Dr. ir. Wina Crijns-Graus MSc

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 8.12
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. ir. Wina Crijns-Graus MSc

Universitair docent
Energy & Resources
030 253 1222

Selection of projects

  • The Geopolitical Economy of Energy Transition: Comparing China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the European Union on the domestic and geopolitical challenges of the energy transition. Interdisciplinary joint research programme between a.o. the Institute of European Studies of Macau (China) and the International Institute for Asian Studies in Leiden (NL). Start Sep 2022. https://www.iias.asia/programmes/geopolitical-economy-energy-transition-China-BRI-EU 
  • sEEnergies. Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable energy systems. H2020, European Commission, 2019-2022. Partners: AAU, HU, TEP Energy, UU, EUF, KU Leuven, NMBU, SYNYO, Fraunhofer. Role UU: Energy efficiency potentials in industries. https://www.seenergies.eu/ 
  • M-BENEFITS. Valuing and communicating non-energy benefits of energy-efficiency measures in industries and services. H2020, European Commission, 2018-2021. Partners: Fraunhofer, Borg & Co., BPIE, GEA, Hes-So, IREES, FIRE, HSLU, NTUA, KAPE, ISR-UC, UNIL, Oxford, UU. http://www.mbenefits.eu
  • Interdisciplinary Research programme "Energy Programme Asia (EPA): The Political Economy of the Belt & Road Initiative and its Reflections". With Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS). 2017-2020. http://www.iias.nl/research/energy-programme-asia-epa 
  • ADVANCE. Advanced Model Development and Validation for Improved Analysis of Costs and Impacts of Mitigation Policies. FP7, European Commission, 2013-2017. Partners: PBL, PIK, IIASA, FEEM, IPTS, UCL, SMASH, UEA, E3M-lab, UPMF, NTNU, UU, DLR, Enerdata. Role UU: Improvement of modelling iron and steel and cement in Integrated Assessment Models. http://www.fp7-advance.eu/
  • Joint research programme "Energy Programme Asia: Transnationalisation of Chinese oil industry" with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and KNAW. 2013-2016. http://www.iias.nl/research/energy-programme-asia-epa
  • Review of energy efficiency values for power and heat generation in CHP Directive for European Commission. 2014.
  • Ammonia Production: Energy Efficiency Technologies, Best Practices, Organizations and Programs. For Institute for Industrial Productivity. 2013. http://iepd.iipnetwork.org/
  • Global low energy demand projections for Energy [R]evolution scenarios, for Greenpeace. 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.
  • Energy savings potential in the Netherlands for 2050 (BEEN) for transport, industry, buildings and green houses. For RVO. 2011.
  • Energy-intensive industries in 30% debate EU. For Greenpeace International. 2011.
  • Comparison of the environmental performance of pulverised coal fired power plants and integrated gasification combined-cycle plants, for Dutch Ministry of Environment. 2010.
  • Energy and greenhouse gas emissions indicators in EU for EEA. 2009. http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/energy/indicators#c10=&c5=all&c7=all&c13=20&b_start=0
  • EU climate policy impact in 2020, with a focus on the effectiveness of emissions trading policy in an economic recession scenario, for PBL. 2009. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/ecofys_euclimatepolicyimpactin2020_new.pdf
  • The role and potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency for global energy supply, for Umwelbundesambt (UBA). 2009. http://opus.kobv.de/zlb/volltexte/2010/8375/pdf/3768.pdf
  • Potential for long term energy-efficiency improvement for Luxembourg, for Greenpeace Luxembourg. 2009.
  • Pathways up to 2050 for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60-80% for the Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Switzerland for WWF.  2006-2009
  • Global technical energy-efficiency potentials and costs for the German Ministry of Environment. 2008.
  • International comparison of energy-efficiency of fossil-fired power generation for selected countries for CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry). Input for benchmarking covenant Japan. 2004-2009.
  • Capture-readiness and energy-efficiency of new fossil power plants in the EU, for the European Commission. 2008. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/rptenergy-efficiencyandcarboncaptureinnewpowerplantsenfinal.pdf
  • Impact of EU directives (LCP, IPPC, NEC) on NOx emissions legislation in several EU countries on steam boilers for Stork. 2007 and 2008.
  • Benchmark and self-assessment tool for energy and water efficiency improvement in wineries in Germany, Spain, France and Italy. Intelligent Energy Europe, European Commission. 2007-2008.
  • Energy-efficiency potentials for G8 countries and policy assessments, for WWF. 2007.
  • Technical renewable energy potentials and costs on a regional level for REN21. 2007. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/report_global_potential_of_renewable_energy_sources_a_literature_assessment.pdf
  • Scorecards on performance of G8 countries in terms of climate policy for G8 summit for WWF. 2005 and 2007. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/wwf_2005_g8scorecards.pdf
  • Energy-efficiency in Flemish industry in comparison to other EU countries, for the Flemish government. 2006.
  • Potential for energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission mitigation in the UK iron and steel industry, for the UK government. 2006.
  • CO2 emission reduction measures for the five largest CO2 emitting companies in Zeeland: Yara, Dow, Total, Thermphos and Pechiney, for the provincial government of Zeeland. 2006.
