Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wang, W.
, Stark, T., Westaby, J. D., Parr, A. K., & Newman, D. A. (2023).
Social network analysis in psychology: Recent breakthroughs in methods and theories. In
APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Data analysis and research publication (Vol. 3) (2nd ed.). (pp. 501-537). (APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Data analysis and research publication (Vol. 3) (2nd ed.).). American Psychological Association., J., Martinovic, B., & Stark, T. H. (2023).
Interreligious Contact and Attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The Role of Ingroup Norms and Individual Preferences.
Peace and Conflict. Advance online publication. Wuestenenk, N., van Tubergen, F., & Stark, T. H. (Accepted/In press).
The influence of group membership on online expressions and polarization on a discussion platform: An experimental study.
New Media and Society. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stark, T. H., & Seibel, V. (2022). Inter-ethnic relationships in social networks and their effect on the resilience of ethnically diverse societies. In A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience (pp. 59-71). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Stark, T., & Seibel, V. (2022).
Interethnic relationships in social networks and their effect on resilience of ethnically diverse societies. In E. Lazega, T. A. B. Snijders, & R. P. M. Wittek (Eds.),
Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience (pp. 59-72). Edward Elgar Publishing. Stark, T. H., van Maaren, F. M., Krosnick, J. A., & Sood, G. (2022).
The Impact of Social Desirability Pressures on Whites’ Endorsement of Racial Stereotypes: A Comparison Between Oral and ACASI Reports in a National Survey.
Sociological Methods and Research,
51(2), 605-631. Silber, H., Tvinnereim, E.
, Stark, T. H., Blom, A. G., Krosnick, J. A., Bosnjak, M., Clement, S. L., Cornilleau, A., Cousteaux, A-S., John, M., Jonsdottir, G. A., Lawson, K., Lynn, P., Martinsson, J., Shamshiri-Petersen, D., & Tu, S-H. (2022).
Lack of Replication or Generalization? Cultural Values Explain a Question Wording Effect.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology,
10(5), 1121-1147., G. M., Pasek, J., Krosnick, J. A.
, Stark, T. H., Agiesta, J., Sood, G., Tompson, T., & Gross, W. (2022).
Americans’ Attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: What Role Do Beliefs Play? Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
700(1), 41-54., N., van Tubergen, F., & Stark, T. H. (2022).
Attitudes towards homosexuality among ethnic majority and minority adolescents in Western Europe: The role of ethnic classroom composition.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
88, 133-147. Smeekes, A. (Ed.), Thijs, J. (Ed.), Smeekes, A., Thijs, J., Bilgili, Ö., Peters, F., van der Linden, M., Gijsberts, M., Maliepaard, M., Fleischmann, F.
, Stark, T., Seibel, V., Martinovic, B., Lubbers, M., Poppe, E., Andriessen, I.
, Di Stasio, V., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2022).
Migration and Ethnic Relations: Current directions for theory and research: Liber Amicorum for Maykel Verkuyten. Baez Camargo, C., Gadenne, V., Mkoji, V., Perera, D., Persian, R., Sambaiga, R.
, & Stark, T. (2022).
Using behavioural insights to reduce gift-giving in a Tanzanian public hospital: Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation. Basel Institute on Governance.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Damen, R. E. C., & Stark, T. H. (2021). Personality and interethnic relationships: How the big-five personality traits affect friendly and unfriendly interethnic relationships among secondary school students. In T. Altmann (Ed.), Friendship in Cultural and Personality Psychology: International Perspectives (pp. 409-429). Nova Science.
Damen, R. E. C.
, Martinović, B., & Stark, T. H. (2021).
Explaining the relationship between socio-economic status and interethnic friendships: The mediating role of preferences, opportunities, and third parties.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
80, 40-50.ć, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. H. (2021).
Understanding (in)tolerance of Muslim minority practices: a latent profile analysis.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
47(7), 1517-1538. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stark, T. H. (2020). Effects of a Discussion-Training Intervention on Interethnic Attitudes and Social Integration in School Classes. Paper presented at International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) 2020, Berlin, Germany.
Stark, T. H., Rambaran, J. A., & McFarland, D. A. (2020).
The Meeting of Minds: Forging Social and Intellectual Networks within Universities.
