Dr. W.M. (Wioletta) Ruszel

Dr. W.M. (Wioletta) Ruszel

Mathematisch Instituut
Universitair hoofddocent
Mathematical Modeling
030 253 1459

Current activities:

I am currently the teaching director for the master program of the Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University. Currently we have six specialization ranging from pure to applied mathematics. More information can be found here.

Moreover, I am active in the following boards:

  • Board member of STAR mathematics cluster (2022-)

The cluster STAR (Stochastics: Theoretical and Applied Research), launched in 2009, aims at uniting and representing all researchers in the Netherlands working in the field of stochastics. The mission is to strengthen the nationwide collaboration between Dutch researchers in stochastics, bringing Dutch stochastics further to the international forefront and stimulate the interaction with researchers from other disciplines.

The Centre for Complex Systems Studies (CCSS) brings together the complexity research of Utrecht University. The centre aims at scientific breakthroughs as well as novel solutions for societally relevant issues by approaching existing problems from the perspective of complex systems science.

Eurandom acts as an international meeting point for researchers in the various areas of stochastics and takes initiatives for collaborative research at a national as well as a European level.

Next, I am also organizing:

The Mark Kac seminar on Stochastics and Physics is a monthly meeting held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, between probabilists and statistical physicists, covering their common area of interest.

The seminar originally started in 1977 with informal meetings of a small group of Dutch mathematicians and physicists discussing topics in their common field of interest. Following a suggestion by P.W. Kasteleyn, one of the founding fathers of statistical physics in the Netherlands, the seminar was named after Mark Kac in 1985.

Mark Kac had close contacts with many Dutch scientists and was a regular visitor until his death in 1984. His work is at the very core of the area in mathematical physics that the seminar tries to cover. 

The Mathematical Institute talks aim at introducing new members of the insitute by giving them the opportunity to present their research. We typically meet Tuesdays 16-17 or Thursdays 16-17 preceded by cookies or taarticles in the library. The taarticles (taart + articles) are organized 30 minutes before the talk in order to celebrate an accepted article.

Associated editor of the following journals:


Past activities:

The Royal Dutch Mathematical Society, the Koninlijk Wiskundig Genootschap (KWG), has the distinction of being the oldest of all present-day national mathematical societies. Founded in 1778, it still carries its 18th century motto, Untiring labor overcomes all. In all other respects, the Society has adapted to the 21st century. It serves as the professional organization of individuals, in particularly the Netherlands, whose activities are related to mathematics.

  • Board member of European Women in Mathematics, (2018-2019)
  • Initiator of EDIT (EWI diversion and inclusion group), (2017-2019)
  • Sounding board of DEWIS (Delft women in science), (2017-2019)