Education and Training
2020-2022 Educational Research Training Program (UU)
2018 Senior Teaching Qualification (UU)
2017 Course ‘Onderwijsonderzoek: de basis’ (OU)
2018 Leertraject ‘Effectief coördineren en communiceren voor UD’s’ (UU)
2016 Course ‘Ontwerpen van leersituaties’ (OU)
2016 Leergang ‘Borging Toetskwaliteit en Eindniveau’ (UU)
2015 Course ‘Visies op onderwijswetenschappen’ (OU)
2014 Course ‘Leren en ontwikkeling’ (OU)
2013 Honors Teaching Program (CEUT, UU)
2007 Masterclass University teaching in English (UU)
2006 Basic Teaching Qualification (UU)
1996 – 2000 PhD program (UIPS)
1988 – 1996 Pharmacy program (UU)
1980 – 1988 High school (MAVO 1984, HAVO 1986, Atheneum 1988)
After her graduation in 1996, Anneke van Houwelingen started her career in science by enrollment in a PhD program at the department of Pharmacology. She obtained her PhD in 2000 on the topic “Permeability changes in non-IgE mediated asthma”, promotor Prof. Nijkamp and co-promotors Prof. Kraneveld and dr. Van Heuven-Nolsen. As a post doc she continued her research on non-IgE mediated inflammatory diseases, like asthma, skin diseases and arthritis. She became interested in teaching and learning that finally led to a a full time position as an teacher at the division of Pharmacology in 2003. Anneke was appointed fulltime as an assistant professor and educational developer in 2005. From 2008 til 2016, Anneke focussed on teaching and learning by gaining knowledge on and experiences in general theoretical frameworks on teaching and learning and scholarly educational research by regularly taking courses and masterclasses. This led to multiple small scholarly projects on innovative teaching methods within her courses. She became an associate professor in 2022.