New Zealand designates Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation ICC sentences Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz to 10 years over Mali war crimes Rival sectarian groups agree to seven-day ceasefire in Pakistan Congo accuses rebel group of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in country’s east Colombia rebel group Segunda Marquetalia splits, but peace talks go on Myanmar led world …
This post forms part of the Beyond Compliance Symposium: How to Prevent Harm and Need in Conflict, featured across Articles of War and Armed Groups and International Law. The introductory post can be found here. The symposium invites reflection on the conceptualisation of negative everyday lived experiences of armed conflict, and legal and extra-legal strategies that can effectively address harm …
Salonee Singh will be joining the Armed Groups and International Law blog over the coming months during her Fulbright scholarship at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. As an assistant editor of the blog, Salonee will be assisting in the preparation of the legal roundups and also highlighting published reports or events which we think will …