178-1194. Haywood, A. M., Valdes, P. J., Aze, T., Barlow, N., Burke, A., Dolan, A. M.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Hill, D. J., Jamieson, S. S. R., Otto-bliesner, B. L., Salzmann, U., Saupe, E., & Voss, J. (2019).
What can Palaeoclimate Modelling do for you? Earth Systems and Environment,
3(1), 1-18.
Scholarly publications
Baatsen, M. L. J., von der Heydt, A. S., Huber, M., Kliphuis, M.
, Bijl, P. K., Sluijs, A., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2018).
Equilibrium state and sensitivity of the simulated middle-to-late Eocene climate. (Climate of the Past). EGU. Baatsen, M. L. J., von der Heydt, A. S., Kliphuis, M.
, Viebahn, J., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2018).
Multiple states in the late Eocene ocean circulation.
Global and Planetary Change,
163, 18-28. Rohling, E. J., Marino, G., Foster, G. L., Goodwin, P. A.
, von der Heydt, A. S., & Köhler, P. (2018).
Comparing Climate Sensitivity, Past and Present.
Annual Review of Marine Science ,
10, 261-288. publications
Scholarly publications
Köhler, P.
, Stap, L. B., von der Heydt, A. S., de Boer, B., van de Wal, R. S. W., & Bloch-Johnson, J. (2017).
A state-dependent quantification of climate sensitivity based in paleo data of the last 2.1 million years.
32(11), 1102-114., T. L., Denniston, R. F., Wanamaker Jr., A. D., Villarini, G.
, & von der Heydt, A. S. (2017).
ENSO-like Variability at the Miocene/Pliocene Transition Recorded in a Caribbean Coral.
45(7), 643-646., D. J., Huber, M.
, Baatsen, M. L. J., Caballero, R., DeConto, R., Donnadieu, Y., Evans, D., Feng, R., Foster, G., Gasson, E.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Hollis, C. J., Kirtland Turner, S., Korty, R. L., Kozdon, R., Krishnan, S., Ladant, J. .-B., Langebroek, P., Lear, C. H., ... Zeebe, R. (2017).
The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: experimental design for model simulations of the EECO, PETM, and pre-PETM.
Geoscientific Model Development,
10(2), 889-901.
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H., van de Wal, R. S. W., Caballero, R., Crucifix, M., Foster, G. L., Huber, M., Köhler, P., Rohling, E. J., Valdes, P. J., Ashwin, P., Bathiany, S.
, Berends, T., van Bree, L., Ditlevsen, P., Ghil, M., Haywood, A., Katzav, J., Lohmann, G.
, ... Ziegler, M. (2016).
Lessons on Climate Sensitivity From Past Climate Changes.
Current Climate Change Reports, 1-11. Baatsen, M., van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H. A., Sluijs, A., Abels, H. A., & Bijl, P. K. (2016).
Reconstructing geographical boundary conditions for palaeoclimate modelling during the Cenozoic.
Climate of the Past,
12, 1635-1644. Köhler, P.
, Stap, L. B., von der Heydt, A. S., de Boer, B., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016).
Technical Note: Calculating state dependent equilibrium climate sensitivity from palaeodata.
Climate of the Past Discussions,
2016(23), 1-13., C. E., de Ruijter, W. P. M., Ridderinkhof, W., von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016).
Coherent tropical Indo-Pacific interannual climate variability.
Journal of Climate,
29, 4269-4291. 2015
Scholarly publications
Koehler, P.
, de Boer, B., von der Heydt, A. S., Stap, L. B., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2015).
On the state-dependency of the equilibrium climate sensitivity during the last 5 million years.
Climate of the Past,
11, 1801-1823.
Scholarly publications
Rugenstein, M., Stocchi, P., von der Heydt, A., Dijkstra, H., & Brinkhuis, H. (2014).
Emplacement of Antarctic ice sheet mass affects circumpolar ocean flow.
Global and Planetary Change,
118, 16-24. Sijp, W. P.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H. A., Floegel, S., Douglas, P. M. J.
