Dr. Edwin Poppe

  • Poppe, E. & Andriessen, I. (2022). Gender matters in prejudice and discrimination of Muslim women and Muslim men. In A. Smeekes & J. Thijs (Eds.), Migration and Ethnic Relations: Current directions for theory and research- Liber Amicorum for Maykel Verkuyten (pp. 149-163). 
  • Ellenbroek, M., Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J., & Poppe, E. (2014). The fairness of national decision-making procedures: the views of adolescents in 18 European countries. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2189.
  • Hagendoorn, L. & Poppe, E. (2012). Consistency of Tolerance, Public Opinion on Immigrants in the Netherlands at the Turn of the Millennium. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 2(4), 367-387
  • Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M. & Poppe, E. (2012). How a tolerant past affects the present: Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1410-1422.
  • Verkuyten, M. & Poppe, E. (2012). Political tolerance for Muslim practices: An intergroup perspective. In M. Helbling (Ed.), Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and explaining individual attitudes (pp. 137-146). London: Routledge.
  • Minescu, A. & Poppe, E. (2011). Intergroup conflict in Russia: Testing the group position model. Social Psychology Quarterly, 47, 166-191
  • Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M. & Poppe, E. (2011). Mobilising opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 265-280.
  • Fleischmann, F., Verkuyten, M. & Poppe, E. (2011). Ethnic and republic identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: A test of social dominance theory. Journal of Migration and Ethnic Relations, 37, 23-41.
  • Cornelissen, A.J.T., Poppe, E. & Ouwens, M. (2010). Dropout bij klinisch psychotherapeutische behandeling van persoonlijkheidsproblematiek. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 52, 17-27.
  • Noll, J. van der, Poppe, E. & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Political tolerance and prejudice: Differential reactions towards Muslims in the Netherlands. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 46-56.
  • Hagendoorn, L., Poppe, E. & Minescu, A. (2008). Support for separatism in ethnic republics of the Russian Federation. Europe-Asia Studies, 60, 353-373.
  • Leach, C.W., Minescu, A., Poppe, E. & Hagendoorn, L. (2008). Generality and specificity in stereotypes of out-group power and benevolence: Views of Chechens and Jews in the Russian Federation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 1165-1174
  • Minescu, A., Hagendoorn, L. & Poppe, E. (2008). Types of identification and intergroup differentiation in the Russian Federation. Journal of Social Issues, 64, 321-342.
  • Velasco González, K., Verkuyten, M., Weesie, J. & Poppe, E. (2008). Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing Integrated Threat Theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 667-668.
  • Poppe, E. & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.) (2007). Culture and Conflict: Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publisher.
  • Poppe, E. (2007). A Hotspot of Intergroup Relations: Russians and Tuvans in Tuva. In E. Poppe & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Culture and Conflict: Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn (pp. 325-344). Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publisher.
  • Poppe, E. & Hagendoorn, L. (2004a). Social Distance towards Titular Populations among Russians in former Soviet Republics. In M. Gijsberts, P. Scheepers and L. Hagendoorn (Eds.), Nationalism and exclusion of migrants (pp 143-156). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers.
  • Poppe, E. & Hagendoorn, L. (2004b). National Identification of Russians in former Soviet Republics. In M. Gijsberts, P. Scheepers and L. Hagendoorn (Eds.), Nationalism and exclusion of migrants (pp 71-93). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers.
  • Hagendoorn, L. & Poppe, E. (2004). Associations between national identification and exclusionistic reaction in former Soviet Republics. In M. Gijsberts, P. Scheepers and L. Hagendoorn (Eds.), Nationalism and exclusion of migrants (pp 209-224). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers.
  • Poppe, E. & Hagendoorn, L. (2003). Titular identification of Russians in former Soviet republics. Europe-Asia Studies, 55, 771-787. 
  • Poppe, E. (2001). The effect of changes in GNP and target characteristics on national and ethnic stereotypes in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1689-1708.
  • Poppe, E. & Bakkum, H. (2001). Attitudes towards successful integration of Romania into the European Union. A study among Romanians from Bucharest and Transylvania and Hungarians from Transylvania. Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, 1 (2), 49-62. 
  • Poppe, E. & Hagendoorn, L. (2001). Types of Identification among Russians in the ‘Near Abroad’. Europe-Asia Studies, 53, 57-71. 
  • Poppe, E. (2000). Changes in national and ethnic stereotypes in Central and Eastern Europe. In J. Ter Wal and M. Verkuyten (Eds.) Comparative Perspectives on Racism (pp. 191-210). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Poppe, E. & Linssen, H. (1999). Ingroup favouritism and the reflection of realistic dimensions of difference between national states in Central and Eastern European nationality stereotypes. British Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 85-102.
  • Poppe, E. (1999). National and ethnic stereotypes in Central and Eastern Europe. A study among adolescents in six countries. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.
  • Phalet, K. & Poppe, E. (1997). Competence and morality dimensions of national and ethnic stereotypes: A study in six Eastern European countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 703-723.
  • Skarzynska, K. & Poppe, E. (1997). Patriotyzm, nacjonalizm a spostrzeganie cech Polakow i innych narodowosci" (Patriotism, nationalism and ingroup-outgroup perception), Przeglad Psychologiczny (Polish) Psychological Review), 40, 179-197.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Poppe, E., & Andriessen, I. (2022). Gender matters in prejudice and discrimination of Muslim women and Muslim men. In Migration and Ethnic Relations: Current directions for theory and research: Liber Amicorum for Maykel Verkuyten (pp. 149-163)
Smeekes, A. (Ed.), Thijs, J. (Ed.), Smeekes, A., Thijs, J., Bilgili, Ö., Peters, F., van der Linden, M., Gijsberts, M., Maliepaard, M., Fleischmann, F., Stark, T., Seibel, V., Martinovic, B., Lubbers, M., Poppe, E., Andriessen, I., Di Stasio, V., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2022). Migration and Ethnic Relations: Current directions for theory and research: Liber Amicorum for Maykel Verkuyten.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hagendoorn, L., & Poppe, E. (2017). Nationalist attitudes and exclusionist reactions in former soviet republics. In Nationalism and Exclusion of Migrants: Cross-National Comparisons (pp. 209-224). Taylor and Francis/Balkema. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315248349-9
Poppe, E., & Hagendoorn, L. (2017). Social distance of Russian minorities from titular population in former soviet republics. In Nationalism and Exclusion of Migrants: Cross-National Comparisons (pp. 143-156). Taylor and Francis/Balkema. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315248349-6
Poppe, E., & Hagendoorn, L. (2017). National identification of Russians in five former soviet republics. In Nationalism and Exclusion of Migrants: Cross-National Comparisons (pp. 71-93). Taylor and Francis/Balkema. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315248349-3


