Publications before 2011
Books (Monographs)
A. S. Q. Visser, Joannes Sambucus and the Learned Image: The Use of the Emblem in Late-Renaissance Humanism (Leiden: Brill, 2005).
Books (Edited collections)
Karl A. E. Enenkel, Arnoud S. Q. Visser (eds.), Mundus Emblematicus: Studies in Neo-Latin Emblem Books (Turnhout: Brepols, 2003).
Arnoud Visser (ed.), In Search of the Republic of Letters: Intellectual Relations Between Hungary and the Netherlands (1500-1800) (Wassenaar: NIAS, 1999).
A. S. Q. Visser (comp. and ed.), P. G. Hoftijzer, B. Westerweel (co-eds.) , Emblem Books in Leiden. A Catalogue of the Collections of Leiden University Library, the Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden, and Bibliotheca Thysiana (Leiden: Primavera Press, 1999).
Journal articles
‘How Catholic was Augustine? Confessional Patristics and the Survival of Erasmus in the Counter-Reformation’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 61 (2010), 86-106.
‘Reading Augustine Through Erasmus’ Eyes: Humanist Scholarship and Paratextual Guidance in the Wake of the Reformation’, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 28 (2008), 67-90.
‘Escaping the Reformation in the Republic of Letters: Confessional Silence in Latin Emblem Books’, Church History and Religious Culture 88 (2008), 139-167.
‘Neither Protestant nor Catholic: Augustine and Confessional Neutrality in Humanist Emblem Books’, Emblematica 16 (2008), 319-334.
‘Icons of the Past: Joannes Sambucus and the Medical Republic of Letters’, Ars 40 (2007), 19-29.
‘Practica poetica: de marges van imitatio in humanistische embleemboeken’, De zeventiende eeuw 21 (2005), 210-227.
‘Ridicula Ambitio: The Social Function of Humour in the Emblems of Joannes Sambucus’, Humanistica Lovaniensia 53 (2004), 199-218.
Essays in edited volumes
‘Nuchtere lessen voor het dagelijks leven’, in Garrelt Verhoeven (red.), Papieren pracht uit de Amsterdamse Gouden Eeuw: Geschenken van het Dr. Th. J. Steenbergen Fonds (Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA, 2011), 47-51.
‘Hoe Cupido Nederlands leerde’, in Garrelt Verhoeven (red.), Papieren pracht uit de Amsterdamse Gouden Eeuw: Geschenken van het Dr. Th. J. Steenbergen Fonds (Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA, 2011), 39-45.
‘Scholars in the Picture: The Representation of Intellectuals on Medals and Emblems’, in Alison Adams, Laurence Grove (eds), Essays in Honour of Alison Adams and Stephen Rawles (Glasgow/Geneva: Centre for Emblem Studies/Droz 2011), 139-159.
‘The Authority of Augustine in the Early Reformation: The Examples of Hoogstraeten and Erasmus’, in Mette Bruun and David Colwing (eds), Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and Revolt (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), 39-50.
‘Jean Le Clerc (ed.), Appendix Augustiniana’, in Rob Faessen, Bernard Deprez (e.a., eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773) (Leuven: Peeters, 2009), 233-236.
‘Commonplaces of Catholic Love: Otto van Veen, Michel Hoyer and St Augustine between Humanism and the Counter-Reformation’ in: Els Stronks, Peter Boot, Dagmar Stiebral (eds.), Learned Love: Proceedingsof the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (The Hague: Dans, 2007), 33-48. [].
‘Bedwell, Grotius en de schim van Scaliger: Een humanistisch epigram als diplomatiek instrument’ in Kasper van Ommen (a.o., eds.), Aangeraakt: Boeken in contact met hun lezers. Een bundel opstellen voor Wim Gerritsen en Paul Hoftijzer (Leiden: Scaliger Instituut - Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden, 2007), 129-134.
‘Justus Lipsius en Joannes Sambucus’ in: J. De Landtsheer and D. Sacré (eds.), Justus Lipsius: Een geleerde en zijn Europese Netwerk [Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia XXI] (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2006), 102-109.
‘From the Republic of Letters to the Olympus: The Rise and Fall of Medical Humanism in 67 Portraits’ in: Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen (a.o., eds.), Living in Posterity. Essaysin Honour of Bart Westerweel (Hilversum: Verloren Publishers, 2004), 299-313.
‘Why did Christopher Plantin Publish Emblem Books?’ in: Alison Adams, Marleen van der Weij (eds.), Dutch EmblemsandBook History (Glasgow: Glasgow University Press, 2003), 63-78. ‘Name-Dropping and Networking. Dedications as a Social Instrument in the Emblems of Joannes Sambucus’ in: Wolfgang Harms, Dietmar Peil (eds.), Multivalence and Multifunctionality of the Emblem. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies (Bern: Peter Lang, 2002), 355-368.
‘The Uses of Ancient History in the Emblems of Joannes Sambucus (1531-1584)’ in: K.A.E. Enenkel, J. De Landtsheer, J.L. de Jong (eds.), Recreating Ancient History. Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period (Leiden: Brill, 2001), 269-285. Electronic publications French Emblems at Glasgow: various contributions on Joannes Sambucus and Hadrianus Junius (translations, introductions). URL:
Book reviews
I have regularly contributed book reviews to various journals, including Church History and Religious Culture, Emblematica, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Modern Language Review, Quaerendo, Renaissance Quarterly, Sixteenth Century Journal.