Nominaties 2022
Op een zonovergoten eerste editie van het REBO Zomerfestival, op 23 juni 2022, zijn ook de Maatschappelijke Impact Prijzen van de faculteit uitgereikt. Jongerenwerker en student Salim Benali kreeg de prijs in de categorie studenten en het leerprogramma LinC (Leiderschap in Cultuur) in de categorie medewerkers. De Impact Prijs wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt om bijzondere projecten, initiatieven en acties te belichten die academisch onderwijs en onderzoek direct verbinden met de samenleving.
De toespraak van de jury was in het Engels, net als het juryrapport, daarom volgt nu Engelse tekst.
De jury over de student winnaar, Salim Benali
Because of its actual societal impact, outside the walls of our university, but strengthened by what happens within our faculty, in our classrooms, teaching and training, the jury has decided to award the students’ impact award to … Salim Benali, for his motivational work in Utrecht and Amersfoort! Salim is not only studying and making sure he will get his Ma-title, no, Salim feels a responsibility for enhancing the opportunities for other young people, who are less advantaged. His work might be small-scale, but he empowers others. The jury advises him to ‘scale up’ his interventions and hopes that this award will fuel the further institutionalization of what he is accomplishing. Salim, congratulations!
De jury over de medewerkers winnaar(s): LinC
Because of its ‘maturity’ and long-lasting impact, on a wide scale, in a sector which is fragile but so important for societal vitality, the jury has decided to award the staff impact award to a set of programs that link education or lifelong learning to knowledge and entrepreneurial action, that empower artistic leaders and artists, enhance leaders’ and artists’ mobility, and form local, regional, national and international networks, and that recently led to the performance by Kensington on the Dom church (linked to U900): the winner is LinC, Leadership in Culture externe link. A unique set of programs, with a unique combination of knowledge, content, didactics, and skills development, a team effort, and cross-disciplinary endeavor, that now exists for 10 years. The jury hopes this award will not only symbolize this 10-year anniversary, but also fuel the next 10 years. Congratulations to the LinC team, to Paul Adriaanse and his colleagues.
Het team van LinC bestaat uit: Paul Adriaanse, Iselien Nabben, Marcella Ponsen, Annelinde Schrijver, Marjolein Verhallen en Fleur Winnen.
De jury bestond uit: Mirko Noordegraaf (chair), Elisabetta Manunza, Maarten van Bottenburg, Hein Roelfsema, Paul Schoenmaker, Rebecca van Musscher (secretary)
Alle genomineerden
In random order this year’s student nominations are the following:
- Salim Benali, a REBO student (governance), and a youth worker, organizing inspirational and motivational meetings with youngsters in urban areas in Amersfoort and Utrecht, in order to motivate them and deal with the personal and socio-economic challenges they face.
- Goin’ Connect, developed by Lars Molenaar and Cornelis den Hartog, a digital app that acts as social platform, enabling international students to find each other and exchange information when they study in Utrecht, or elsewhere.
- The Boards of our Study associations (not student, but study associations), more specifically JSVU, ECU92, and Perikles (including their chairs Marre Knipscheer, Cindy Dam and Susan van den Berg) which secured the continuity of their associations and of students’ contacts during Covid-19, and which worked on new strategic priorities, such as social safety and inclusion.
In random order, this year’s nominations are the following:
- Hanneke van Eijken, our REBO poet (or law poet), as well as city poet, who grasps, sees, highlights, feels, interprets and tells societal changes, by telling stories through poetry and by enriching the legal educational program.
- Anders Utrecht, with colleagues like Ozan Alakavulklar, Yousra Ramouni, Elidrissi Marij Sijbers, Bello Tonk, Patrizia Zanoni, Giuseppe Feola, Dan Hassler-Forest, others, working on social justice and sustainability transitions in Utrecht, by forming research- and education-inspired societal networks.
- All LinC programs, Leadership in Culture programs, with colleagues like Paul Adriaanse, Marjolein Verhallen, Marcella Ponsen, Iselien Nabben, Annelinde Schrijver, and others, multiple long running programs in The Netherlands, in Dutch regions, and with Belgium/Flanders, empowering the cultural sector, with an emphasis on both cultural leaders and managers, as well as artists.
- Glotcast, a weekly podcast, made on Akwaglot, by Marij Swinkels together with Simone Arnold and Vincent Tijsseling, aimed at organizing talks, conversations and discussions between scholars, the city, stakeholders and citizens, with an emphasis on issues like sustainability, migration, city development.
- UWA, or Utrechtse Wetenschapsagenda, a university wide initiative with strong REBO-input and -participations, with REBO-colleagues like Cedric Ryngaart (and Rebecca van Musscher), aimed at linking science and society by way of collecting questions that can or might be answered by scholars and forming a societally driven research agenda.