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ellenbroek, M., Verkuijten, M., Thijs, J., & Poppe, E. (2014). The fairness of national decision-making procedures: The views of adolescents in 18 european countries. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 503-517. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2189

Overige resultaten

Poppe, E. (2014). The dual factor model of social dominance orientations: Gender invariance and differential effects on prejudice towards Muslims among Dutch adolescents. Paper presented at Ideologies and Ideological Conflict: The Political Psychology of Belief Systems, Rome, Italy.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2013). Political tolerance for Muslim practices: An intergroup perspective. In Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes (pp. 137-146). Taylor and Francis/Balkema.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2012). How a tolerant past affects the present: Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(11), 1410-1422. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167212450920
Hagendoorn, A. J. M. W., & Poppe, W. H. (2012). Consistency of tolerance, public opinion on immigrants in the Netherlands at the turn of the millennium. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 2(4), 367-387.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Minescu, A., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). Intergroup conflict in Russia: testing the group position model. Social Psychology Quarterly, 47(2), 166-191.
Fleischmann, F., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). Ethnic and republic identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: a social dominance perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(1), 23-41.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). Mobilizing opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2), 265-280. https://doi.org/10.1348/014466610X516235

Overige resultaten

Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). How a Tolerant Past affects the Present: Historical Tolerance and the Acceptance of Muslim Expressive Rights. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 34th Annual Scientific ISPP Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Istanbul, Turkey.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). How a Tolerant Past affects the Present: Historical Tolerance and the Acceptance of Muslim Expressive Rights. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 16th General Meeting of the EASP, European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Stockholm, Sweden.
Poppe, W. H. (2011). Regional Variation in Individual-Level Predictors of Attitudes towards Immigrants and Muslims in Europe. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ECPR conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Cornelissen, A. J. T., Poppe, W. H., & Ouwens, D. M. (2010). Dropout bij klinisch psychotherapeutische behandeling van persoonlijkheidsproblematiek. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 52(1), 17-27.
van der Noll, J., Poppe, W. H., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Political tolerance and prejudice: differential reactions towards Muslims in the Netherlands. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32(1), 46-56.

