Dr. Taylor Annabell

Molengraaff Instituut voor privaatrecht

Taylor Annabell is a postdoctoral researcher of the ERC Starting Grant HUMANads. She collaborates with a multidisciplinary team of legal scholars, computer scientists and media studies scholars to examine practices of monetisation on social media platforms.

Her research concerns the interplay between processes of platformisation, monetisation and dataification and people’s practices, labour and meaning-making as part of their everyday lives and professional endeavours. She examines how algorithmic systems, platform interfaces and governance by platforms shape possibilities for different types of end-users including influencers, and how these actors, in turn, conceptualise, approach and navigate platforms based on personal, social, economic and political values.

Before joining Utrecht University, she was a research associate at the University of Leeds and the University of Sheffield for the Generic Visuals in the News project. She received her PhD from the Culture, Media and Creative Industries Department at King’s College London and Master of Communication Studies (1st Class Hons) from Auckland University of Technology.