Honoursonderzoeksprojecten en Seminars Informatiekunde & Informatica
Overzicht van Honoursonderzoeksprojecten en Seminars van de bacheloropleidingen Informatiekunde (INKU) en Informatica (INCA) (in het Engels).
Sketch to Success: A student-led INCA/INKU workshop at the Honours Community Day
In this project, students organized a student-led workshop with the theme usability in software projects and presented their own honours research projects.
Dream Team project
In this project the students designed an online tool that helps teachers place students into teams.
Big Data History of Music
This project delves into the creation of a personalized music service designed to streamline the experience.
Dutch Natural Language Processing for clinical text anonymization
In this project, the performance of the rule-based Deduce algorithm was compared with that of the neural-based Deidentify algorithm.
In this project, students developed a modular didactic Raytracer to educate users on ray tracing fundamentals.
Data visualization challenge: Visualizing an Opera Network through Time
Students joined forces to address a data visualization challenge.
Holland’s best liar: Game app for detecting lies
This project initiated the development of a citizen science game, the aim of which is to collect data on the lying behavior of individuals and how well others are at detecting these lies.
Explanations for the Dutch National Police: a Theoretical Investigation
This project explored the extraction of explanations from formal argumentation frameworks.
Open Source Data Diode
This project contributed to providing advice regarding the governance structure of Open-Source Data Diode.
Sounds Good: a playlist can change your life
This project aimed to explore the impact of playlists on motivation and focus.
Educational Computer Science Escape Room
This project focused on designing and building an educational computer science Escape Room.