Future of Work

What are the societal consequences of technological developments and globalisation in terms of quality of work, quality of life and equality for workers, organisations and households?

Visit the Future of Work Hub page for more information and an overview of all the Hub-related news, events and publications.

Future of Work

Lifelong learning

Technological innovations create major challenges for a series of institutions that shape modern societies. The labour market will see some categories of jobs disappear as computers or even robots take over the work, new jobs may emerge and many existing jobs will change.

This development calls for lifelong learning to maintain existing and acquire new knowledge and skills. Such a situation will not only challenge the educational system but also the individuals and the organisations who currently hold the jobs. Individuals have to balance their working and private life in an age where technology blurs the natural boundaries between the two, while organisations have to reconcile technological innovation with an ageing workforce in a highly competitive global economy. Governments face the challenge to guarantee that the benefits of technological innovation do not solely accumulate in one single group within society, which would result in growing inequality, but that they fall to society as a whole.

Future of Work

To this end, the IOS-Hub Future of Work aims to develop new theoretical and empirical insights into work and work-related societal challenges due to technological innovation and globalisation. It provides a platform where industry leaders and policymakers can obtain as well as discuss these insights and voice their need for research.

The IOS-Hub Future of Work strives for outcomes that help society as well as individual workers, families and organisations, both private and public, with the challenges presented by their future of work.

Introduction Future of Work