Towards pre-trial detention as ultima ratio (2018)

cover rapport "Detour" Towards Pre-Trial Detention as Ultima Ratio

Detour Comparative Report

This project aimed at exploring and analysing pre-trial detention practice in seven European jurisdictions (Austria, Germany, Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Ireland and the Netherlands). It was, on the one hand, focused on the human rights situation of the suspects who, in principle, should benefit from the presumption of innocence as well as the principle of proportionality. On the other hand it addressed the views and needs of the judiciary. The use of alternatives to pre-trial detention is not without difficulties for both suspects and practitioners.

The extensive comparative research led to highly informative Country Reports on Statistics, legislation and practice in relation to pre-trial detention. The information from these reports was used on a comparative report (pdf) holding a considerable amount of recommendations (pdf). This report was translated into the languages of participating countries.

In 2021, an edited volume is expected to be released at Routledge.

Onderzoekers Montaigne Centrum voor Rechtsstaat en Rechtspleging: 

Joep Lindeman, Pauline Jacobs, Miranda Boone

Research funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union.

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