Annabelle Christiaens

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht

Annabelle Christiaens

Youth and Family

Christiaens, A.H.T, Becht, A.I., Nelemans, S.A., & Branje, S. (2023). Educational identity statuses: Stability and change across the secondary school transition.
European Journal of Personality, 0(0).

Christiaens, A.H.T, Nelemans, S.A., & Branje, S. (2023). Identifying meaningfulgroups of emerging adults: Applications of latent class analysis and latent profileanalysis. In S. Claxton, R. Vosylis, Sorgente A., & Schwab, J. (eds.), Flourishing as a Scholar: Research Methods for the Study of Emerging Adulthood. Oxford UniversityPress [in Press]

Christiaens, A.H.T., Nelemans, S. A., de Moor, E. L., Erentaite, R., Vosylis, R.,Branje, S. (2022). Psychometric qualities of the educational identity processes scale (EIPS).
Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1–15, 861220.

Christiaens, A.H.T., Nelemans, S.A., Meeus, W., Branje, S. (2021). Identity development across the transition from secondary to tertiary education: A 9-wave longitudinal study.
Journal of Adolescence, 93, 245-256.

de Moor, E.L., & Christiaens, A.H.T. (2023). A process- and status-centered approach to identity development around the transition to tertiary education: The importance for well-being. [manuscript submitted for publication].

Christiaens, A.H.T., Nelemans, S.A., & Branje S. (2023). The role of basicpsychological needs in adolescents' identity construction around the tertiaryschool transition. [manuscript in preparation].

Vosylis, R., Erentaite, R., Christiaens, A.H.T., & Branje, S. (2023). To master meansto commit? Reciprocal links between perceived school goal structures andeducational identity formation in adolescence. [manuscript in preparation]

Christiaens, A.H.T., Klimstra, T., & Chung, J.M.H. (2020). A study on the Positive Emotional Experiences of Identity Development. [manuscript in preparation].