7 februari 2023
Subsidie SGW Open Competitie XS voor zes FSW-onderzoekers.
11 januari 2023
Alle expertise verzamelen! Laaggeletterdheid te lijf met Artificial Intelligence in het ELSA-lab.
October 28, 2021
The department of Psychology at Utrecht University has an opening for a Post-doctoral (2-years + 1 year optional) position: Psychology and Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence. APPLICATION DEADLINE Nov 9, 2021.
For more information, please visit the profile page of Henk Aarts.
March 2021
Josi Driessen and Henk Aarts received a grant from Programma Handhaving and Gedrag to study the following project:
The obedient brain/ Het gehoorzame brein
Regulations and law enforcement contribute to the prevention of undesirable behavior and thus play an important role in society. At the same time, restricting behavior through regulations undermines personal autonomy; after all, people are no longer, or to a lesser extent, allowed to decide for themselves what to do. Recent findings suggested that restrictions in personal autonomy have an impact on how we experience our own actions and their consequences. People who experience their own behavior as voluntary are more likely to recognize that they are responsible for their behavior. In this research project, we will investigate whether obedience to rules and enforcement can have unintended negative side-effects on how we experience our own actions and how this affects our behavior. In this research we will focus on questions such as: Will people experience their behavior as less voluntary if they obey the rules? What does this do to their feelings of responsibility? How do we find the right balance between enforcement, obedience and the experience of agency?
Februari 2021
Embodied AI: Virtual Humans and Social Robots #1
Maandag 22 Februari 14:30 - 16:00
This event is the first of a series of events we plan to organize related with Embodied Artificial Agents, organized by Zerrin Yumak, Maartje de Graaf and Ruud Hortensius. It concerns the development, evaluation and societal impact of social robots and virtual humans that are capable of engaging in face-to-face social interactions with people using verbal and non-verbal behaviours. The theme of the first event is: “Understanding the Utrecht University case, what are the different viewpoints, challenges and opportunities?”
November 2020
Ruud Hortensius received a public engagement seed fund from Utrecht University for the following project:
Opa, oma, robot en ik / Grandpa, grandma, robot and I
While generations apart, children and their grandparents share a future with robots. In this project, they will start the conversation on the integration of robots in their social milieu. First, they will play an interactive quiz to explore the scope and limits of robots for social cognition. Next, they will develop sci-fi scenarios using a real robot to sketch future applications. Focussing on real interactions and the conversation with, not about, children and grandparents, this project will give this team the power to shape future research and their social lives with robots.
September 2020
- Vacature voor een 'postdoc' t.b.v. het project "Empowering Human Intentions through Artificial Intelligence" aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
Reacties uiterlijk 15 oktober 2020.
> Meer informatie
- Chao Zhang en Henk Aarts hebben een subsidie ontvangen van het UU-focusgebied Human-Centered AI! Interessant werk voor de boeg met Shihan Wang en Mehdi Dastani over menselijke autonomie en autonome kunstmatige intelligentie.
- Lancering website HUMAN-AI.