• European Association for Psychology and Law (EAPL) Conference Lisbon, July 9-12, 2024 – ‘Too controversial for the court?’ (presentation)
  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention San Diego, February 8-10, 2024 – ‘ Understanding the radicalization and non-radicalization of people protesting on matters of climate change’ (Blitz Talk); ‘How Climate Protesters Perceive Injustice and Justify Breaking the Law’ (poster); ‘Climate Justice Now! How Injustice Perceptions and Distrust in Authorities Link to Disruptive Climate Protests’ (poster)


  • Conflict Oplossende Instituties (COI) Conferentie Utrecht - 'Too controversial for the court? How politically sensitive cases about climate change affect public trust in the judge' (presentation)
  • International Society for Justice Research (ISJR) Conference München - 'Explaining Radical Climate Protest: How Injustice Perceptions and Distrust in Authorities are Associated with Participation in Disruptive Climate Protests' (presentation)
  • Association for Social Psychology Organization (ASPO) Utrecht - 'Breaking the Law to Save the World: How Climate Protesters’ Injustice Perceptions and Protest Intentions Remain Stable over Time and are Related to Trust in Authorities' (presentation)
  • Alumni event SHOP/PION Universiteit Utrecht - ‘Climate Activism in the Netherlands: Protest Motivations, Law-breaking, and Trust in Authorities’ (presentation)


  • Oproer in de Polder CNPB Universiteit Leiden - 'Klimaatprotest in Nederland: Waarom mensen actievoeren en soms daarbij de wet overtreden' (presentation)
  • Gastcollege University of Amsterdam - 'Het waarnemen van onrechtvaardigheid in verschillende contexten: Waarom mensen protesteren en sommigen radicaliseren op het gebied van klimaatverandering' 
  • Association for Social Psychology Organization (ASPO) Conferentie Tilburg - 'Het waarnemen van onrechtvaardigheid in verschillende contexten: Waarom mensen protesteren en sommigen radicaliseren op het gebied van klimaatverandering' (presentation)
  • Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI) Conferentie Zeist - De gemarginaliseerde en onbegrepen samenleving - 'Het waarnemen van onrechtvaardigheid in verschillende contexten: Waarom mensen protesteren en sommigen radicaliseren op het gebied van klimaatverandering' (presentation)
  • Podcast SOS-hub 'Too controversial for the court?', listen on Spotify (in Dutch)