Dr. ir. Wina Crijns-Graus MSc

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 8.12
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. ir. Wina Crijns-Graus MSc

Universitair docent
Energy & Resources
030 253 1222

Member of committees

  • PhD Assessment Committee Tianrun Yang (2024)
  • Participation in accreditation panel for new bachelor programme UvA, NVAO (2023)
  • Advisory committee for H2020 project RE4Industry (2021-2023) https://re4industry.eu/re4industry-committee-nl/ 
  • Technical Program Committee of 4th , 5th, 6th and 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE) in Munich, Berlin, Grimstad and Los Angeles (2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024). (http://ceege.org/) 
  • International Technical Committee of the 1st and 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy Engineering (PREE) in Tokyo (2023) and Sendai (2024). www.pree.net 
  • Technical Committee of 3rd International Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ICPEE) in Singapore (2022). (http://www.icpee.net/)
  • Technical Program Committee of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE) (2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020) in Berlin, Nagoya, Okinawa and Fukuoka.

Editor and peer reviewer

  • Associate Editor of Springer journal “Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy” from 2014-2022.
  • Peer reviewer for e.g.: Applied Energy, Carbon Management, Climate Policy, Energies, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Science, Heliyon, IEEE Access, Power Engineering Letters, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Nature Communications,  Resources Conservation and Recycling, Science of the Total Environment, Springer Nature, Sustainability, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Horizons.

PhD supervision

  • Co-promotor of Shaohui Zhang (2012-2016), Katerina Kermeli (2013-2021), Jing Hu (2014-2019), Hui Yue (2016-2020), Annika Boldrini (2020- ), Viola Rühlin (2023- ).

Conferences and presentations

  • Keynote lecture on “Past trends and future challenges of energy supply security in the EU” at International conference on the development of Management Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University. August 2023.
  • International research-oriented workshop on “Comparing Energy Transition in the European Union and China: Domestic and Geopolitical Challenges”, June 2023, Macau, China.
    • Presentation in Panel I: A comparative study on the energy transition in the European Union and China: Policies, Trends and Challenges. Title “The development of renewable energy technology in the EU (2000-2022).”
    • Chair of panel II: China’s transitioning toward green energy and its challenges.
  • Invited presentation: “In-depth quantification of industrial energy efficiency potentials.” EERA JP EEIP meeting. 20 September 2022.
  • Invited presentation: “The Challenges of Energy Transition, Comparing China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the European Union”. International Conference on Experience of EU and Chinese research and investments in new renewable energy sectors. 9 March 2022. International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden.
  • Invited presentation: “Trends in energy use and challenges in the European Union” at CASS Forum 2022, Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality conference. 2 December 2022. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
  • Invited presentation: “Impacts of China’s investments on renewable energy technology development in the EU.” The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). Kyoto Japan. Roundtable Critical Evaluation of the Belt and Road Initiative III: Sustainability Under the Belt and Road Initiative. 27 August 2021. 
  • Keynote lecture: “Model Analysis of Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential in Industry - Taking Cement Industry as an Example.” International Symposium on Comparison and Improvement of Global Climate Assessment Models. May 2019, Beijing, China. http://www.cideg.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/xsxw/3184 
  • Invited expert to the IEA-IETS Kick-off Annex "Industrial Electrification" on 6 April 2018 in Amsterdam.
  • Invited presentation in panel: Climate Change, Energy and Economy: Europe and China Compared. SDG Conference: Perspectives on Governing by Sustainable Development Goals of Food, Water and Climate. June 2018, UvA, Amsterdam.
  • Presentation: “Past and future renewable energy growth rates per world region”. CPESE: International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering. Sep 2016, Kitakyushu, Japan.
  • Presentation “External oil supply risks under different scenarios in EU, US, Japan, China and India” 10th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology (“ENERDAY 2015”). April 2015, Dresden, Germany.
  • Invited lecture: “Energy challenges in the European Union” at the Institute for Industrial Economics (IEE) of CASS in Beijing in October 2014.
  • Opening lecture “Geosciences and energy use; challenges and opportunities”. Near Surface Geoscience 2013. Sep 2013, Bochum, Germany.
  • Invited expert to international workshop “The feasibility of transitions in 2 degree scenarios” 25 September 2012, Utrecht. Organised by PBL &UU for FP7 projects RESPONSES and LIMITS. Sep 2012, Utrecht.