Anna van Doorn

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer 3.36
3584 CS Utrecht

Anna van Doorn

PhD Candidate

Anna van Doorn is a PhD candidate within the departments of Education and Pedagogy. She obtained both her researchmaster Child Development and Education and her clinical master Forensic Pedagogy at the University of Amsterdam. Her PhD is part of the larger project: JEDI, where the relationship between digital media use and the development of children and adolescents (social, cognitive, idenity) is studied. The influence of keypersons and individual dispositions will be included as well.

Anna's PhD focusses on the relationship between digital media use and the cognitive development of young adolescents. Specifically the influence of digital media use on the development of executive functions (workingmemory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility), academic performance and reading comprehension is studied.
