Dr. A.H. (Anneke) van Houwelingen

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Kamer 3.86
3584 CG Utrecht

Dr. A.H. (Anneke) van Houwelingen

Associate Professor
+31 6 20 251 156

'Learning starts by reaching out and connecting to the community and society'

Anneke is interested in student and teacher motivation and students' cognitive development in pharmacy curricula. She took initiatives to innovate her courses and perform scholarly educational research with a focus on motivation. Moreover, she played an active role in starting up a community of practice on educational research within in the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. She expanded her interest on motivation by initiating a special interest group (SIG) on motivation facilitated by the Centre of Academic Teaching (CAT). She shared her experiences and results with others during teacher sessions on scholarly teaching and learning (department of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and Strengthen- your-education workshops (UU), and UU special interest group on motivation (UU). She innovated courses by introducing motivating teaching stratergies like game-based learning, challenge-based learning, longitudinal patient learning experiences, and community engaged learning. She combines course innovations with scholarly and discipline-based educational research. 
Besides her engagement in community engaged learning, Anneke is challenged by and engaged in the ethical, privacy, and legal aspects of scholarly educational research.