Wales, Romanticism, and the Making of Imperial Culture. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.
“Britain and Ireland” (book chapter), Percy Shelley in Context, ed. Ross Wilson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025) (forthcoming).
“Walter Scott’s Place Reading, 1805-1816,” European Romantic Review 33.6 (Winter 2022), 801-822.
“The Silence of the Land: Antiquarian Gothic and Ireland, 1790-1831,” English Literary History 88.3 (Autumn 2021), 661-684.
“Romantic Wales and the Imperial Picturesque,” Modern Language Quarterly 81.2 (June 2020), 169-192.
“Repetition and Melancholia in John Clare’s ‘Remembrances’ (1832),” John Clare Society Journal 38 (July 2019), 61-76. Solicited contribution.
“‘We wed not with the stranger’: Disjunctive Histories, Fluid Geographies, and Contested Nationalities in Romantic Fictions of Wales,” Studies in Romanticism 55.2 (Summer 2016), 211-37.
“‘Mass of Ruin’: Deconstructing Empiricism in Charlotte Smith’s Beachy Head,” in Romanticism and Knowledge, eds. Stefanie Fricke, Felicitas Meifert-Menhard, Katharina Pink (Trier: Wissenschaftliche Verlag Trier, 2015), 177-186.