Nieuwe SIM fellows: Hanneke van Eijken en Viola Bex-Reimert

Het Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten (SIM) van de Universiteit Utrecht verwelkomt twee nieuwe fellows: Hanneke van Eijken en Viola Bex-Reimert.
Hanneke van Eijken
Hanneke van Eijken is an expert in EU citizenship, migration, and fundamental rights. Her research focuses on the rights of children (Article 24 of the EU Charter), as well as political rights and equality. Additionally, Hanneke is actively involved in the "Utrecht City of Law and Humans" project, which commemorates 80 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In this project, students conducted research on the impact of the UDHR on the citizens of Utrecht. Hanneke co-organises Festival Europa, to support the upcoming European elections, providing a dialogue and performances on important European themes, such as human rights, migration and sustainability.
Viola Bex-Reimert
Viola Bex-Reimert is an associate professor of administrative law at Utrecht University and connected to the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice and RENFORCE. In the latter one she is a member of the building block Citizenship and Migration. She conducts research on nationality, refugee law and procedural law with a focus on access to justice.
Viola started her academic career at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) with a dissertation on extralegal coordination of decision-making in administrative law. For the last twelve years she has been conducting research on several topics including refugee law, reception conditions of refugees, the use of biometric data in refugee law, human smuggling and trafficking and the influence of (European) migration law on national administrative law.