Sociological Science,
7, 433-464. Article a18. Stark, T. H., Silber, H., Krosnick, J. A., Blom, A. G., Aoyagi, M., Belchior, A., Bosnjak, M., Clement, S. L., John, M., Jónsdóttir, G. A., Lawson, K., Lynn, P., Martinsson, J., Shamshiri-Petersen, D., Tvinnereim, E., & Yu, R. R. (2020).
Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects Across Cultures.
Sociological Methods and Research,
49(3), 567-602. Stark, T. H. (2020).
Indirect contact in social networks: Challenging common interpretations of the extended contact hypothesis.
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,
23(3), 441-461. Zingora, T.
, Stark, T. H., & Flache, A. (2020).
Who is most influential? Adolescents' intergroup attitudes and peer influence within a social network.
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,
23(5), 684–709. publicaties
de Jong, S., Stark, T. H., Di Stasio, V., & Verkuijten, M. (2020). Corona in de ban? Zeg het elkaar dan! Sociale netwerken bevorderen het naleven van de coronamaatregelen. Universiteit Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leszczensky, L.
, & Stark, T. H. (2019).
Understanding the causes and consequences of segregation in youth’s friendship networks: Opportunities and challenges for research. In P. F. Titzmann, & P. Jugert (Eds.),
Youth in Superdiverse Societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation (1 ed., pp. 233-248). (Studies in Adolescent Development). Routledge., T., Stark, T. H., & Verkuyten, M. (2019).
Negative intergroup contact and radical right-wing voting: The moderating roles of personal and collective self-efficacy.
Political Psychology,
40(5), 1057-1073. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Silber, H.
, Stark, T. H., Blom, A. G., & Krosnick, J. A. (2018).
Implementing a Multinational Study of Questionnaire Design. In T. P. Johnson, BE. Pennell, I. A. L. Stoop, & B. Dorer (Eds.),
Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) (pp. 161-179 ). Wiley., T. H. (2018).
Collecting Social Network Data. In D. L. Vannette, & J. A. Krosnick (Eds.),
The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research (1 ed., pp. 241-254 ). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Leszczensky, L., Flache, A.
, Stark, T. H., & Munniksma, A. (2018).
The relation between ethnic classroom composition and adolescents’ ethnic pride.
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,
21(7), 997-1013. publicaties
Stark, T. H. (2018). Een speelplek als ontmoetingsplek. In 95 jaar Plaswijckpark
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stark, T. H., Leszczensky, L., & Pink, S. (2017).
Are there differences in ethnic majority and minority adolescents' friendships preferences and social influence with regard to their academic achievement? Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft,
20(3), 475-498. Munniksma, A., Scheepers, P.
, Stark, T. H., & Tolsma, J. (2017).
The Impact of Adolescents' Classroom and Neighborhood Ethnic Diversity on Same- and Cross-Ethnic Friendships Within Classrooms.
Journal of Research on Adolescence,
27(1), 20-33. resultaten
Stark, T. H. (2017). Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects across Cultures: The norm of evenhandedness. Paper presented at AAPOR 72th Annual Conference, New Orleans (LA), United States.
Stark, T. H. (2017). Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects across Cultures.
Stark, T. H. (2017). Effects of a discussion-training intervention on culturally diverse students’ intercultural competences.
Stark, T. H. (2017). A Social Network Approach to Understanding the Extended Contact Hypothesis. Paper presented at EASP European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Krosnick, J. A.
, Stark, T. H., & Chiang, I-C. A. (2016).
The Two Core Goals of Political Psychology. In J. A. Krosnick, I-C. A. Chiang, & T. H. Stark (Eds.),
Political Psychology: New Explorations (1 ed.). (Frontiers of Social Psychology). Psychology Press., J. A., Chiang, I-C. A., & Stark, T. H. (Eds.) (2016). Political Psychology: New Explorations. (Frontiers of Social Psychology). Psychology Press.
Leszczensky, L.
, Stark, T. H., Flache, A., & Munniksma, A. (2016).
Disentangling the relation between young immigrants' host country identification and their friendships with natives.
Social Networks,
44, 179-189. resultaten
Stark, T. H. (Author), & Krosnick, J. A. (Author). (2016).