  • Opportunities for acceleration of energy savings in the Netherlands, for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. 2006.
  • Potential for long term energy-efficiency improvement for the Netherlands, for Greenpeace Netherlands. 2006.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions and intensity data for pulp and paper, refineries, electricity, cement, iron & steel industry and transport for RIVM in 2006 and for Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) in 2005. (for USA, EU-15, Russia, Japan, Canada, India, China, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Argentina, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Iran and South Africa).
  • Fuel consumption of company cars in the Netherlands resulting from the principal agent problem, for IEA. 2006.
  • EPA ENERGY STAR Guides for Energy and Plant Managers. Reports on energy efficiency improvement and cost saving opportunities for the glass industry and the fruit and vegetables industry, for Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). 2005. http://industrial-energy.lbl.gov/node/406
  • Financial incentives for stimulating the uptake of highly efficient motors and drives, for the UK Carbon Trust. 2005.
  • Growth factors for the Flemish industry for the Flemish government. 2005.
  • Using energy efficiency benchmarks for industries for allocating CO2 emission allowances within the EU emissions trading scheme for RIVM. 2005.
  • International benchmark study and best-practice analysis regarding energy-efficiency of silicon carbide production for Elektroschmelzwerk Delfzijl B.V. Input for benchmark covenant between the Dutch government and industries. 2004.
  • Economic analysis of renewable energy support mechanisms for Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI). 2004.
  • Scorecards on renewable energy production, CHP and environmental disclosure of electricity companies worldwide, for WWF. 2004.
  • Modelling costs and CO2 emission reduction potential of low carbon futures for the Dutch Ministry of Environment. 2004.
  • Potential and costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector in Latin America for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). 2004.
  • Marginal abatement cost curves for non-CO2 greenhouse gasses in agricultural, for RIVM. 2004.
  • Ecological footprint electricity companies: CO2 emissions and fuel mixes of the 100 largest electricity utilities in the world, for WWF. 2003.
  • Benchmarking the energy efficiency of the EU energy-intensive industry for RIVM. Determining the energy efficiency of the iron and steel industry, cement industry and electricity sector in EU countries. Also the US, South Korea and Japan were taken into account. 2003.
  • Costs of CO2-abatement curves for 10 European refineries and 1 chemical site for Shell Global Solutions, based on two-day workshops at the sites. 2003.
  • Expected revenues from renewable electricity in the period 2005-2025, for an international energy company. 2003.
  • Renewable energy policies and potentials for renewable energy in the EU and the Accession countries within the framework of FORRES (FORcast of Renewable Energy Sources until 2020). For the European Commission. 2003.
  • Energy and climate: carbon sequestration. General overview of main issues concerning carbon dioxide sequestration for the European Commission. 2003.
  • Global CO2 storage potential and costs, for RIVM. 2002. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/ecofys_2004_globalcarbondioxidestorage.pdf
  • Role of Renewable formulation of a medium- and longer-term action plan on support of renewables in Europe for the European Commission. 2002.
  • Low Carbon Electricity Systems: reduction options and policy instruments for carbon emission reduction worldwide, for WWF. 2002.
  • Monitoring of renewable energy in the Netherlands. For Netherlands Organisation for Energy and Environment (NOVEM). 2002.
  • Development of fact sheets on renewable energy sources and determining the theoretical and practical potential of renewable energy in Limburg for the Province of Limburg. 2002.
Transitioning to a More Sustainable Energy System 01-12-2014
Algemene projectbeschrijving

In this NWO program master students were given the opportunity and support to write their own proposal for a PhD research. A few proposals were selected for a 4-year PhD trajectory.  Among them:

Jing Hu - Giving the Green Light to the Green : Facilitating the integration of variable renewable electricity into the power system (https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/387712)

Ana Pocas - What infuences consumption? Organizing alternative food networks. Food waste in alternative food networks (ongoing)

2e geldstroom - NWO
Afgesloten projecten
Review of the reference values of high-efficiency cogeneration 01-01-2014 tot 01-04-2015
Algemene projectbeschrijving

On request of the European Commission, the cogeneration reference efficiencies as required by Article 14(10) of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) have been reviewed and updated. The overall purpose of the study was to develop a list of harmonised reference values for the separate production of electricity and heat for the period 2016 – 2019 and methods to correct for e.g. avoided grid losses and ambient temperature. The approach chosen to achieve this objective has aimed to be comprehensive and versatile, encompassing consultation with the relevant stakeholders and industry in the power generation, heat generation and cogeneration industries. 


2e geldstroom - overig Tender European Commission