, & Bijl, P. K. (2014).
The role of ocean gateways on cooling climate on long time scales.
Global and Planetary Change,
119, 1-22.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Rohling, E. J., Sluijs, A., Dijkstra, H. A., van de Wal, R. S. W., von der Heydt, A. S., Bijl, P. K., & Zeebe, R. (2012).
Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity.
491(7426), 683-691. Article 11574. 2011
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2011).
The impact of ocean gateways on ENSO variability in the Miocene.
Geological Society Special Publication,
355, 305-318. Professional publications
von der Heydt, A. S. (2011). Die Physik der Ozeanströme : Turbulenz, Konvektion und die Umwälzbewegung in den Weltozeanen. Physik Journal, 2011(11), 23-29.
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2010). The impact of ocean gateways on ENSO variability in the Miocene. In R. Hall (Ed.), The SE Asian gateway: history and tectonics of the Australia-Asia collision (Special publication / Geological Society of London). Geological Society of London.
Galeotti, S.
, von der Heydt, A. S., Huber, M., Bice, D.
, Dijkstra, H. A., Jilbert, T., Lanci, L.
, & Reichart, G.-J. (2010).
Evidence for active El Niño Southern Oscillation variability in the Late Miocene greenhouse climate.
38(5), 419-422., E. N., Sewall, J. O., Noone, D., Huber, M., von der Heydt, A. S., Sinninghe Damsté, J. S., & Reichart, G.-J. (2010). Modeling the influence of a reduced equator-to-pole sea surface temperature gradient on the distribution of water isotopes in the Early/Middle Eocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298(1-2), 57-65.
Scholarly publications
Dijkstra, H. A., Frankcombe, L. M., & von der Heydt, A. S. (2009). The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation from a stochastic dynamical systems view. In T. Palmer, & P. Williams (Eds.), Stochastic physics and climate modelling (pp. 287-306). Cambridge University Press.
Huisman, S. E., Dijkstra, H. A., von der Heydt, A. S., & de Ruijter, W. P. M. (2009). Robustness of multiple equilibria in the global ocean circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(L01610), 1-5.
Frankcombe, L. M., Dijkstra, H. A., & von der Heydt, A. S. (2009). Noise induced multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic: excitation of normal modes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(1), 220-233.
Scholarly publications
Frankcombe, L. M., Dijkstra, H. A., & von der Heydt, A. S. (2008). Sub-surface signatures of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(L19602), 1-5.
von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2008). The effect of gateways on ocean circulation patterns in the Cenozoic. Global and Planetary Change, 62(1-2), 132-146.
Scholarly publications
Dijkstra, H. A., & von der Heydt, A. (2007).
Localization of multidecadal variability. Part II: Spectral origin of multidecadal modes.
Journal of Physical Oceanography,
37(10), 2415-2428. von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2007). Localization of multidecadal variability. Part I. Cross-equatorial transport and interbasin exchange. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(10), 2401-2414.
Dijkstra, H. A., & von der Heydt, A. S. (2007). Localization of multidecadal variability: II. Spectral origin of multidecadal modes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(10), 2415-2428.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2005). Flow reorganizations in the Panama Seaway: A cause for the demise of miocene corals? Geophysical Research Letters, 32.
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A., Grossmann, S., & Lohse, D. (2003).
Response maxima in modulated turbulence.
Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics,
67(4, 2). von der Heydt, A., Grossmann, S., & Lohse, D. (2003).
Response maxima in modulated turbulence. II. Numerical simulations.
Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics,
68(6, 2). 2001
Scholarly publications
Grossmann, S., von der Heydt, A., & Lohse, D. (2001). Scaling exponents in weakly anisotropic turbulence from the Navier-Stokes equation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 440, 381-390.
Scholarly publications
von der Heydt, A., Knorr, A., Hanewinkel, B., & Koch, SW. (2000).
Optical near-field excitation at the semiconductor band edge: Field distributions, anisotropic transitions and quadrupole enhancement.
Journal of Chemical Physics,
112(18), 7831-7838.