I am a tenured Assistant Professor of Development and Education of Youth in Diverse Societies. My expertise is in the field of cultural diversity and inclusion in education, with a specific focus on dialogical perspectives.
My research interests include community-based educational initiatives and parenting support, ethnic and religious identity formation, multilingualism in children, and faith-based youth work. My current projects focus on interventions countering polarization in education, parental participation in diverse schools, and mosque-based parenting support for families with a Turkish background in the Netherlands. In my work, I use qualitative methodology and adopt a multidisciplinary approach to studying issues of cultural diversity and learning. I welcome invitations for collaboration on these topics.
Previously for my Ph.D. research at the University of Amsterdam, I investigated the portrayal and practice (i.e. organization, learning goals, content, curriculum, and pedagogies) of mosque education in the Turkish Islamic communities in the Netherlands, with special attention to the role played by this non-formal religious education in the identity negotiation of the Turkish-Dutch children. Ongoing projects are described under the research tab.
Project-overarching problems, issues, and questions I am working with currently:
I am a founder of ISPED: Research Network on Islamic Pedagogies and Education that brings together international experts in the field. Besides, I am part of the network of the American Educational Research Association, the Comparative and International Education Society, and the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies.