Postdoctoral Researcher Inter- & Transdisciplinary Research & Education (Sept 2022 - Oct 2023)
Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Nijmegen
As postdoctoral researcher I conducted research into inter- and transdisciplinarity in research and education. I studied research funding and research policy for inter- and transdisciplinary education in the context of the Young Academy project 'Collective Knowledge Development', carried out ethnographic research into complex collaboration in a large consortium in the WildlifeNL project, and I worked on developing my own research line about competencies for inter- and transdiscplinarity and integration.
Concerning education, I was involved in the development of a new course that offered an introduction to disciplines and interdisciplinarity to master students from the health-, natural- and exact sciences. Moreover, I contributed to the development of a learning line for inter- and transdisciplinary competencies for the new inter-faculty sustainability master ‘Science for Sustainbility’.
Junior Researcher/ Lecturer Community Service Learning (Sept 2018-Aug 2022)
Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
As researcher within an NRO Comenius Leadership project, together with colleagues, I developed, implemented and studied the new module 'Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning'. Students from any master program at the VU could participate in these courses and were introduced to the collaboration across disciplinary boundaries and with societal actors. In particular, we aimed to train competencies such as knowledge integration, self reflection, (inter-)disciplinary consciousness, and teamwork. In the context of this project, I conducted my PhD research, about which I wrote my dissertation 'Navigating Difference in Inter- & Transdisciplinary Learning', which I defended in January 2023. Besides research and project work, I taught courses on qualitative research methods and personal development, among others in the master program 'Management, Policy Analysis, and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences'.