Overige resultaten

Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2010). Historical National Identity Representations and the Acceptance of Muslim Rights: Testing the Role of National Identification and Perceived Cultural Continuity. Paper presented at Paper presented at 'Tearing Down the Walls: Rethinking the Political in Political Psychology Conference', Centre for Research on Political Sociology, Belfast, Ireland.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2010). Mobilising Opposition Towards Muslim immigrants: National Identification and the Representation of Nnational History. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Scientific ISPP Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), San Francisco, the United States of America.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Velasco González, K., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Weesie, H. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2008). Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing Integrated Threat Theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 667-685.
Minescu, A., Poppe, W. H., & Hagendoorn, L. (2008). Types of identification and intergroup differentiation in the Russian Federation. Journal of Social Issues, 64, 321-342.
Leach, C., Minescu, A., Poppe, W. H., & Hagendoorn, L. (2008). Generality and specificity in stereotypes of out-group power and benevolence: views of chechens and jews in the Russian Federation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38(7), 1165-1174.

Overige resultaten

Poppe, W. H. (2008). Reviewer for 'Journal of Baltic Studies'.
Poppe, W. H. (2008). Reviewer for ‘European Journal of Social Psychology’.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Poppe, W. H. (2007). A Hotspot of Intergroup Relations. Russians and Tuvans in Tuva. In E. Poppe, & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Culture and Conflict. Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn (pp. 325-344). Aksant Academic Publisher.
Poppe, W. H., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Culture and Conflict. Aksant.

Overige resultaten

Hagendoorn, L., & Poppe, W. H. (2007). Trust in the Government and Other Determinants of Intergroup Relations in Russia and Ukraine. Paper presented at Paper presented at INTAS conference on 'Intergroup relations in the Russian Federation and Ukraine': the quest for ethno-national identity: positive and negative effects?, ERCOMER, Utrecht University, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
Poppe, W. H. (2007). ERCOMER survey methods and questionnaire. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Conference of the Europroject network "Education without frontiers", Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium, Tiszakécske.
Poppe, W. H. (2007). Islamophobia among Dutch adolescents, the role of contact, perceived threat and endorsement of Multiculturalism. Paper presented at Paper presented at the fourth general conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Pisa, Italy.


Overige resultaten

Poppe, W. H. (2006). Social and political implications of group threat, critical remarks. Paper presented at Conference International Society for Political Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.
Hagendoorn, A. J. M. W., Poppe, W. H., & Minescu, A. (2006). Support for Separatism in Ethnic Republics of the Russian Federation. Paper presented at Paper presented at International Society for Political Psychology: 29th Annual Scientific meeting, Barcelona, Spain.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hagendoorn, L., & Poppe, W. H. (2001). Types of Identification among Russians in the 'Near Abroad'. Europe-Asia Studies, 53, 57-71.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Poppe, W. H., & Linssen, H. M. (1999). Ingroup favouritism and the reflection of realistic dimensions of differences between national states in Central and Eastern European nationality stereotypes. British Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 85-102.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Poppe, W. H. (1998). National and ethnic stereotypes in Central and Eastern Europe. A study among adolescents in six countries. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen]. Tela Thesis.


Phalet, K., & Poppe, W. H. (1998). Competence and morality dimensions of national and ethnic stereotypes: A study in six Eastern European countries. In L. Hagendoorn (Ed.), Proceedings Conference Transformation processes in Eastern Europe, Part III: Ethnicity and Nationalism (pp. 29-48). Ridderprint.
Skarzynska, K., & Poppe, W. H. (1998). Patriotyzm, nacjonalism a spostrzeganie cech Polakow i innych narodowosci (Patriotism, nationalism and ingroup-outgroup perception). Przeglad Psychologiczny, 40, 179-197.
Poppe, W. H. (1998). Effect of changes in economic satisfaction on national and ethnic stereotypes, patriotism and nationalism in 6 Central and Eastern European countries. In L. Hagendoorn (Ed.), Proceedings Conference Transformation processes in Eastern Europe, Part III: Ethnicity and Nationalism (pp. 49-58). Ridderprint.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Phalet, K., & Poppe, W. H. (1997). Competence and morality dimensions of national and ethnic stereotypes: A study in six Eastern European countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 703-723.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Phalet, K., & Poppe, W. H. (1996). Prestatiemotivatie bij Turkse jongeren: Het aandeel van cultuur, sociale klasse en migratie. Mens en Maatschappij, 71(4), 329-342.


Poppe, W. H. (1996). National and Ethnic Stereotypes Among Eastern European Adolescents. In H. B. G. Ganzeboom (Ed.), Proceedings workshop Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe (pp. 127-136). Ridderprint.