Graphical Ego-centered Network Survey Interface. Software Stark, T. H., Leszczensky, L., Flache, A., & Munniksma, A. (2016). The relation between ethnic classroom composition and adolescents’ ethnic pride. Paper presented at Cultural diversity, migration, and education, Potsdam, Germany.
Stark, T. H., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2016). A Social Network Approach to Understanding the Extended Contact Hypothesis. Paper presented at Dag van de sociologie , Tilburg, Netherlands.
Stark, T. H., Leszczensky, L., Flache, A., & Munniksma, A. (2016). Wie hängt die Identifikation mit der Aufnahmekultur unter Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund mit dem Entstehen von interethnischen Freundschaften zusammen?. Paper presented at Jahreskonferenz der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Germany.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Sangster, S. L., Bayly, M. K., Lawson, K. L., Krosnick, J. A., Silber, H., Stark, T., & Blom, A. (2015). A national survey of Canadians attitudes towards midwifery. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 33(3), E30-E31.
Bloom, A. G., Burton, J., Krosnick, J. A., Lynn, P., Jäckle, A., Oberski, D., Silber, H., & Stark, T. H. (2015). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results from Methodological Experiments. (Understanding Society Working Paper Series; Vol. 2015-3). Understanding Society.
Pasek, J.
, Stark, T. H., Krosnick, J. A., & Tompson, T. (2015).
What motivates a conspiracy theory? Birther beliefs, partisanship, liberal-conservative ideology, and anti-Black attitudes.
Electoral Studies,
40, 482–489., T. H. (2015).
Understanding the Selection Bias: Social Network Processes and the Effect of Prejudice on the Avoidance of Outgroup Friends.
Social Psychology Quarterly,
78(2), 127-150. Munniksma, A.
, Verkuijten, M., Flache, A.
, Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2015).
Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
44, 88-99., T. H., Mäs, M., & Flache, A. (2015).
Liking and disliking minority-group classmates: Explaining the mixed findings for the influence of ethnic classroom composition on interethnic attitudes.
Social Science Research,
50, 164-176. Overige resultaten
Stark, T. H., & Krosnick, J. A. (2015). A new survey tool for ego-centered networks. Abstract from AAPOR 70th Annual Conference, Hollywood, United States.
Stark, T. H., & Krosnick, J. A. (2015). A new survey tool for ego-centered networks. Abstract from Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Stark, T. H., Biancani, S., & McFarland, D. A. (2015). A Meeting of Minds: How Intellectual Integration Drives Social Integration. Abstract from Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Stark, T. H., & Krosnick, J. A. (2015). GENSI: A new survey tool. Abstract from ESRA , Reykjavik, Iceland.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pasek, J.
, Stark, T., Krosnick, J. A., Tompson, T., & Payne, B. K. (2014).
Attitudes toward blacks in the Obama era changing distributions and impacts on job approval and electoral choice, 2008-2012.
Public Opinion Quarterly,
78(S1), 276-302.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tolsma, J., van Deurzen, I.
, Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2013).
Who is bullying whom in ethnically diverse primary schools? Exploring links between bullying, ethnicity, and ethnic diversity in Dutch primary schools.
Social Networks,
35(1), 51-61., T. H., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013).
Generalization of Positive and Negative Attitudes Toward Individuals to Outgroup Attitudes.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
39(5), 608-622. Rambaran, A. J., Dijkstra, J. K.
, & Stark, T. H. (2013).
Status-Based Influence Processes: The Role of Norm Salience in Contagion of Adolescent Risk Attitudes.
Journal of Research on Adolescence,
23(3), 574-585., A.
, Stark, T. H., Verkuyten, M., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013).
Extended intergroup friendships within social settings: The moderating role of initial outgroup attitudes.
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,
16(6), 752-770.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stark, T. H., & Flache, A. (2012).
The Double Edge of Common Interest: Ethnic Segregation as an Unintended Byproduct of Opinion Homophily.
Sociology of Education,
85(2), 179-199. 2011
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stark, T. (2011). Integration in Schools. A Process Perspective on Students’ Interethnic Attitudes and Interpersonal Relationships. Ridderprint.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Stocke, V.
, & Stark, T. (2007).
Political involvement and memory failure as interdependent determinants of vote overreporting.
Applied Cognitive Psychology,
21(2), 239-257.