Futuring Corona: learning from the crisis
The Urban Futures Studio experiments* with a new vlog series: 'Futuring Corona'. In this series we invite experts to discuss the current Corona crisis and what we can learn from it. How does the current Corona crisis relate to the much larger and ongoing climate crisis? Working from home and behind their computers, our researchers talk to experts Detlef van Vuuren (professor at Utrecht University), Linda Steg (professor at University of Groningen), professor Elena Bennett (professor at McGill University) and Arjun Appadurai (professor at New York University). Watch all video's here on this landingpage or on our IGTV channel.
*Episode 1 to 4 are in Dutch. We switch to English in episode 5, because of our international guests. We are currently looking at ways to make all content available for an international audience.
Episode 1
Professor Maarten Hajer introduces 'Futuring Corona'. In this vlog series the Urban Futures Studio invites experts to get a better understanding of what this Corona crisis means. What can we learn from this moment and how can we come out better at the other end? (Language: Dutch)
Episode 2
In episode 2 PhD researcher Lisette van Beek and professor Maarten Hajer discuss the power that numbers hold in the public debate on Corona (Language: Dutch)
Episode 3
In episode 3 we invite professor and a prominent climate modeller Detlef van Vuuren to discuss the role of models in public discourse. (Language: Dutch)
Episode 4
In episode 4 we invite professor Linda Steg to learn about what drives our behaviour during crises. What drives us to make more sustainable choices and and why do we follow the corona measures? (Language: Dutch)
Episode 5
In episode 5 researcher Jesse Hoffman and professor Maarten Hajer discuss the positive signs or 'seeds' during this Corona crisis that may lead to more hopeful climate futures (Language: English)
Episode 6
In episode 6 we invite professor Elena Bennett about her project 'Seeds of Good Anthropocenes' and what we can learn from this Corona crisis about quantitative models. (Language: English)
Episode 7
In episode 7 researcher Jeroen Oomen and professor Maarten Hajer invite professor Arjun Appadurai. How does the author of 'The Future as Cutural Fact' look at Corona and its futures? (Language: English)
Episode 8
In episode 8 Maarten Hajer reflects on the last seven episodes of this vlog series. He proposes a thesis: we need to think of the Corona crisis as a moment of constitutional politics, a moment in history where the rules of the game are redrawn (language: English).