Dr. A.J. (Aarnout) van Delden

Buys Ballotgebouw
Princetonplein 5
Kamer 615
3584 CC Utrecht

Dr. A.J. (Aarnout) van Delden

Associate Professor
Dynamics Meteorology
+31 30 253 3168



Progress in Dynamical Meteorology since the time of Buys Ballotvan Delden, A. (Invited speaker)
17 Nov 2017
, NVBM autumn symposium 2017
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studiesvan Delden, A. (Visiting researcher)
9 Nov 2017
Dynamics and predictability of the Northern Annular Modevan Delden, A. (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2017


Diabatic-Dynamical Interaction in the General Circulationvan Delden, A. (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2014
, Seminar